سكان أهالي تل أندة في عكار يقطعون الطريق الدولية بين لبنان وسوريا
Read this story in Englishقطع أهالي قرية تل أندة في سهل عكار الطريق الدولية بين لبنان وسوريا، احتجاجا على توقيف أحد أبناء القرية سامر أحمد النعيم في سوريا من قبل السلطات السورية.
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام أن الأهالي أقاموا خيمة اعتصام على الطريق، مؤكدين انهم لن لن يزيلوها إلا بعد إطلاق النعيم.
وقد تدخلت قوة من الجيش في محاولة لاعادة فتح الطريق، الا ان الأهالي رفضوا ذلك، وعمد بعضهم إلى رشق القوة بالحجارة، ما اضطر عناصر الجيش إلى استخدام القنابل المسيلة للدموع.
hzebos do just the same when it happens to them... and don t give a f... to the army
yes no comparison indeed. they plant tents and use pellets while hezbos use guns, block the roads to the international airport and so on, no comparison indeed...who is the thug? lol...
soooo funny in trying to defend your iranian friends more than defending lebanese arrested by a foreign country, pityful and ridiculous FT...
That's funny bro, yet you support a group that basically spits in the army's face let alone acts like they're the government. I'm confused...hmm uneducated responses, is it really limited to them alone? food for thought.
lol, who says I have any master? I find your greatest weakness is you ASSume I have one, frankly I don't. IF they were working jointly with the army then why on earth did HA do nothing when the kidnappings were happening, and as soon as there's a weapons depot explosion in Bekaa, the army was not allowed enter? That doesn't sound like working together to me.
el zo3ran zo3ran. I don't care if they belong to m14 or m8. Arrest those felons and try them.
Here's some interesting stuff. Looks like Hezbo is having som interesting internal debates....