الحريري: للمشاركة في تشييع الحسن الذي حمى لبنان من تفجيرات الأسد
Read this story in Englishدعا رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري جميع اللبنانيين الى المشاركة يوم غد الأحد في تشييع الشهيد العميد وسام الحسن الذي اغتيل أمس الجمعة في منطقة الأشرفية.
وقال الحريري في كلمة متلفورة له: وسام الحسن هو وسام على صدر الشمال والجنوب وبيروت، هو وسام على صدر كل لبنان".
وأكد الحريري أن غدا هو "يوم الصدق مع لبنان، وللقول أن الذي قتل وسام الحسن لن يستطيع ان يقتل لبنان".
وأضاف الحريري: الحسن هو الذي حمى اللبنانيين جميعا من تفجيرات بشار الأسد وعلي مملوك".
كما طلب الحريري من المواطينين بعدم قطع الطرقات "لأنكم أبطال السلم".
وخلص القول: غدا سيرقد وسام الحسن الى جانب رفيق الحريري في ساحة الشهداء".
واغتيل الحسن ومرافقه المؤهل أحمد صهيوني في إنفجار هز الأشرفية بعد ظهر امس الجمعة، ما أدى الى سقوط ما بين 3 و8 قتلى (حيث تضاربت المعلومات عن عدد القتلى) وجرح اكثر من 100 شخص.
وتشهد العديد من المناطق اللبنانية اعتصامات وتظاهرات وقطع طرق بالإطارات المشتعلة احتجاجا على اغتيال الحسن وللمطالة باستقالة رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي.
I'd like to see where you'd be if your father got blown up to high heaven and you life (just like his) is directly threatened. Talk is cheap.
Flaming A-hole... First of all, you know nothing about Saad's personal finances and fortunes, so shut the eff up. Secondly, he has not "squandered whatever credentials his father gathered" either. This is exactly like the character assassination the coward deserter ex-general regurgitated against al-Hassan before his murder. He was given instructions to villify al-Hassan by his partners-in-crime, prior to the assassination, which makes him a collaborator to the crime.
The bombing of al-Hassan is proof of the dangers Saad Hariri is still facing if he returns to Lebanon. Only M14 members are targeted, and intercepted intelligence has verified the intentions of Assad regime and Iran to continue the assassinations.
When your opponent is an armed-to-the-teeth criminal hiding where no one can reach him ..... then he is doing the right thing. And when you vilify a coward and defend a murderer, that speaks volumes about you.
FT how do you like idolizing your master who single handedly took down hizbocraps popularity in the world to zero and who has caused his sect its worst crisis in recent history?
I did not assume this side or the other. I just assumed his life is threatened / by whom - no clue. He values life - no wrong in that.
The first proved dumb... I say it's time for a new and improved cedar resolution. Let's solve our internal problems before all. Let's make sure all wants to build a state as opposed to destabilize one.
My good friend - before you read between the lines, you have to read the actual lines. The first as in the first revolution - I was not insulting anyone. The reason why I allow myself to call it as such goes like this: 2x - 1x; where 1 refers to the Syrian troupes the first revolution expelled, 2 corresponds to a linear combination of Syrian intelligence officers and 'legit' warriors of the mighty lord getting not only arms and monetary support from/through Syria but also order; and x is an unknown ;)
I was referring to the first revolution as 'dumb' not yourself. I allow myself to call the first revolution dumb because what good is it to get 100 Syrians out if we still have a fully armed army under a yellow banner which acts on their behalf?
ya dami,what about selling lebanon to iran and bashar.Is that acceptable to you? Mr. hariri should come to leb even if the risk is high.We need our leaders to strike back at this terorist attack.
It's not clear whether this is a popular funeral for all those who were killed or just one funeral for Wissam el Hassan. It's kind of disrespectful and inappropriate to talk about one person when several innocent people were killed. They all equally deserve dignity and justice.
Time is running out and we need an armed struggle against hozshaytan but it get hold of all our cedar revolution movement. It is happening in front of our eyes and M14 still wasting time sweet talking.
I think time is in favor of those who support building a State. Once the tentacles of Iran and Syria are pruned (hopefully by next summer), then it becomes a more leveled field internally and the voice of the moderate and the patriot will become dominant. At least I hope so for the sake of Lebanon and peace loving Lebanese.
dami, the only one who is a coward is the one residing in his bunker deep underground 24/7. Nasrallah, your time will come!!! If the Israeli's won't do it and we know they won't because in secret you are both allies, then FSA of Syria will.
Dami - your talk lacks credibility. How many 000s of dollars have HB give your inbred family to support them?
Time for the liberation from hezbshaytan. We need to carry our guns proudly and defend our nation against the Iranian evils
M14 last chance and hence Lebanon to chance to prove that we are ready for the big fight
The infrastructure and system is infiltrated and has cancer from the 30yrs Syrian occupation, they left us SSNP-Kawmi Souri, Baath and Hizbollah to sucking and using the Government properties to build his own snooping mini-state, this is the sole reason why USA and the west will not arm and strengthen the state because it will cost a lot to get rid of the cancer(i.e. what the Syrian people are going through today). How can anyone sustain a normal life and remain in Lebanon if it is very clear and obvious that the cancer is going to reach them sooner or later? The Brained washed will believe that Botros Harb, Ja3Ja3, and Hassan assassinations attempts is a lie and are still accusing Israel, It is time to take a stand re-arm and begin the cleaning journey.
Saad knows exactly who killed his Dad and who is targeting him, he does not need you to tell him who is after him. And if the Mossad/CIA were after him he would go hide in Iran (don't you think). Meanwhile go grow some brains and spare us your partisan and idiotic comments please.
And if Israel has the motive as you proclaim isn't it strange that they have not murdered anyone from M8 (does that mean the so called resistance is in bed with Israel? No matter how you slice it, your theory does not hold any water. Syria got away with killing 100s of our leaders throughout the last 50 years and they thought killing Harriri would pass just like all others, fortunately for Lebanon this was not the case this time and Syrian army left but they knew they can always rely on their surrogates and proteges to do the dirty work for them.
You are right in that M14 needs brains and balls F.T.
Unlike M8, they need neither because the Iranian and Syrian regimes do the thinking for them and they provide them with balls as needed.
Saad Hariri, BYEKFEH TESHBI7. Come back home and face the music with your followers instead of running away like the coward that you are. You are not more precious or more important or more worthy than they. A leader never abandons his people, coward.
You Sunnis should get a better figurehead. He resides in 5-Star hotels in France, wears $4000 Western Business suits and will never spend another day in Lebanon in your lifetime. His job now is representing Saudi and American(Israeli) interests. Can't you find anybody who actually lives in Lebanon to speak for you and be your leader?
Does anyone else get the feeling Saad Hariri may make a surprise appearance at today's funeral?
I agree with you postscenium but a real leader who wants to inspire and lead his people stands at the front of the line , and I don't mean the front of the line for the chairlift. Saad is no leader so let him hide in Europe.