شباب 14 آذار يعتصمون في ساحة الشهداء وينصبون الخيم أمام السراي مطالبين بإسقاط الحكومة

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نفذ شباب قوى 14 آذار اعتصاما في ساحة الشهداء، للتعبير عن غضبهم إثر اغتيال رئيس شعبة المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي العميد وسام الحسن، ومطالبة بإسقاط الحكومة.

وقد استهل الاعتصام بكلمة للاعلامية مي شدياق التي قالت "إن من يتكلم عن طائفية الجريمة فكلامه مردود وانتهينا من زمن أكل حقنا".

وأضافت: "اليوم سمعنا بنصف استقالة وبنصف حوار وبنصف استيعاب، ولكن ما نريده نحن هو الحرية ونصف، وأن نكون جميعنا متساوين أمام القانون وتسليم السلاح الى سلطة الدولة اللبنانية".

بدوره قال النائب احمد فتفت: "سيادة هذا البلد ليست للمساومة ولا أمنه واللواء الشهيد لم يكن يجيد المساومة ولذلك قتلوه"، داعيا "شباب 14 آذار الوقوف الى جانب القوى السيادية".

كما دعا فتفت "جميع اللبنانيين الى اوسع مشاركة غدا"، قائلا: "أنتم أبطال التحرك السلمي والتحرك المدني الديمقراطي، فافتحوا الطرقات لكي يصل كل اللبنانيين الى ساحة الشهداء.

وأضاف: "أنتم صادقون وغدا هو يوم الصدق مع لبنان ومع النفس، وبوقفتكم غدا في ساحة الشهداء تقولون ان الكذب لن ينتصر على الصدق".

وأكد فتفت "لن نرضى أبدا بعودة النظام السوري - الإيراني إلى لبنان"، مطالبا بـ"عدم تغطية هذه العودة باستمرار نجيب ميقاتي في منصبه".

وكانت توجهت قوى 14 آذار في بيان تلاه نائب كتلة المستقبل نهاد المشنوق الى اللبنانيين لحثهم على المشاركة في تظاهرة عصر اليوم السبت عند الخامسة من بعد الظهر لاسقاط حكومة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي التي تتحمل المسؤولية المباشرة لاغتيال الحسن.

كما دعت الى طرد السفير السوري علي عبدالكريم علي من لبنان واسقاط السلاح.

وطالبت المنظمات الشبابية في 14 آذار، المجتمع الدولي بتحمل مسؤولياته تجاه لبنان.

ورأت ان "الواجب الوطني يفرض اليوم أن ننتفض على حالة القتل ونذهب بكل جرأة وشجاعة من شرور النظام السوري والايراني".

واغتيل الحسن ومرافقه المؤهل أحمد صهيوني في إنفجار هز الأشرفية بعد ظهر امس الجمعة، وادى الانفجار الى سقوط ما بين 3 و8 قتلى (حيث تضاربت المعلومات عن عدد القتلى) وجرح اكثر من 100 شخص.

وشهدت العديد من المناطق اللبنانية قطع طرقات بالإطارت المشتعلة استنكارا.

التعليقات 37
Missing jayjay 13:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Hope this will be the beginning of something big to get rid of the all Agents in Lebanon from all kinds and views starting with the Syrians and Iranians...

Missing jayjay 16:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

@Galiboun... shou ghalabet inta bisharafak... mish 3emil shi with your life illa mwarrat wledak fardak w the slogan "Labayka ya Nassrallah" just like what your forefathers did...

Missing jayjay 16:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

yes FT and what a triumph that was...how many dead again? what was the cost? human and otherwise...remind us please

Missing jayjay 17:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Israeli Lover??? LOL yes so everyone against HA is an Israeli lover and anyone against Syria is a traitor... Again i will repeat for those dumb and dumber people out there... We are surrounded by Enemies... Just like Israel is our enemy so is Assad's Syria... At least M14 says that while you go stick your head up Asaad's ass.. hiopefully it gets blown up while your head is up there.. enough said..
and what dignity? yours or Lebanon's? or is it palestine, Syria and Iran's dignity? spare us your "wise words" enough is enough

Missing peace 19:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

don t worry jayjay when we say that israel is an enemy AS syria is it doesn t fit their binary minds: they bug and resort to insults...

let us pity their weak minds instaed....

Thumb lebnanfirst 20:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Shove your false pride, honor and dignity where the sun doesn't shine. This is the dinosaur attitude that is keeping our beloved Lebanon from rising from the ashes. People like you and FT are what keep us labeled as a 3rd world country when other Lebanese have all the capabilities, education and abilities to propel Lebanon positively on the world's stage.
Khayyi you like war and fighting, go to Syria or Iran and indulge. Leave the rest of us in peace.

Missing ulpianus 00:39 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Just remind me. Why are we exactly talking about israel here? Jayjay said ALL agents from all kinds. Yes including israeli ones but even more important, the syrian ones that have haunted us for decades. Sometimes when you have enemies from your own family, they are more dangerous than "outsiders" as I see the israelis compared to the Syrians.

Missing postscenium 10:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

FT and dami are you guys serious?
Not one bridge left standing... Sure Iran refunds the losses in the Southern suburb - but who rebuilds the rest of the country? All for a sense of false pride and honor?
The Israelis were toying with us. Min kil 3a'ilkon if they wanted to invade anyone on the planet would be able to stop them? You call this victory? Really?

Default-user-icon guest (ضيف) 20:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Why don't you go back to Persia dummy

Missing helicopter 02:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

That is what you are here for (rid Lebanon of Saudi/Israel/US)... go ahead you got my blessing there. Our job is to take care of Iranian and Syrian presence because we can not count on you there (they are your beloved).

Default-user-icon Orthodoxeh (ضيف) 03:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

saudi ,US or israel dont have revolutionary dirty bearded agents from their country in lebanon,,they dont send us weapons and money,they dont send us orders..no one from our political side pledges allegiance to any of those countries unlike hassouna abo dwaleeb who pledges his allegiance to the wizard ali baba khomeini in iran,,we dont assassinated our brothers n sisters in our country to appease syria and iran,,see the difference pendejo?

Missing agaribaldi 13:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

It is the Hizbolah assasination squad team again acting in cohut with syrian Intelligence. The party of resistance is really the party of destroying Lebanon and all its forms of Government! It is time for all the Lebanese to rally against this murderous terrorist group!
No more hiding behind that Resistance Bullshit, enough is enough.
Enough killing, enough dictatorships, enough emasculation attempts on the rest of the Lebanese who don't agree with that Wilayat al batikh-Assad-hizbollah axis. WE WANT TO LIVE FREE AN BE FREE!

No Lebanese will tolerate the dicatatorship of guns against the principles of democracy and freedom. The hell with the Ayatollahs of death jerking off in Tehran and we have to pay the price. It is about time for enlightined Shiaa to rise up agianst the demagogue Nasrallah and his Wilayat al batikh click. It is about time for the proud Iranian people to rise up against the Ayatollahs of death and cowardness, in the name of religion.

Missing visitor99 14:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Nicely said Mr.

Missing helicopter 02:26 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Funny thing about you is you sell yourself to foreign powers, murder your country's leaders and then lie about it.

Missing postscenium 10:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

FT - you seem to know your drugs well hombre :) First crack now LSD? What's next, I wonder...

Missing jayjay 15:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

@dami...because you dont see saudi/USA/Israel bombing Lebanese just because they oppose their views...
and Galiboun.. you are the Scum of all scum...please again i tell you go do your JIHAD DUTY w 7il 3an tizna inta w your representatives

Missing jayjay 16:55 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

they bombed because they opposed our views??? or was it because HA took a few Israeli soldiers???

Thumb lebnanfirst 20:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Enough with the none sense. No one believes that the US or Israel are angels but you and your ilk's logic is really twisted.
I am sure you remember the Lebanon of the 60s up to the early 70s when we were successful at staying neutral. The middle class was prosperous, most people had disposable income and enjoyed life. Then the Palestinians started their ill fated instigation of Lebanon and Israel followed by Iran creating HA in the 80s all of which sent Lebanon skidding helplessly into our current situation.
You can try and use history and say but this did this and that did that but all those details will not change the above historical facts that led us here. Death begets death, period. Spare us the honor and dignity bullshit.

Missing maroun 23:56 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

FT i dont like Israel or Syria they are both our enemy.dont forget your glorious Hizb started the 2006 war not Israel.every country has the right to defend itself

Default-user-icon Rana (ضيف) 10:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Dami, I have read many comments on here and never felt the need to reply,but this time I will. Because it happens to be that in our religion meeting force by force is not the right thing to do, meeting blood by blood is even worse. We tried it in te civil war, all christians fought each other and where did that lead us ??? the formation of Hizbullah in the 80s and then all hell broke loose ever since we started the civil war.So for once ppl wake up and smell the truth, don't defend palastenians from Lebanon,don't defend Syria from Lebanon, hell don't even defend Lebanon in here, because you are not the only lebanese in Lebanon. We have the right to refuse HA, just like we gave our weapons it is time u give urs, and if you don't see it that way now, u never will and what is worse is that we looked at carrying arms and having a military dection as defending and protecting our country supposedly from "Israel" everyone would have his own militia, you think thats the right way to live????

Missing jayjay 15:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

and you never see any M14 official saying thank you Saudi Arabia, Thank you USA, THANK YOU ISRAEL???...bisharfkon..stop saying saudi/usa/israel... its the same rhetoric over and over again..and if you read my posts, i (and all M14 officials) always say we are surrounded by enemies...the time has come for M8 to say the same.. Assad is not Lebanon's ally..FULL STOP

Missing jayjay 16:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

who was it that did that again? was it a business man or was it M14 all together??? God man... bisharafak... Aoun thanks Syria everyday ...especially since "Syria has no interest in Lebanon now that their army left"..
AND We all know that HA is in bed with Syria and Iran so no need to comment on that

Missing jayjay 17:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

I believe that if we leave Israel alone, we will be left alone... Just like if we leave Syria sort its mess and defend our border like a country should, Syria will leave us alone..., why is it that Lebanon has to suffer for any cause that has nothing to do with Lebanon itself... Where is syria in the palestinian cause? Where is Jordan and Egypt?
On another note, I would hate to see HA's arsenal go to waste.. I would love for HA to become a 'military wing' under the leadership of Lebanon's army.
Let me ask you this, what do you think will happen if HA keeps doing what it's doing now, helping the regime in Syria fight a fight that they as a resistance have nothing to do with, bombing Syria from lebanon's territory? What's so divine about that? more weapons begets more weapons and we are starting to see that,,, the salafis already started arming themselves in Lebanon....

Missing jayjay 17:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

So u tell me where do you think Lebanon will be in 1 year or 2 years.. What about ur children? I have children and have thank god pulled them out of Lebanon..would you condone your children carrying arms or books?

Missing jayjay 17:55 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

And thank you for the respect you show in your comments unlike other people

Missing jayjay 18:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Yes Aoun thanks Syria everyday!

Missing jayjay 18:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Nothing you say has any meaning whatsoever... Idiot, crackhead, poor this and poor that... and all these silly comments show how pathetic and petty you are... Why are you so frustrated? Easen up little boy... This website is for debating politics and not name calling...Respect is earned and not given... And you have not once in any of your comments earned any respect whatsoever..

Missing helicopter 02:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

I thought you were educated? Why do you spew illiteracy in your comments?

Missing helicopter 02:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

I think other Lebanese will be less inclined to carry arms and become more united. I think the Government and the army will get stronger. I think we can then talk about forming a National Resistance movement under the command of the army that includes all Lebanese and is not sectarian in nature. Such a resistance will support the army in defending Lebanon from all intruders whether it is Syria or Israel (not just Israel). I think we can gain more international endorsements and be stronger player in the U.N. I think Lebanon will be much better off and become economically stronger.

This was a great question dami, thanks for asking.

Missing jayjay 15:50 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

AND if Hibullah has any self respect, they should get far away as possible from Assad..Assad will burn Syria (and Lebanon) before he leaves...i don't believe he can do that if HA for once says NO we wont help...

Missing peace 16:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

that is the pb with hezbos, their arrogance and they think that because they are heavily armed they are invincible... but as the myth says trying to approach the sun too close you burn your wings...and that is what is going to make hezbi fall...

Default-user-icon jeanne (ضيف) 16:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

i wish all the lebanese people think like u. get smart and see where we r. stop those 14 ,8 ,16,22 .stop! just stop! no one is good for lebanon.
they never been ,they r not and they will Never Ever be! the Heros r Iran ans Saudi,they do whatever they want using politicians like muppets.

Default-user-icon Love_lebanon_or_leave (ضيف) 20:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

for the idiot Flamethrower and others on this discussion Israel can bomb Lebanon out of existence, not HA or others can stop it; the only thing that holding them back is politics. when every person in Lebanon have the interest of the country in their hearts ahead of any thing else whether religion or political associations to other countries then there will be peace in Lebanon. by the way I don't like Israel the Palestinian or Syrian. I only love Lebanon.

Default-user-icon peace_lover (ضيف) 20:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

lately what good came out of people in the middle east and what did they invented or contributed to society, it is all about religion war and killing each others.they let themselves controlled by outsiders and they get sold and bought like goats.

Default-user-icon steve (ضيف) 23:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

u sunni bitches under suadi control remember one thing shia never are told what to do by anyone under turkish or french rule we never submited to the master while we were dying for are land you were sleeping with the enemy

Default-user-icon onlyleb (ضيف) 09:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

There are two things syrian regime and sionists agree on: screwing lebanon and avoid direct confrontation 2006 is just the most obvious example
They attacked us to avoid the fall of the Assad regime who was in a serious trouble in 2006: 50k soldiers kicked out, no more foreign currencies from Lebanon and a lack of international supports even Russia and China were not against a soft regime change, internal troubles at the highest rank of the state and then the israelis attacked us and two months later by a mere magic Assad was the guy everybody wants to befriend, he became like his father the guarantee of stability in the region, he attracted foreign investment and money started to flow in (30B$ foreign investments in 2007, only 2B$ in 2005)…
Bottom line if we stay divided we will remain weak and we will be the pawns of whoever is surrounding us, if us as lebanese don't trust our brothers we will always pave the way for us being screwed repeatedly and will never have a peaceful future

Default-user-icon PierreNN (ضيف) 11:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

This is my first post on Naharnet.

I would just like to address FLAMETHROWER...

You are truly the most ignorant, biased, and full of $hit person I have ever come across. I mean come on man, do you really in your right mind believe of the bull$hit that comes out of you??

Grow up for fcks sake