اوساط ميقاتي تستغرب تحميله دم العميد الحسن من قبل 14 آذار وتقارير عن نيته بالاستقالة
Read this story in Englishاستغربت اوساط رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، تحميله مسؤولية دم رئيس شعبة المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي العميد وسام الحسن، في حين افادت معلومات صحافية ان ميقاتي ابلغ رئيس مجلس النواب انه يفكر فعلاً في الاستقالة.
ونقلت صحيفة "الاخبار" عن مصادر مطلعة ان بيان قوى 14 آذار امس الجمعة، اصاب ميقاتي بـ"احباط شديد"، لافتة الى انه كان قد ابلغ بري أنه يفكر فعلاً في الاستقالة.
في حين استغربت أوساط ميقاتي عبر الصحيفة تحميله مسؤولية دم الحسن، مشيرة الى أن ميقاتي هو من حمى الحسن في عز الحملات عليه.
الى ذلك لفتت مصادر ميقاتي عبر "الاخبار" إلى أنه يجري مشاوات داخلية وخارجية لاتخاذ الموقف المناسب.
وحملت قوى 14 آذار في بيانها امس الجمعة اثر اجتماع استثنائي عقدته في بيت الوسط، "رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي شخصياً، بالدور الذي ارتضاه لنفسه، مسؤولية دماء العميد الشهيد وسام الحسن ودماء الأبرياء الذين سقطوا في الأشرفية، وتحميل الحكومة مجتمعة المسؤولية السياسية والأخلاقية الكاملة للمخطط الرامي لضرب الاستقرار ومن ضمنه هذه الجريمة النكراء".
وطالبت القوى، الحكومة بالرحيل، داعية "رئيس الحكومة شخصيا مدعو إلى تقديم استقالته فوراً"، مشيرة الى ان "بقاء هذه الحكومة يشكل أعلى درجات الحماية للمجرمين والتغطية لهذا المخطط الإجرامي".
الى ذلك، نقلت "الاخبار" عن مصادر أن قوى 14 آذار "تضغط على الحكومة بين سقفين، الأول عال وهو دعوة الحكومة إلى الاستقالة، وسقف ثان أدنى يمثل مطلبها الحقيقي الذي تريد تحقيقه وهو دخول الحكومة وتسلّم الحقائب الأمنية فيها".
من جانبها نقلت صحيفة "اللواء" عن اوساط ميقاتي قولها انه بات يشعر بأنه يحمل "كرة نار"، وأنه سيدعو كل الأطراف للتفاهم على حكومة وحدة وطنية تنقذ البلاد من هذا الانقسام الخطير، والاصطفاف السياسي والطائفي في البلاد.
واغتيل رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي وسام الحسن ومرافقه المؤهل أحمد صهيوني في إنفجار هز الأشرفية بعد ظهر امس الجمعة، وادى الانفجار الى سقوط ما بين 3 و8 قتلى (حيث تضاربت المعلومات عن عدد القتلى) وجرح اكثر من 100 شخص.
mikati should go, otherwise let him forget of staying in Lebanon. it is unacceptable to stay to cover for the murderous acts of his colleagues in the cabinet and in syria.
lik skot !!! 3ama shu hmar w shu a3ma ! ma fee 7ada illa ma bya3rif inno this is an order from syria !! and the allies of syria are M8 !!! she hel response il habal !!
shut up you are getting boring defending your friends and bashar...
and drowning each time in your BS....
Why didn't M14 resign? well lets see because the assassinations were done by Hizbullah and its "honorable" allies, Syria and Iran. Once again if you are saying Syria is your prime suspect then Hizbullah is automatically integrated with them! Therefore Hizbullah and any Syria loyalists should not be a part of the Lebanese government since they are the ones destroying it!
how many pro Syrian politicians were killed during this period? Anyhow, this has been the most useless and ineffectual government in the history of this country--it should resign in protest in how bad it has performed anyhow.
Resigning now is the only honorable thing to do for Miqati. Otherwise demonstrations will escalate until Cedar Revolution #2 becomes a reality.
No to a "salvation government". Follow the constitution, which requires the parliament to pick a new PM, and the new PM can form his own cabinet.
Mikati is a figure head of a Hizbollah-Assad cabinet, a cabinet formed by a criminal organization and a criminal regime. He was a respected politician before he turned against M14 and the Cedar Revolution crowd and became a marionette played by Hizb to cover its crimes and legitimize its militia that is bankrupting Lebanon economically, socially and intellectually. He should resign, not to be replaced by M14, since they too proved sterile and stuck in old ways, but with a cabinet of technocrats supported by few honest politicians that all Lebanese respect.
Personally, I would nominate you to head the long sought after ideal government that will have neither March Eight nor March Fourteen, but March In-Between! I think you must convert first, though, unless you will drive the long sought after change to our constitution. Would you partner with the reformist feudal warlord Walid Beik? He's a nice guy, and your typical March In-Between. No? Any prospects?
il faut redonner les ministeres de la defence et de l'interieur au president de la republique. cette formule avait fonctionner avant la formation du dernier gouvernement.
Mr.Mikati,,,,,the then Prime Minister Omar Karame resigned after the assasination of Former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri knowing his responsibility is bigger than him.
Now,,use your own judgement.Don't take sides now that the ball is in your court.
What you gonna do to raise up a beautiful country that is now shattered in a million pieces.
Lebanon is a beautiful place to live.
This country needs now Martial Law under the direct command of President Suleiman...yalla Miqati, you and your incompetent ministers need to go home...it is time to clean up the mess once and for all!!!
The best way to question March 14 is to question the "assassins" known as the 4 innocent generals who, it turned out after 4 years of a charade, had nothing to do with any assassination. Actually, the mother of all illegal STLs is itself yet to solve one such assassination. These good-for-nothing battery-operated remotely-controlled characters are so good they are yet to solve one "non-political assassination."
Resign and do what? Hariri will return? or what? they stayed 6 months to find mikati. Who do they want? Karami? or they want to stay without a government? What does M14 want? just complain? Let them join the gouvernment and work as a team instead of constantly complaining.
All of Bashar's associates in Lebanon should be trialed... and Mikati is one of them!
We will NOT forget what you din not do for Lebanon!
This government has lost its parliamentary majority, therefore if the PM does not resign, Parliament should vote it down (vote of non confidence). This is true democracy.
It is the Hizbolah assasination squad team again acting in cohut with syrian Intelligence. The party of resistance is really the party of destroying Lebanon and all its forms of Government! It is time for all the Lebanese to rally against this murderous terrorist group!
No more hiding behind that Resistance Bullshit, enough is enough.
Enough killing, enough dictatorships, enough emasculation attempts on the rest of the Lebanese who don't agree with that Wilayat al batikh-Assad-hizbollah axis. WE WANT TO LIVE FREE AN BE FREE!
No Lebanese will tolerate the dicatatorship of guns against the principles of democracy and freedom. The hell with the Ayatollahs of death jerking off in Tehran and we have to pay the price. It is about time for enlightined Shiaa to rise up agianst the demagogue Nasrallah and his Wilayat al batikh click. It is about time for the proud Iranian people to rise up against the Ayatollahs of death and cowardness, in the name of religion.
Mr prime minister, you and our president are merely symbols who can not even order cleaners to clean toilets. How are you suppose to run our country. It is a sad state. Ayatollahs and Assads associates in Lebanon will soon be hiding in caves. Inshallah
Guys, think abt it Hezbollah has the power to kill anyone it wants, whenever it wants.. So does this mean that next time they will want the m14 gvt to resign, they'll plant a bomb, kill a m14 figure (or m8) if it increases their chances of success, and ask for the gvt to resign? All that of course with the cover michel aoun and FT who will be barking abt it??
Not so sure abt the Mikati resignation.. I am not sure that if m14 were in the gvt, they would have been able to stop the crime.
Hasan, Lebanon RIP!