أردوغان: الطائرة السورية التي تم اعتراضها كانت تحمل ذخيرة الى دمشق

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أكد رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان الخميس، أن طائرة الركاب السورية التي تم اعتراضها مساء الاربعاء في تركيا اثناء توجهها من موسكو الى دمشق كانت تنقل "ذخيرة" ومعدات عسكرية الى دمشق.

وقال اردوغان في خطاب متلفز، أن حمولة طائرة الايرباص 320 كانت تشمل "معدات وذخيرة مرسلة الى وزارة الدفاع السورية" من مصنع روسي لانتاج العتاد العسكري.

ولم يشر رئيس الحكومة التركية الى اسم المورد الروسي لكنه اوضح ان الامر يتعلق بالمرادف الروسي للمنتج التركي الذي يتكون منه الجزء الاكبر من عتاد الجيش التركي.

كذلك لم يحدد اردوغان مصدر المعلومات الاستخباراتيه التي قررت السلطات التركية بموجبها اعتراض طائرة شركة الخطوط الجوية السورية وارغامها على الهبوط في مطار انقرة.

واوضح اردوغان ان المعدات التي صادرتها تركيا من الطائرة خلال هذا التوقف القسري ما زالت تخضع لفحص دقيق من قبل السلطات التركية المختصة.

واثر هذا الحادث، أعلنت وزارة الخارجية الروسية الخميس أنها طلبت من أنقرة توضيحات لاسباب اعتراض الطائرة السورية واتهمت تركيا بـ"تعريض من عليها من ركاب روس للخطر". كما نفت السلطات الروسية وجود اسلحة في الطائرة.

من جانبها، اعتبرت دمشق ان هذا الحادث "مؤشر اضافي على السياسة العدائية التي تنتهجها حكومة اردوغان" ضد سوريا.

التعليقات 12
Thumb bigsami 20:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

And the Russian hypocrites warn all not to interfere. Talking about ethical egoism!

Missing gabby6 20:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

Put the arms on TV for the world to see what Russia is providing the mass murderer to kill more.

Missing abraham 21:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

if there is any?

Default-user-icon Robert (ضيف) 22:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

they cant play that game with Russia,turkey is lost between WEST and Russia,they want secure the election by satisfying inside and west,but mean while they know very well playing with Russian bear with fire can cause some serious damage to his interest in the region,this was a fault information from CIA to Turkish intelligent,which russia made fun of them both

Missing samiam 20:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 11

as are the iranians, and they are in syria in droves as well as their agents/mercenaries who shall be dying doing their 'jihadist duties'.

can't wait to hear that expanation.

Missing samiam 09:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

actually they do---they are telling everyone not to send weapons and now they are caught redhanded. It give others to either give aid to the rebels or take other measure to prevent weapons from reaching the regime.

Missing peace 12:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

mowaten: you only forget that a state has no right to murder and shell its own people... that normally is reserved to the enemy... so you approve that a state regards its own citizens as enemies, never shelling its true enemy israel but cowardly killing its citizens! it goes against all international laws and treaties!
it s called crime against humanity....

Missing peace 15:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

ANY dictatorship call those who rise against them terrorists... nothing new under the sun and you don t want to see more than that, poor syrian supporters...

Thumb fero 10:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

turkey has not revealed what was on the pplane ..and it is known that everything on the plane was on the planes manifest ..so this action by turkey was useless , this was simply them being paranoid and once they found nothing they came up with this excuse so they dont seem silly. they treated the passengers badly and now must find a way to justify this action that is why they are doing this

Thumb rover98 14:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

Russia has overstepped its mark by supporting the indiscriminate murder of Syrians by Assad. It must be that these dictators stick together in good times and bad.

Missing peace 15:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

syria just wants to drag turkey into war to justify the use of hezbos and iran! they are desperate coz they see they cannot win. so better a huge scale war to defend the regime than losing power.
who will suffer collateral damage? lebanon with the benediction of M8!

Missing peace 17:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 12

oh!! seems your alzheimer has taken you again! you forgot how it all started with the syrian shellings of turkey? lol.... you are so biased