الحكومة تستدعي القادة الأمنيين لبحث عمليات الخطف وتقر خطة بـ1.6 مليار دولار لدعم الجيش
Read this story in Englishأقر مجلس الوزراء عصر الأربعاء قانون برنامج على مدى خمس سنوات بقيمة 1,6 مليار دولار من أجل تجهيز الجيش وتسليحه.
وأفادت قناة الـ"MTV" خلال جلسة للمجلس في قصر بعبدا "أول دفعة للجيش ستكون مئة مليون ليرة عام 2013".
وهذه الخطة تهدف إلى تحقيق عتاد وتجهيزات وبنى تحتية ملحة لمصلحة الجيش.
من جهة أخرى، تم استدعاء قادة الاجهزة العسكرية والامنية الى الجلسة للبحث في عمليات الخطف.
وكان قد أفرج الثلاثاء عن المواطن يوسف بشارة شقيق نقيب الافران لقاء فدية بقيمة 400 ألف دولار بعد أن خطف الإثنين على طريق بصاليم.
وكثرت عمليات الخطف في الآونة الأخيرة التي كانت أغلبها ذات طابع سياسي بعد خطف أحد عشر حاجا لبنانيا في سوريا في 22 أيار الماضي ما أدى إلى خطف سوريين وتركيين اثنين من قبل عشيرة آل المقداد التي خطف ابنها حسان منذ أكثر من شهر في دمشق.
وكان المواطن فؤاد داود (53 سنة) والذي يعمل في مجال بيع قطع اكسسوار السيارات المستعملة في البقاع، قد اختطف في منطقة بعلبك في الثالث عشر من الشهر الجاري اثناء قيامه بزيارة. ويقام الخميس اعتصام في زحلة للضغط للإفراج عنه.
من جهة أخرى أقرت الحكومة اتفاقية تعاون دفاعي بين لبنان وفرنسا ووزراء أمل وحزب الله وقانصوه وخير الدين سجلوا ملاحظات.
وأوضح وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور "أن هناك خطأ شكليا في مرسوم احالة مشروع قانون الانتخابات على المجلس النيابي، باعتبار أن المغتربين سيشاركون في العملية الانتخابية، فكان لا بد أن يقرن المرسوم بتوقيعي".
وكشف أنه دعا مجلس وزراء الخارجية العرب الى الانعقاد، "وربما يعقد الاجتماع في نيويورك على هامش اعمال الجمعية العامة الامم المتحدة".
وأكد وزير الدفاع الوطني فايز غصن "أن هناك اتفاقا من الجميع على خطة تسليح الجيش".
بدوره لفت وزير التنمية الادارية محمد فنيش الى وجود "ملاحظات على اتفاق التعاون في مجال الدفاع بين لبنان وفرنسا، والذي يجب تعديله".
Fix the electricity with that money, the $1.6 billion will be lost in 1 day against any foreign army
Its thanks to Chief of staff Jean Qahwaji the army is getting proper equipments after his visit to London and tbe U.S ofcourse with the blessing of the White House. The near is end for anyone who harmed suspected of harming or attempted to harm our beloved Lebanon,what goes around comes around Mr Assad,mullahs of iran and clerics of saudi arabia.
Its thanks to Chief of staff Jean Qahwaji the army is getting proper equipments after his visit to London and tbe U.S ofcourse with the blessing of the White House. The near is end for anyone who harmed suspected of harming or attempted to harm our beloved Lebanon,what goes around comes around Mr Assad,mullahs of iran and clerics of saudi arabia.
Its thanks to Chief of staff Jean Qahwaji the army is getting proper equipments after his visit to London and tbe U.S ofcourse with the blessing of the White House. The near is end for anyone who harmed suspected of harming or attempted to harm our beloved Lebanon,what goes around comes around Mr Assad,mullahs of iran and clerics of saudi arabia.
Its thanks to Chief of staff Jean Qahwaji the army is getting proper equipments after his visit to London and tbe U.S ofcourse with the blessing of the White House. The near is end for anyone who harmed suspected of harming or attempted to harm our beloved Lebanon,what goes around comes around Mr Assad,mullahs of iran and clerics of saudi arabia.
For what?
These 1.6 billions would end up lining the pockets of many while the army, even with better arms, would remain ineffective under the current parallysis in the government.
I rather have electricity.
1600000000 divided by 5 is about 266 million a year. That will buy the army some shoes and guns, and if they are lucky mabye a few night vision goggles. Nothing to be excited about
We need a proper air force and anti-aircraft missiles, mostly! Hope they'll be getting that and not something else. 1.6 billion is not too much for air equipment, but might be enough.
FT- good idea the cannabis thing... let us legalize its agriculture and criminalize its use... This way we become an exporter :-)
For the army, if it well spent on equipment, it is worth it. I am against increasing public spending, especially for country clubs of officers and maids for wives. But i have a feeling we are on a good thing here.
If anyone cares, this is the first time that Lebanon will be buying weapons since 1983. Yes, for the first time in 29 years.
But I guess people are more interested in in pointless comments in here, not to forget the boring March 8 vs March 14 BS.
Let's give some support to the army. Our border with Syria will be very volatile for many years to come and we need some decent arms to protect our land and citizens.
$1.6 Billion is better than nothing. This also sets a great precedent, that if the money is spent well and there are results from this injection of cash, more will follow. Good to see the ministers approving something that benefits all Lebanese for a change.
Government should ask for donation of arms for the army, not wast money they could use to feed the poor in Lebanon and build up proper power supplies for the Lebanese. If France etc. are serious by arming the Lebanese army, why then not donate deterring missile systems that would keep the zionists and Syrian war planes out of Lebanon? As fellow commentators said, it will only increase the Taboule and Hommus plate size for the soldiers and buy new apartments, watches and cars for the high ranks.
Sure the army needs the money... but first, give us electricity, water, decent roads, a sewer system...
There is no global vision...
Property tax is already pretty high, beleive it or not. They should put tax on big cars, fast cars, and cigarettes.
The wife of joe doe should drive a honda civic like in France. not necessarily a range rover. Range rovers should cost 150,000USD.
Fast cars (ferraris) are being registered in dubai to escape taxes.. There is a loophole in the system
Cigarettes are the biggest purchase of syrian laborers in lebanon. It is the best way to tax syrian workers.
It is apparent u don't live in lebanon. Property tax kicks in at higher value apartments, and is a major expense. And I am talking abt daribit el amlak almabniyyeh, payed yearly to the state