الأسير ينتقد دعوة نصرالله الى التظاهر: "براءة المسلمين" اساء الى الاسلام بكامله

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اعتبر إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير أن فيلم "براءة المسلمين" أساء الى المسلمين كافة سنّةً كانوا أم شيعة"، منتقداً دعوة امين عام "حزب الله" السيّد حسن نصرالله الى التظاهر في مختلف المناطق اللبنانية تنديداً بالفيلم.

ووصف الأسير في حديث لصحيفة "الجمهورية" اليوم الثلاثاء، دعوة نصرالله المسلمين في لبنان وكافّة أنحاء العالم الإسلامي الى النزول الى الشوارع بـ"خطف راية القيادة الاسلامية وانتزاعها من مكانها الأساسي لوضعها لدى ولاية الفقيه".

وأضاف "نسأل الذي يريد الانتفاضة ردّاً على الإساءة التي تعرّض لها النبي جرّاء الفيلم المسيء، هل يعتبرها أخطر من حرق الأقصى"، مضيفاً "يفترض بالشيخ نصرالله ان يكون شيخ المساجد والكنائس التي تدمّر في سوريا، والاطفال الذين تُسلخ جلودهم".

وكان نصرالله قد حضّ المسلمين خلال التظاهرة، التي شارك فيها شخصيا، والتي نظمت عصر أمس الإثنين في الضاحية الجنوبية وضمت عشرات الآلاف من المتظاهرين "على استمرار التحرك ضد الفيلم (براءة المسلمين) المسيء الى الاسلام وطالب الاميركيين بعدم نشره" كاملاً، محذراً من "تداعيات خطيرة جداً".

وتظاهرة الامس هي جزء من تحرك ليستكمل في كل المناطق، في مدينة صور الاربعاء وفي بعلبك الجمعة و في بنت جبيل السبت والهرمل الاحد البلدات والاقضية المحيطة ليشاركوا في هذه المدن.

الى ذلك، دان الأسير في حديثه للـ"الجمهورية" "ردّ الفعل العنيف من قبل المسلمين في طرابلس"، معتبراً أنّه "تصرّفاً متسرّعاً وعاطفياً"، و محمّلاً مسؤولية الامر الى "سوء الادارة والتنظيم".

وأكد أن "هؤلاء الشبّان أساؤوا إلى الاسلام اكثر ممّا خدموه، وتصرّفهم نابع عن ردّة فعل عفوية غير مسؤولة".

وكان بعض الشبان المسلمين قد احرقوا، الجمعة الماضي في طرابلس، مطعم "KFC" الاميركي و حطموا آخر وهو"Hardees" .

وأوضح الأسير للصحيفة عينها انّه كان "اوّل الداعين الى الاعتصام للاستنكار والاحتجاج وتحديداً يوم الخميس الماضي، ولكنّ تزامنها مع زيارة الحبر الاعظم (البابا بنديكتوس السادس عشر) دفعنا إلى تأجيلها ليوم الجمعة المقبل، وذلك حرصاً منّا على إتمام زيارة البابا بنجاح تامّ، ومنعاً لأيّ محاولة استغلال لتحرّكنا ووضعه في موضع آخر من قبيل خلق فتنة بين المسيحيين والمسلمين" .

واعتبر أن زيارة البابا "تاريخية يفترض بإخوتنا وشركائنا المسيحيّين استثمارها بشكل جيّد لمصلحتهم ومصلحة اللبنانيين" ومعبّرا ً عن سروره "للفرح الموجود في وجوه شركائنا المسيحيّين وفرحنا معهم ولشعورهم".

ومن جهة ثانية، رأى الاسير أنّ " الجيش والسلطات اللبنانية اثبتت قدرتها خلال زيارة البابا على ضبط الامن وبسط السيطرة الامنية الفعلية على ارض الواقع، وقد ظهر ذلك جليّا من خلال الاجراءات التي اتّخذت في الايام الثلاثة الاخيرة".

وكان البابا قد زار لبنان من الجمعة الفائت إلى اول من أمس الأحد ، وأبرز محطاته كانت توقيع على الإرشاد الرسولي حيث دعا فيه إلى استصال الأصولية من الأديان وإلى نشر ثقافة السلام.

التعليقات 34
Default-user-icon Atef (ضيف) 10:35 ,2012 أيلول 18

Army ready to tak control of all the security issues in the country??

Then why ask for international forces to secure the border with Syria?

Army can control traffic in Beirut, but to defeat the zionists that can only Hizbullah do in Lebanon.

Go back to your tent in the desert you twisted freak!

Thumb thepatriot 10:48 ,2012 أيلول 18

FT" same as nasrallah did, so why is it that when nasrallah calls for protests, he's testing his fanbase and when asir calls for protests, he's not?"

Because he's not better than Nassy! When will a moderate muslim cleric say that this movie is childish, ridicule, and does not need all this advertising...

Thumb thepatriot 14:11 ,2012 أيلول 18

mowaten: And I think that all this is a lot of fuss for nothing!
All other religions are constantly mocked and it's ok...

I am not a big fan of religion myself, but we certainly don't need people like Nasrallah or Al Asir to excite people more! We need religious leaders who calm, who spread peace and love...not Hatred!

By calling for demonstrations, those people promote this movie, and create more hatred upon themselves, and serve the stupid movie better than no one...

If we have to revert to the streets each and every time something offends us on youtube...

Thumb bigsami 16:07 ,2012 أيلول 18

Maaaaa maaaaa....hey sheephead (Motormouth/BSThrower)your HA clergyman about to preach more BS into your empty skull. Hurry before you miss out!

Missing lqu7 10:53 ,2012 أيلول 18

I didn't know broomsticks could talk.

Thumb thepatriot 18:14 ,2012 أيلول 18

Again mowaten...
If we have to revert to the streets each and every time something offends us on youtube...
Plus, Nasrallah called them to do so... and he is no religious authority...pfff....
Defend it as much as you like, but this has NOTHING to do with freedom of speech...

Default-user-icon akhter arsool (ضيف) 10:57 ,2012 أيلول 18

non sense man without vision he is matching small incidents with prophet rubbish, we all are with nasarllah, he wants shift unity towards arab regime, killer

Default-user-icon akhter rasool (ضيف) 11:24 ,2012 أيلول 18

in every society we should see end user and every body is not mature like you but many people like protest and that is also pure thing coming from heart and UN also saying that we should register protest for bad and we muslims are registering that, you like or not

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 12:09 ,2012 أيلول 18

the circus of asir/nasrallah wahhaby/farsi is on.

Thumb geha 13:07 ,2012 أيلول 18

fpmers are used to twisting the truth and reality of things, and they contiue to demonstrate it through the fake votes on comments on this site.
how futile they are to play such a game, while they know no one likes them, so they twist reality, and what is worse is they believe it :)
they are futile and stupid and keep demonstrating it every day....

Thumb bigsami 16:04 ,2012 أيلول 18

Geha....good post! Don't listen to schizo Motormouth/BSThrower. Brainwashed for life and hiding behind Sayyed fearing Israel is coming after them...LOL!

Thumb geha 13:07 ,2012 أيلول 18

nasrallah = asir.

Missing alquds 16:03 ,2012 أيلول 18

How can you compare the two, what has assir done to be compared to hassoona. State facts if you want to accuse sheikh assir if something, you are just using stereotypes and are ignorant, the man is calling for all Lebanese to coexist, i don't see them burning tires and kidnapping people, so to all who criticize this man and accuse him if something he is not, I can accuse you to be an Israeli agent but you if I don't state the facts, then the argument is weak

Thumb thepatriot 09:37 ,2012 أيلول 19

He blocked the access to Saida, and he is an extremist wether you like it or not. Just like Nasrallah, he uses religion for political achievements...

Thumb bigsami 16:09 ,2012 أيلول 18

Geha doing just well Motormouth. At least not using his fingers to count or was that hoofs in your case you brainwashed goat!

Missing lqu7 13:33 ,2012 أيلول 18

Mowaten, didn't your mama teach you better manners?

Thumb Chupachups 14:08 ,2012 أيلول 18

yes.. unfortunately i was imitating your style... are you gonna behead me now? :)

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 13:44 ,2012 أيلول 18

people like this man make prove that the movie was not that far off in describing muslims. Unfortunately these people are an absolute minority and the west focuses only on them, as they are created by the west for the purpose of serving western interests.

Missing samiam 13:48 ,2012 أيلول 18

This is the issue with publicizing the movie---now everyone wants in and make sure that they are heard.

Hey everyone, SHUT UP and stop talking about it and the movie will go away. I think that any PR firm anywhere can give this film as much publicity as all of these clowns.

Thumb eli-g 14:13 ,2012 أيلول 18

there is a problem in the up and down voting on this site,when you vote up it gives you two down at the same time.and when you vote down it automatically gives two up.I think the site has been conpromised.

Thumb thepatriot 14:25 ,2012 أيلول 18

It has been compromised... on another thread, 16 red thumbs poped out of nowhere! This has been going on since this summer...

Missing alquds 16:09 ,2012 أيلول 18

The media in Lebanon and Arab world is trying to portay us Muslims as wahabi or salfists. I'm convinced that most of you, who are labeling me these terms don't even know the meaning of these terms, Now when I tell you Hassan nasrullah shaytan, is a Rafidhi/ Majoosi, a Rafidhi is a person who denies Abu bakr, Omar, Uthman, Ayesha may Allah be pleased with them, Rafidhis deny they them, and don't believe in them and also curse them, that's why we call them that, doesn't mean all Shia are like that,

Missing alquds 16:14 ,2012 أيلول 18

So for you who keep calling this guy and other a wahabi and salafi, me as a Muslim am asking what is a wahabi or salafi, see if you can answer that, and by the way sheikh ahmed assir is a moderate compared to a lot others. At least he has the balls to stand up and speak the truth, Hezbollah can't buy him out like other Sunni clerics. And to us Sunnis we don't revere him a saint how they Shia vies there imams, he is just a man and all man err but he has taken a courageous stance towards the conflict affecting our brothers and sisters there

Missing alquds 16:18 ,2012 أيلول 18

I seen a video if a little girl in Syria yesterday with her head blown off May Allah have mercy on her soul, tpanyone person that has a drop of humanity would shed a tear at such a sight. Keep blaming it on the wahabis, even if the whole world wasmto put the blame on wahabi/ salafis , at Keats the people n the Syria know who is killing them, the bullets have Persian writing on it, not Arabic , Iran can play it's taqiyya on the western nations but we know what this is cancerous state is capable of

Thumb kanaandian 16:20 ,2012 أيلول 18

Shave your beard ya ape.

Thumb benzona 01:43 ,2012 أيلول 19

jesus had a beard!

Thumb thepatriot 09:39 ,2012 أيلول 19

yeah... and so does ZZ top, but it is not the same purpose...

Missing alquds 16:23 ,2012 أيلول 18

Remember this war began when Khomeini came from France and overthrew the shah, our enemies planted the cancer n our region and ever since look what has been happening, first they plotted against saddam, for over 30 years, would send 10 year olds to fight his holy war, but there was a hidden agenda, to build a greater Rafidhi/ majoosi state, and it started with Iran, then Iraq, now Syria , then Lebanon, and soon the Arabic gulf countries . When the iranians are at the doors they only have themselves to blame

Missing alquds 16:26 ,2012 أيلول 18

King of Saudi only caresmabout his chair and riches, he may say something but he does different, he doesn't care about Syria, if he sold one of his palaces and gave the. The money then this thing could have been over, but the same way they plotted against saddam and he fell and he was actually shielding them from Iran, now he's gone and we are going to witness many wars to come
Allah yustur

Missing alquds 16:47 ,2012 أيلول 18

Of course nasrallah has hidden intentions, I'm 100 percent this man is a freemason and serving his puppet masters. Google nasrallah Annan, if you are freemason and notice the handshake they are doing , you will know that I'm not lying, think about it Israel leaves all of a sudden Lebanon in 2000 koofee Annan comes down to Lebanon, shakes hands with Hasoona who knows what they did behind closed doors, everybody seen nasrallah also meeting with American ambassador and telling him that he doesn't know if shebaa is Lebanese, but if the Lebanese state says So and then he does, he disguises himself as a freedom fighter but he is the biggest ameel

Missing alquds 16:54 ,2012 أيلول 18

Well actually alot of the groups that fight Israel are salafi jihadists, nobody calls themselves that or wahabi, it is basicall a muslim who follows the Quran the same way the companions of the prophet PBUH , followed Islam, nobody calls them self wahabi, ezzideen al qassam who came from Syria to Palestine had the same ideology , Quran and Sunna , that is what the salamis follow, I don't expect anything from the Arab gulf leaders if that who you are redeeming to as wahabi, now for the those countries citizens, I think if you knew how much people are Saudi jails because they went to defend there muslim brethren wherever it.may be, then you would realize that the Arab governents are all slaves to America and west that's why you have Muslims fighting these governments and tring to overthrow them. So which wahabis or salfists or you referring to becausemyou use that term for every Muslim who has a beard

Missing alquds 16:55 ,2012 أيلول 18

I think you watch too much Hollywood, always portraying Muslims as terrorists, is wahabi the term you are using. The middle east

Missing alquds 16:55 ,2012 أيلول 18

Can u tell me what a wahabi is. I would love to hear your answer

Thumb bigsami 18:51 ,2012 أيلول 18

By the way Motormouth or whoever you want to me today....You state below "i feel sorry for you.". To 'feel' you have to be human and unfortunately you don't qualify as one. Maybe try another emotion that is limited an inferior specie....those that fall in the same category as HA!