"سرايا المختار الثقفي" تطلق سراح 3 سوريين بعد الإفراج عن آخر من قبل آل المقداد الذين يمهلون "لبعد العيد"
Read this story in Englishأطلقت مجموعة "سرايا المختار الثقفي" سراح ثلاثة سوريين بعد خطفهم كردة فعل على خطف المواطن حسان المقداد من قبل عناصر في الجيش السوري الحر في 11 في سوريا، بعد أن أفرج "الجناح العسكري" لعشرة آل مقداد عن الناشط الحقوقي السوري محمد عادل السليمان محمد، والذي كان قد خطف الجمعة الفائت من شارع بشارة الخوري في بيروت، فيما أعلن المتحدث باسم العشيرة ماهر المقداد أنه "لا جديد جول قضية حسان وأنهم سينطلقون بعملهم بعد فرصة الأعياد.
وقالت قناة الـ LBCI "أطلقت مجموعة "سرايا المختار الثقفي" سراح ثلاثة سوريين".
وقال المقداد في حديث تلفزيوني اليوم الإثنين أن "وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور اكد لنا ان حتى الآن لا شيء جديد بقضية حسان المقداد وطلب فرصة لبعد الاعياد".
وكشف أن "العائلة أخذت قراراً بأن تريح الناس خلال فترة العيد وبعد فرصة الاعياد سننطلق بتحركنا، وسيحصل تشاور ضمن العائلة لاتخاذ القرارات المناسبة".
وشدد على أن "المخطوف التركي لن يخرج من عندنا طالما حسان المقداد لم يُطلق، بينما كل سوري تبين ان لا علاقة له بالجيش السوري الحر اُطلق سراحه"، معلنا انه "لدينا أكثر من 20 مخطوفاً سورياً".
وكانت قد اعلنت عشيرة آل المقداد الاربعاء عن خطف عدد من السوريين الموالين "للجيش السوري الحر" ورجلاً تركياً يدعى أيدن طوفان.
كما شدد المقداد في حديثه التلفزيوني على أنه "لا دخل لنا بالمخطوفين الـ11 في سوريا وليس عقلانيا أن نفرج عن التركي المخطوف لدينا إذا تم الافراج عن الـ11 لبنانياَ".
وأردف، مؤكداً أنه "إذا لم يتم إطلاق حسان لن نطلق التركي"، وقال "فلننتظر، وسنتريث لحين انقضاء العيد وبعدها لكل حادث حديث".
يُشار الى أنه تم خطف اللبنانيين الـ11، في 22 ايار الفائت اثر عودتهم من رحلة حج الى ايران.
Anyone financially harmed or who had lost business by the actions of these thugs should sue the "Financial Wing of The Meqdad family" or the Meqdad clan separately and jointly for damages, as well as sue their marionette-string holders in Damascus and Dahie. The new rules of the land: Until a federal system, every community pays for its actions! Sadly, it has been reported that 90% of hotel reservations in Beirut have been cancelled, with implications on restaurants, retail and other businesses for what may end up being a financial dispute between a Lebanese and Syrian mafia family! Meqdad Clan and Hizbollah are doing to Lebanon what the North Korean Junta is doing to its country by bringing misery, desolation, tyranny and oppression; while amassing rockets and parading brainwashed partisans.
u cant right a wrong with another....i understand lebanese are held in syria but these poor syrians have nothing to do with those guys and how the hell did HA lose control??more lies and cover ups from HA where is the army , ofcourse they cant do anything cuz they are controled still by the assad regime
"The family" you say... who do you think you are thug!?! Don Corleone!!?? Arrest these guys NOW!!
promises from shii groups in this country have less value than the dirt they stand on
May Azra'eil "kidnap" the meqdad family and everyone giving them political cover for these criminal acts.
May Azraeil "kidnap" everyone giving political cover for any weapons in Lebanon and everyone carrying weapons.
The funny thing is not a word from the clown in the orange suite, have the Meqdad family belonged to the opposition then you couldn't get him to stop barking, hypocrite.
Strange news coming out from Lebanon these days...I'm a backpacker from Eastern Europe, planning to fly to Beirut in two weeks and travel through the country - do you guys think it is going to be safe for me?
No You can not sue the financial wing .
This new family business is typical tribal Mafia...
You start with kidnapping
You follow with blackmail
Press conference, then the mother of all business you start a Franchise operation well financed and well protected....even by the government .
The new franchise is:
McDad Good Food.
Last of all, the legal faction will sue McDonald for copying their ancestor family name as they cam to this planet first.
Bring in 1 american gun ship to clean them up, the entire family, military wing and all !!!
Phil, unfortunately we do have a group of lebanese who dont believe in civilization and do not wish to carry out a normal life and always prefer to revert to violence. I am sure many more visitors have cancelled their trips to Lebanon recently and our useless government is crippled and is not willing to address the problem.
In the end, the innocent Lebanese are paying a high price for this chaos, and the economy is shrinking because of this.
It is time to change the system to Federalism and be done !!!
the mekdad will make ya jump jump!
the daddy mac will make ya jump jump!
seriously now this is tragic...even don corleone was careful to hide his crimes for years and eventualy got caught for tax evasion...
these guys are out in the open and are the lebanese medias new baby, such phenomenons gets them higher ratings, i say dont cover anything related to them, this only makes them feel more important
Meqdad Clan are Hizb and Amal thugs that run a criminal empire...no room for ANY armed groups except the military...
Gentlemen, boys & girls. A gentle reminder that Zionists are Enemy No.1 Perhaps we should rid Lebanon of Politicians & opt for The Green Book "Representation is fraud" Free Lebanon from Politicians, you all failed us miserably.
The kidnaping is the work of Hezbollah whatever nasrallah and the meqdads said.
chabihas on this site will of course put the blame and insult the family so that Hezbollah bayed woujo