خاطف اللبنانيين في فيديو بعد قصف أعزاز في حلب: أربعة قتلوا وسبعة بخطر
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نشر فيديو لخاطف اللبنانيين في سوريا يؤكد فيه مقتل أربعة من المخطوفين في سوريا وبقاء سبعة منهم على قيد الحياة.
ويقول أبو ابراهيم في الفيديو "طيارات بشار الأسد الحربية المدعومة من قبل مجلس الأمن الدولي والمجتمع الدولي قصفت المباني والمشافي".
وتابع قائلا "المخطوفون اللبنانيون قصفوا واستشهد منهم أربعة بشكل كامل والسبعة البقية بخطر بسبب القصف الدائم" للمنطقة.
ويبدو أبو ابراهيم منهكا ويتكلم عن القصف القاسي كما يبدو مصابا بالجروح.
وكانت قد قصفت أعزاز الأربعاء مما أدى إلى سقوط عشرات القتلى والجرحى.
وكان الخاطف يسكن المخطوفين في المنطقة إلا أن الأهالي يقولون أنه نقلهم قبل ليلة من القصف إلى معبر السلام الحدودي مع تركيا.
واليوم أكد رئيس الجمهورية وعدة مصادر صحفية ان السلطات التركية أبلغت المراجع الرسمية اللبنانية أن الجميع بخير.
وخطف الحجاج في 22 أيار الماضي عند عودتهم من زيارة دينية إلى إيران.

And the Huzb Allah people will blame this on the FSA instead of blaming the cowardly Syrian Air Force that bombs civilians.

is he related to 3ali 3ammar or m7ammad ra3ed? they looks as disgusting as he does!

No need stargaze. We will close the doors on you and keep u in your sewage ridden homes alone with no one to fight but yourselves. We will turn our backs from you and delete you from Lebanon so that the rest of us can live and prosper. We will give your own land so you spend eternity liberating land that doesn't belong to you but who cares! Fight as much as u want because clearly you cannot and have not achieve anything else. That and burn alcohol shops.

Stargate, its really sad that you would say that. I am sunni and reading this and have always thought of us as one country, I dont care about politics, i just read the articles and rarely comment and u just made me realize it sounds the country is already at war. I always thought we had learned from our mistakes, it doesnt seem like it. I pray for you and for all of us to find peace and forgivness.

US and Israel have no interest in loosing Bachar. He is the best neighbour Isreal wished for. He gave-up Golan in return of the nizam and since 30 years not a single shot was heared in that region. Just a verbal comedy from time to time to keep his followers beleive in his fake war. Since almost two years he is in a state of was and US in case really want to elminate him, could do it 100 times. But instead they are just giving him extensions hoping that he will get rid of the oppositions. Kofi Anan and the human right watchers were just tools of extension. Kazzafi was bombed by airplanes for doing the tenth of the crimes that Bachar has done yet to his people.

When all you guys have is hate, on both sides, how is this any good for your children , your investments, your future? How is everyone so excited and playful about war, rather than having real discusions to build differences on this site. What are you guys doing?

Stargate its a really sad day when you threaten and generalize about people. We all ultimatly want the same things. I pray for u and all of us to find peace. I thought we learned from our past, doesnt seem like it.