مجموعة "سراي المختارالثقفي" تشارك "الجناح العسكري" لآل مقداد بخطف سوريين من الجيش الحر
Read this story in Englishأعلنت مجموعة "سراي المختار الثقفي" تتبنى خطف سوريين من الجيش السوري الحر في بيروت والبقاع، مهددة من أن كل سوري يدعم الجيش الحر سيكون هدفها.
وأكد أحد أعضاء المجموعة للـ LBCI ، خطف خمسة سوريين في بيروت و خمسة في البقاع، مؤكدا المضي بعملية الخطف وصولا الى مناطق آخرى.
ولقد عرضت قناة الـ LBCI شريطا مصورا للمخطوفين السوريين في لبنان من قبل المجموعة. واكد أحد المخطوفين في الشريط أنهم مجندون من قبل الجيش السوري الحر، مطالبين بالافراج عن المخطوفين اللبنانيين بسوريا.
هذا وأيد أحد المخطوفين النظام السوري والامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله، معتبرا أن الثورة السورية ليست ثورة.
كذلك عرضت قناة "الجديد" فيديو للمخطوفين قال فيه أحدهم "أنا عند الجيش الحر مهمتي تجنيد عساكر للجيش الحر من شباب سوريا ونرسلهم من لبنان إلى سوريا (..) نتمنى أن يفك أسر اللبنانيين في سوريا كي يفك أسرنا".
ومن ثم تحدث الخاطف وقال للخاطفين في سوريا "أولادكم لدينا يا أهل درعا وإذا كنتم تستضيفون أولادنا في أعزاز فأولادكم ضيوف لدينا ليوم ويومين وشهر وسنة و10 سنوات (..) وإن عدتم عدنا وجعلنا جهنم للكافرين حصيرة".
كما خطف السوري حسام خشرون بعد إطلاق نار على سيارته في ساحة شتورا.
هذا ونفى أمين سر عشيرة "آل مقداد" ماهر المقداد "ان يكون قد التقى وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل كما ذكرت بعض وسائل الاعلام".
وقال:"إن الوزير شربل مرحب به في أي وقت ينوي زيارتنا"، مبديا في الوقت عينه استياءه "من أن وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور لم يسأل عن حسان المقداد، وسأل فقط عن المخطوف التركي، مطالبا باطلاق سراحه".
وكان الجناح العسكري لآل مقداد اعلن عن خطف مواطن تركي من مواليد 3 أيار 1948 ويدعى أيدن طوفان.
واكد المقداد أن "لا علاقة لاي مواطن خليجي او عربي ان كان سعوديا او قطريا في عملية الاختطاف"، مشيرا الى ان مشكلة آل المقداد هي مع الجماعة الخاطفة أي مع ما يسمى بالجيش السوري الحر".
يشار الى أن كل من الإمارات والسعودية وقطر والكويت قد طلبوا من رعاياهم مغادرة لبنان "فورا".
ولفت المقداد الى "ان آل المقداد هم في انتظار مبادرة الصليب الاحمر الدولي للاطمئنان على صحة حسان المقداد الموجود في سوريا".
وأضاف: "بعد ذلك سنلتقي وفدا من الصليب الاحمر بعد زيارتهم لسوريا".
يذكر أن الجيش السوري الحر كان قد الإثنين شريطا يعلن فيه اعتقال المقداد. وفي الفيديو يقول الأخير أنه من حزب الله وأتى بعد "اجتماع" بالأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله وأرسل مع 1500 عنصر من الحزب "لمساندة النظام الشيعي السوري".
the Meqdad family military wing and now this, just when you think you've heard of them all, plain rubbish, sad how all the scum have ruined a beautiful country like ours, it's sickening.
Al Megdad who was captured by the FSA was caught fighti ng in Syria against the FSA in a country not his. The Syrian in Lebanon who are caotured are civilians and not fighting against Lebanon. You can't equate the two kidnapping. This is terrorist activity in Lebanon and lawful in Syria.
Are we living in a jungle? Is there a real government in Lebanon? How could such a clan abduct as they please in a country purportedly sovreign as Lebanon? It's really very bad.
This is not good, the construction sector will be badly hit. They need to start looking at a new country who supplies labor. "A brigade a day, will keep the Syrians away".
هذه نتيجة سياسة النأي بالنفس و ضع في قمة المسخرة و الخوف, شو عملتو بالبلد الله لا يسامح كل واحد مسؤول
I also like to make janah askary for my family!!! LOL LOL if all families in Lebanon do same will be great
Ah these guys think they can do what they want ? I don't even think they really belong to Hezbollah they are just scum with a big family. Well since the war ended most the militias gave their big weapons to the army. But still some of the fighters dug their old weapons in case such things like now might happen. If these thugs continue like that and our army doesn't intervene we have to dig the old weapons up and do it on our own!!!!
Overall you got it right, but a clarification:
- the thugs taking up the streets now are amal and hizbushaitan driven,
- otherwise they would not dare to act
- their role if to capture and kill the FSA which our govvernment refused to do, and amal and hizbuhaitan cannot do openly.
- so under false pretenses (are we so sure the moqdad guy was abducted by FSA? for all I know it could be the moukhabarat).
yes the syro/iranian thugs are doing all this to destoy the country.
another way to look at this is that I haven't seen this kind of brazen lawlessness committed en mass by masked gunmen along with news of previous MP's with plots to blow up people since 1975. I have a sinking feeling that these are deliberate distractions, a preamble so to speak, for what the Party of Satan is preparing for us next...I believe their masters in Iran are about to order them to provoke a war with Israel to deter the WEST from helping FSA overcome the Assad regime.
hizbushaitan and berri have chosen their side, and are dragging Lebanon to its destruction.
Gulf countries will start now kicking out Lebanese from their countries, you can mark my words on this, thus aggravating our economic situation, thanks to the shiite community.
we will have a bad period but on the long run, we will recover our country, and the iranians will be kicked out.
it will start soon with the israeli war, and will continue afterwards internally.
unless hizbushaitan tries to strike internally first to clear his back, but I doubt they would venture in something so stupid now they know we are well prepared for any eventuality of this sort.
the shiites that are going to be deported will have hizbushaitan and amal to thank :)
the problem is that their leadership does not care about them, and they are blind to even question the motives of their leaders. sad community in its majority, while the other part of this community is under threat from within more than we are to even voice their comments.
I cannot believe this government is doing nothing and letting these thugs roam free. Its cuting its nose to spite its face.this could translate big in the next election.
Mikati......hellooooo.... grow a pair and DO something about it! Useless, powerless, gutless, incapable PM!!
asking mikati to do something while he is under the orders of his syro/iranian masters is wishfull thinking. :)
it is wrong to even expect anything from this guy.
Martial law would be instated particularly in Beirut and Suburbs...
A branch of Army, ISF, and even Hezbollah should be formed with the head being the ARMY of course...(isnt HA's moto..the army, resistance and whatever this three equation law they enforced years ago on us is?)
...Members of that 'special unit' should sweep the country and keep all citizens and non-citizens safe...eradicate the threat that has sprung (from nothing i'd like to add)...Either kill or capture all these clans, thugs, mercenaries..whatever you wish to call them...
this is a good way to disassociate the country from what is happening in syria.. and a good way for HA to show that they are ready to assist in keeping their people in line...
and if a Lebanese is captured on Syrian soil..what the hell is he doing there
You're sick FT, but this was funny I have to admit. I gave you a thumbs up, first time ever :)
Irrational, insignificant, broken record, repetitive, pathological liar with deliberate indifference for others.
@the1phoenix, this is my humble opinion. War is coming:
another way to look at this is that I haven't seen this kind of brazen lawlessness committed en mass by masked gunmen along with news of previous MP's with plots to blow up people since 1975. I have a sinking feeling that these are deliberate distractions, a preamble so to speak, for what the Party of Satan is preparing for us next...I believe their masters in Iran are about to order them to provoke a war with Israel to deter the WEST from helping FSA overcome the Assad regime.