محمد رعد: ما حصل مع سماحة فبركات أمنية اختبرناها طويلا ولن نسكت عنها

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أكد رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد أن ما حصل اليوم مع الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة "لن نسكت عنه وسنتريث قليلا".

وأشار رعد خلال إفطار رمضاني مساء الخميس الى أن "هذه الفبركات الأمنية إختبرناها طويلا وبعض القضاة مرتبطون بأجهزة أمنية مشبوهة".

وكان قد أوقف سماحة صباح الخميس من خلال مداهمة قوة في شعبة المعلومات التابعة لقوى الأمن الداخلي لمنزله في جوار الخنشارة في المتن.

وأفادت كل من قناتي الـ"MTV" والـ"LBCI" أن سماحة اعترف بتدبيره لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات رمضانية في شمال لبنان بطلب سوري.

وتحدثت المعلومات أن سماحة التقى علي مملوك الذي عين مديرا لمكتب الأمن القومي في سوريا منذ أسبوعين.

وقال مرافق سماحة فارس بركات لـ"LBCI" بعد خروجه من التحقيق أن سماحة زار سوريا أول هذا الأسبوع.

وسماحة يعتبر من حلفاء النظام السوري في لبنان ويقال أنه عمل مستشارا شخصيا للرئيس السوري بشار الأسد.

التعليقات 31
Default-user-icon Bombastic (ضيف) 23:11 ,2012 آب 09

Mr Ra3d, get Fayez Karam's lawyer put back his robe and get ready to salvage your new saint while you block some roads.

Thumb thefool 23:19 ,2012 آب 09

yiii Michel Smaha ma ghayro?

Missing abou.ali 23:31 ,2012 آب 09

Time for the jerk to be arrested. Next, incha'allah, wahhab, quandil and lahoud...

Default-user-icon Guest (ضيف) 23:43 ,2012 آب 09

LAN NASKOT. lol, what now? another 7 May? Shitty Hizballah

Missing gabby 23:45 ,2012 آب 09

Smuggling explosives from Bashar to kill M14 politicians is not a crime in the eyes of the Hezz criminal gang. If the tables were turned imagine what they would do.

No matter......ASSad will crumble and the outlook for the Hezz will go down. They just want to kill as many of the good guys before the fall.

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 23:59 ,2012 آب 09

Lak shou bekon ya 3alam hayda ken 3am yishtiri fer2e3 lal 3id ma32ouleh into ba2a! El fer2e3 bi Syria hala2 3aleh soldes mratab!

Thumb benzona 00:09 ,2012 آب 10

And Raad the terrorist opened his mouth. Tomorrow, the Orange Agent will do the same. Khaalis khaalis!!!

Missing tarator 00:15 ,2012 آب 10

I'm surprised it took Hezbo this long to react. Ah yes! They were waiting for instructions on how to react from Syria. Considering how busy the Syrians are these days, it took a few hours for the orders to reach Hezbo. Better late than never?

What is wrong with Hezbo? They first try to defend a thug who was caught red-handed while burning down NTV and now they go crazy defending someone who had just confessed his crimes. Isn't this misplaced loyalty? Then again, birds of a feather flock together.

Thumb Marwan34 00:54 ,2012 آب 10

I hate Raad .

Missing allouchi 16:32 ,2012 آب 10

You're not the only one :)

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 01:02 ,2012 آب 10

Time for the 4 ' saints ' and their boss is running up by the day !

Thumb beiruti 01:03 ,2012 آب 10

First of all, when does the guy get a razor and shaves his big face.
Second, Samaha, a Syrian operative confessed to planting the bombs attempting to incite secular conflict in North Lebanon as a pretext for a Syrian invasion into Lebanon.

Now let's say that an old SLA guy did the same trying to incite a return of the Israeli occupation. What would Raad do and say?? It could not be more clear that these guys are not about protecting Lebanese sovereignty. Not at all.

They are about protecting the Lebanese platform for Iranian weapons. Syria facilitates the platform so they can do as they wish without argument from Hezbollah.
You're exposed pal!!
And get a shave

Missing mohammad_ca 01:42 ,2012 آب 10

Border control in Lebanon is the responsibility of the Army ya ghabi

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 02:30 ,2012 آب 10

i dont think ya mohammad raad u can do anything,just try...ur hassoun "won a battle"in 2006 and he is still in the basement in 2012.bala tifniss...u failed in killing samir,u failed in killing zahra twice,u failed in killing harb...ur bisho is burning,smaha is in prison and very soon kandil and wahhab...and dodo fait de doux reves, ur barbecue is being readied but u will be a nice guest b4 , like ur dirty 11

Missing gabby 03:32 ,2012 آب 10

Anytime the Hezz/Pro Syria bearded liars are accused......it always surrounds, murder, attempted murder, drugs, major theft, etc. They always claim it is fabricated, block the investigation.......then threaten conflict or block the airport road. Yet they are always innocent.

Default-user-icon mfawaz (ضيف) 04:12 ,2012 آب 10

A thug, belonging to a specie that refuses to evolve, not even Darwin could find any sign of evolution.

Default-user-icon killers (ضيف) 05:27 ,2012 آب 10

all of march 8 leaders have taken part in assassinations,bombs and cover ups of march 14 politicians. this is how they pledged their allegiance to assad and to eachother.

Thumb geha 06:27 ,2012 آب 10

No surprize in Raad comments: samaha and hizbushaitan are 2 faces of the same coin.
look at the audacity of his comments defending his fellow traitor! for those who object to thee word traitor, please explain what you call an individual acting under foreign orders to do terrorist acts and assassinations in the country?
this traitor admitted what he did, and my best guess is his boss will do everything possible to kill him in order to silence him: this guy knows too many things and they should come out to the open as they will explain many murdors that happened so far.

Thumb EagleDawn 08:27 ,2012 آب 10

Why is Raad so sure and so quick to conclude "They are security fabrications"? He would have been more credible had he waited until the investigation was over before voicing such a silly irresponsible opinion. Is that not UNDERMINING the state?

Default-user-icon abraham (ضيف) 07:03 ,2012 آب 10

How ignorant are you guys
what happened to the term innocent until proven guilty
but you guys are so brainwashed by the corrupt lebanese political and judicial system
Remember when Hariri was murdered, all you heard was ASSAAD, ASSSSAAD
anyone has Syria guilty yet

Thumb shab 08:53 ,2012 آب 10

Now let's see.....how about Isarel, Zionist, USA and the other standard bull?

Missing trigger 08:59 ,2012 آب 10

why wasn't this security agency fabricating and acting suspicious when it arrested israeli spies, some of them were even hizballah members??
or just because you received instructions to speak!!!

Default-user-icon ZadiiG (ضيف) 09:48 ,2012 آب 10


You should actually leave Lebanon and enjoy life in Ladaquia or Shiraz. Take Raad with you.

Missing maroun 10:13 ,2012 آب 10

the evil protecting the evil..go and get a life Raad and stop lying

Default-user-icon kafta ya hajj raad (ضيف) 10:16 ,2012 آب 10

Wonder what bothers raad more the fact that samaha go the job his party usually gets of murdering lebanese for the sake of assad or that he was arrested

Default-user-icon Lebanese Aley (ضيف) 11:20 ,2012 آب 10

Ra3ed is talking ? why ? because the police arrested one of his criminals ? shame on you Hizbollah and all the the problems of Lebanon are coming from those dirty people !

Missing fadipsp 11:39 ,2012 آب 10

lol!he s funny

Thumb dasphinx 15:25 ,2012 آب 10

I wonder why Bashar called personally to pressure for the release of Saint Micheel who will probably be released (because this is Lebanon and our government is crap). Now I am sure that the file will be turned over to the STL and many accusations will follow.. Wahhab, Kandil, etc. etc.

Eventually, Hizbollah is going down so will the worhsipers.

Missing allouchi 16:31 ,2012 آب 10

Raad is just another low life terrorist just like Sameha...

Thumb Bandoul 17:27 ,2012 آب 10

A spokesman for the Party of Terror and Intimidation, reminding the oppressed who is in charge…t3awadna, the difference is we no longer care. Yalla, yalli byotla3 bi 2idak, 3melo…your party of thugs is nearing the end…

Default-user-icon there you go (ضيف) 20:51 ,2012 آب 10

Thunder the Sasquatch withdrew his statement.