الأسير يعلن الإستمرار في الإعتصام وسعد ألقى التحية على المارة رافضا "استهداف المقاومة" من صيدا
Read this story in Englishأكد إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير رفضه إزالة الإعتصام الذي يقيمه مع مناصروه في صيدا أو نقله إلى مكان آخر.
وقال الأسير بعد أن زاره وفد من تجار صيدا حاملين توقيعات قالوا أنها من 450 تاجر في المنطقة تطالبه بالإستمرار في الإعتصام قال "أهالي صيدا يقبلون العيش بالزيتون والزعتر والزيت لكنهم يرفضون العيش بدون كرامة".
من جهة أخرى وقف رئيس التظيم الشعبي الناصري أسامة سعد مع مناصريه على طريق عام الجنوب حاملين الورود وأعلام التنظيم، وقام سعد بإلقاء التحية على العائدين من عطلة نهاية الأسبوع من الجنوب إلى بيروت.
وقال سعد في حديث إلى مجطة الـ"MTV" أن "مبادرتنا هي للتأكيد على خيار المقاومة والسلاح يطرح فقط ضمن الإستراتيجية الدفاعية عن لبنان".
ورفض سعد أن يرد أكثر من مرة على ما يقوم به الأسير.
كذلك صرح سعد لقناة "المنار" أن "وقوفنا اليوم هو أن نقول أننا لن نسمح لأن تكون صيدا ساحة لمشروع يستهدف المقاومة".
من جهة أخرى أفادت قناة الـ"MTV" عن "تسييج قطعة أرض قريبة من مكان اعتصام الأسير من قبل أنصاره لكن لم يعلم إذا كان الأمر مرتبطا بنقله في الساعات المقبلة".
فيما علمت قناة الـ"LBC" أن "لقاء نيابي علمائي عقد في طرابلس كان سيتوجه لصيدا للتمني على الأسير نقل الإعتصام إلا أن أي إشارة إيجابية لم تأت من الأسير حالت دون التوجه لصيدا".
وكان قد نفى الأسير ان يكون قد اعلن أن الاحد سيكون "يوم الوجع الكبير"، مشدداً على ان الاعتصام في صيدا قائم وسيظل كذلك.
وقال الاسير في حديث الى صحيفة "الشرق الاوسط"، ان ما تناقلته أكثر من وسيلة إعلامية عن أنه يعد اليوم الأحد لـ"يوم الوجع الكبير"، غير صحيح جملة وتفصيلا، موضحاً ان "ما يميز يوم الأحد أنه يشهد عادة زحمة سير قد تتعاظم في ظل الاعتصام".
وأكد أن "الاعتصام يبقى خطوة أولى في إطار الانتفاضة السلمية التي يقودها على أن تليها خطوات لاحقة، رفض الكشف عنها لتحصيل أهدافها". وقال "لم أقتنع أنا وإخوتي المعتصمون بالعودة إلى منازلنا لأننا لم نلمس خطوات جدية بإطار وضع السلاح في سياق استراتيجية دفاعية وطنية".
وعن من يقول إن الاعتصام لا يؤثر على حزب الله وبالتالي لا فائدة منه، رد الاسير، عبر "الشرق الاوسط"، قائلاً "عندما يجتمع هذا العدد البسيط من الصيداويين فيصبحون هم الحدث على الصعيد الوطني فلا شك أن حزب السلاح الذي يهيمن على البلاد لن يكون راضياً".
الى ذلك، استهجنت مصادر مقربة من حزب الله، عبر الصحيفة نفسها "تعاطي الشيخ الأسير السياسة من بوابة التعصب"، متهمة "مخابرات عربية بتمويل ظواهر كظاهرة الأسير لزرع الفتنة بين اللبنانيين".
وأردفت أن "ما يحصل في صيدا نتيجة دخول المال العربي إلى الشارع اللبناني، لكننا واعون لما يحضر لنا ولن ننجر إليه".
من جانب آخر أكدت مصادر في "تيار المستقبل"، في حديث الى صحيفة "النهار" انه "اذا كان موقف مدينة صيدا ضد قطع الطرق فهذا لا يعني الموافقة على استباحة المدينة، كما لا يعني هذا الموقف إعفاء الدولة من مسؤولياتها في التواصل مع الأسير لرفع اعتصامه".
ونقلت "النهار" عن مصادر معنية في المدينة ان "قيادة الجيش اتخذت قراراً حازماً بمنع قطع أي طريق دولية جديدة في صيدا"، مضيفة أن "دوريات مؤللة للجيش تعمل على تأمين الحركة باستمرار على طول الطريق العام".
ولم تستبعد المصادر نفسها احتمال حصول خطوة أمنية لنقل المعتصمين من مكان اعتصامهم واعادة فتح الطريق العام، لكنها اشارت الى ان الامر ينتظر قراراً رسمياً، موضحة ان أي تحرك أمني سيعتمد السبل السلمية.
وكان قد أكد وزير الداخلية مروان شربل، السبت، أنه يعمل شخصيا على معالجة اعتصام الاسير في صيدا، متفائلاً بمعالجة الامر "خلال وقت قريب".
وكان قد بدأ الشيخ أحمد الاسير منذ ثلاثة أيام اعتصاما مفتوحا في صيدا حتى معالجة "السلاح خارج الدولة"، مؤكدا أن الخطوات القادمة ستكون تصعيدية في حال عدم استجابة الأطراف المعنية.
but Hezbollah occupied downtown Beirut for four months in 2006 and got away with it. If the government failed to do anything in the case of Hezbollah, why should they do anything in Saida?
A civil war is coming to Lebanon. May 7 didn't do the job. All the events in Lebanon are not a coincident. They are planned (of course the lebanese have no say over their destiny) and the idiots keep falling for it all the time. Lebanese people like the army when it is agreeable to their terms.
The 7th of May was due to the 5th of May when al Mustaqbal and Jumblatt were acting on Israeli orders to weaken the resistance and they had thousands of armed Salafis in Beirut.
In 3 hours Beirut was cleaned and everything was handed over to the Lebanese Army. Their media created the herioc "300 Jumblatt Fighters" that held out against Hezbollah, this fantasy so that they can save face.
The People, Army and Resistance is protecting our country, why is mustaqbal, jumblatt, salafis and the rest of the feb14 Christian pocket change attacking them to please Israel?
I agree with the above comments: war is coming fast to lebanon.
hizbushaitan went too far and the result of their actions is a complete uproar within the young people of m14.
with or without their leadership they are training fast, and I know of several graduations of large numbers already finished.
a spark of any sort will ignite the whole country and have unprecented effects.
tripoli is nothing to what is in store now.
the only way to difuse the situation is for hizbushaitan to deliver immediately their weapons to the state.
Hezballah does obey the constitution but others don't seem to obey as these various parties try to cover their dirtiness and weapons by asking Hezb only to hand in their weapons.
tell your masters to read and abide by it then.
and when Lebanon is completely liberated, you will be happy :)
Exceptions, exceptions and exceptions.... are the root cause of the issue. What this guy is asking for is what all the Lebanese has been asking for..what's the root cause of the Tripoli clashes, May7, Nahr EL Bared and all camps. it is the fact that there is an exception for certain groups to carry weapons under the slogan "Bo3Bo3 Israel, zionist, imperialism and Bull s." Run behind the Army and strengthen its defense strategy instead of being on the payroll books of the Iranians and KSA. This is the root cause of the issue, no one wants to be unemployed.
It's not "all Lebanese has been asking for" , ok? it's what you "14 march" , unfortunately what you called yourselves and divided from the rest of the political parties, are asking..
All political parties have weapons, ALL, Do not deny it.
Ever seen rockets directed inwards?
For strengthening the Lebanese Army, i agree with you..but in what case when the government is always in debt? The Americans donate some humvee's that consume alot of petrol, and at the same time gives Israel the latest weapon technology, cosider the F-35, What are the Americans thinking about ? playing a one-player chess game, get my point?
antilebanese: as long as your beloved militia keeps its arms why shouldn t other parties re arm in reaction? that is the logic set by your militia! if you accept one single party to be armed you should accept all the parties too!
get the logic?
and M14 is asking for ALL the illegal weapons to go to the army, ALL: understand?
your persian militia just weakens the state of lebanon thus making israel happy to be next to a weak state... indirectly your militia helps israel... get the logic?
why shouldnt lebanon sign a peace treaty with israel? oh! yes your militia would be unemployed and would disappear...
anti peace:
Am sure you can't wait till you sign an anti-peace treaty with Israel. Good luck bro.
learn to say Lebanese, not persian..
and no, Israel is happy to be next to a corrupted country where some various "m14 parties" Don't agree with other parties on this case which REALLY HELPS Israel, otherwise it's afraid of Hezballah's powers and Lebanese army combined, Do you understand English?
Recall history (if you have a memory), Who was oppressed by constant violence from Israel in Lebanon that in return sought the solution of arms and weapons to defend itself?
"it's afraid of Hezballah's powers and Lebanese army combined, Do you understand English?"
LOL... complex of superiority and typical hezbi arrogance...
the facts are here to contradicut all your lies but i don t want to waste time to talk to an antilebanese man who believes more in a party than in his state...
your fall will be all the more harsh, and i ll be laughing all the more at your chiwawa arrogance! LOL
btw, please do not sterotype as "typical hezb arrogance" because it's one opinion and it's not arrogance.
I'll be more than happy when you seek unnecessary refuge in Israel like your former fellows, one of them cleaning the people's sh*t in tel aviv and has two daughters still in lebanon working as singers or in prostitute business..
Thank you peace, I hope you see peace if you stay in this mentality.
"Jabal10..." : Guess what ?!
I can't man because it is the cause of all the problems in Lebanon!
They are working days and nights on how to invade the country in different ways
Palestinians (main problem?) would'nt have come to Lebanon in the first place if there wasn't for Israel ;)
Lebanese, Israel is not the cause of all the problems in Lebanon.
WE THE LEBANESE are the cause of the problems in Lebanon. Stop blaming others for our incompetence as a nation.
WE chose politicians who were corrupt and incompetent.
OUR politicians accepted the Cairo agreement which created a Palestinian state in Lebanon.
WE killed each others during 15 years.
WE allied ourselves with foreigners against each other, and we still do.
And the list goes on.
Stop blaming Israel and Syrian and Iran and America and whatever. The culprit is the Lebanese people.
I call for peace with Israel as well. Now that Lebanon is completely free, we can normalize relationships and start negotiating 500.000 one way trips with the Palestinian Authority. I can't wait to visit the holy places...
this rat is the legitime new born of may 7..and war will never happen again in lebanon becose the strategic balance in the region has already been shifting.
Yes @independence, you're right,"thugs,occupied,claim resistance"-nice claim you got. You're seriously retarded.
Let me ask you, do you remember the incidents of ain al remaneh in 2009?
And what about the incidents in taree2 el jdedeh recenty? Please tell me they were not thugs..
Hizb may not like what this guy is going (or don't care), but the people of Saida definitely do not like it. If this guy wants to do a sitin, do it at a Hizb stronghold, not a Sunni one.
Someone get the firetrucks and remove this wannabee filth off of the road.
The Asir guy has my support for now, just like for any politician. During Aoun's war against Syria, I was supporting Aoun until he did a Jumblatt move (turned his jacket inside out). If this Asir becomes a nuisance to the entire country then I'll review my posicion. The guy reprents many Lebanese, some of them dont vote at all (m14/8). A pacified country obviously is a civilian country. We have two competing military powers in charge of our defense, one is more than enough. Perhaps if we continue in this path we should disarm the official army and save lots of taxpayers money. Well, you see this isn't logical at all.... Twisted country.
the second sit in will be on the coastal road of iqlim el kharroub and nahme.. and nobody can open one road by force...all the roads or nothing
I don't trust a guy with a beard!
Hezb refused moderate sunnis...now this crap is comming their way...my oh my...poor Lebanon... land of the extremes...