الأطباء يتوقفون عن العمل الاثنين احتجاجا على توقيف زميلهم
Read this story in Englishتوقف أطباء لبنان الاثنين عن العمل التزاما بدعوة نقابة الأطباء لوقف العمل والاعتصام حرصا على تطبيق القانون الذي يمنع التوقيف الاحتياطي للطبيب.
ودعت النقابة الأطباء الى الاعتصام في الواحدة من بعد الظهر في بيت الطبيب، احتراما لقرار لجنة التحقيقات العلمية، وحفاظا على كرامة كل طبيب لبناني.
نقيب الأطباء شرف أبو شرف قال في الاعتصام التضامني مع الطبيب الموقوف "إننا حريصون على قدسية رسالتنا الانسانية كل الحرص الى جانب ان لا يكون العدل سائباً".
وأضاف "عبركم نتوجه الى القضاء اللبناني لنؤكد ثقتنا وتمسكنا الشديد به فهو ملاذنا الاول والأخير ونحن ندرك أن بديله لا تحمد عقباه ونحن دائما معه ولو كان قرار جائراً بحقنا ونعمل على تصويب الوضع".
أما نقيب المحررين الياس عون فانسحب من تجمع الاطباء، اثر منعه من اكمال كلمته بعد دعوته الى عدم تحميل الاعلام المسؤولية لان وسائل الاعلام تنقل ما تراه.
وكانت قد دعت النقابة الى "أوسع مشاركة" في الاعتصام حول قضية توقيف الطبيب موسى ابو حمد، "حرصا على تطبيق القانون الذي يمنع التوقيف الاحتياطي للطبيب".
وقد تم توقيف الطبيب ابو حمد على خلفية وفاة السيدة ريتا زغيب (التي كانت حاملا بشهرها السابع) وجنينها منذ اسابيع في مستشفى سيدة لبنان، واتهمه اهلها بالاهمال.
من جهته، أكد نقيب الاطباء شرف ابو شرف في حديث لـ"صوت لبنان" (93.3) ان "تحرك الاطباء الاثنين هوللحفاظ على كرامة وحصانة الطبيب".
وكان ابو شرف قد أوضح أن "التوقيف الاحتياطي للطبيب أثار موجة غضب عارمة بين الأطباء الذين طالبوا بتنفيذ القوانين المتعلقة بعدم توقيف الاطباء احتياطيا والحفاظ على كرامتهم وقدسية مهنتهم. فاذا تبين في ما بعد ان الطبيب لم يكن على خطأ، من يعيد له الاعتبار ويعوض عليه الضرر الذي لحق به؟".
وشدد على "ضرورة عدم زعزعة الثقة الموجودة بين المريض والطبيب، وتوصيف التعاون بين الاعلام ونقابة الاطباء والجمعيات المختصة فيها للوصول الى الهدف المنشود، الا وهو الحقيقة والتوعية والتثقيف".
Bad that the lady and her child died, but not good that they detained the doctor, the doctor should be suspended pending an investigation - not arrested.
Arrest should only be issued if it is likely the doctor will run away or if the investigation found him criminally negligent.
with all the errors made by doctors and hospitals in lebanon and never one doctor has been prosecuted so far, it is good to see a judge really pushing on this subject.
everybody should be accountable.
a doctor is a flight risk, as he has enough means to do so, thus a preventive arrest is logical.
Well you don't punish this doctor for the other ones. Setting a high bail in case he is a flight risk. Putting him in jail will not bring the lady back. Maybe he is not guilty at all, why destroy his reputation before an investigation.
if there was not enough evidence against this doctor, would you really think a judge would try to make a move on him?
let us not be naive and play the hand of the doctors in lebanon.
accountability is important for doctors so they do what they should be doing, and compared to the west, I can tell you that insurance rates for malpractice of doctors are the highest in percentage.
why are things different in lebanon?
are our doctors are beyond mistakes?
the problem is their mistakes cause death.
Because for too long doctors in Lebanon have been getting away with murder, literally. It is time to hold them to the same accountability that all other doctors in the West are held to. Don't know if this particular Dr. is guilty or not, unfortunately for him his will be the case that will hopefully commence Dr. accountability in Lebanon.
it is about time starting to hold these doctors with licenses to steal accountable. These guys don't answer to anyone in Lebanon. They kill the patients and not even one Dr. in Lebanon was held accountable. I would say good for the judge.
Do not assume that he was arrest without a reason and for the hell of it. Authority may well have evidences to the doctor misjudgment that led to the death.
How come did they not go on strike in support of Dr. Geagea for killing hundreds of thousands and bringing nothing but disasters and misery to the Lebanese and specifically to the Christians especially that he trampolined into the arms of the Syrians at the height of the occupation? This is not fair, docs.
A doctor's negligence is usually punished by suspending or even canceling his licence and by imposing on him a monetary compensation for the family of the victim.
In the absence of evidence that he intentionally wanted to harm this lady this doctor should be detained.
Who said there is no evidence .. The lady died because he did nt come to see her.. What a negligence.. This is the first time in the history of Lebanon that the DR. is being questioned.. Why not?? no one is above the law and justice, if he is not falty he will be released .. but let it be a lesson for some of the dR.. who are being so much protected and they are asking for more rotection to cover their mistakes? if not the law who will protect us patients??
the dr s are so much protected in lebanon.. This is the first time that we see a dorctor punished.the lady died because he did not come to see her I sit fair?Who will defend the poor patients ... there should be justice somewhere!!
In this country, Media should do its job by not taking any side. They mentioned the name of the doctor from day 1 without even knowing what happened and what was the original cause. I feel sorry for this country, and I am ashamed of being Lebanese, because sadly speaking this country and these people blame each other without having the knowledge. I wish someday, we will be able to live in a fair country and have a propper country that protects everyone. The medical report showed the main reason of their death. Usually people intend to take a side when there's emotion envolved, but nothing you can do by destroying a good man's life. Everyday I am more conviced that there is no coming back to this country.
In this country, Media should do its job by not taking any side. They mentioned the name of the doctor from day 1 without even knowing what happened and what was the original cause. I feel sorry for this country, and I am ashamed of being Lebanese, because sadly speaking this country and these people blame each other without having the knowledge. I wish someday, we will be able to live in a fair country and have a propper country that protects everyone. The medical report showed the main reason of their death. Usually people intend to take a side when there's emotion envolved, but nothing you can do by destroying a good man's life. Everyday I am more conviced that there is no coming back to this country.
On the contrary , I am an expact too! I will come if i see that justice is taking its cource.. enough covering for DR. Mistakes It a woman who died.. This is the first time that we see someone reacting.. Evry day we hear of Dr. s mistakes and no one reacts!!Enough Mafia for the DR. .. Patients life are in your hands.. I am not saying all the doctos but some of them
I will return to my country when I see there is democracy and juctice in this country!
Arrest might not be the best way to handle this situation but doctors should be held accountable. My mother got severely harmed by a doctors misjudgement and we have no idea who to go to?!
Apparently the woman was in distress and the doctor didn't feel like coming to the hospital to determine what the exact situation was. She died a couple of hours later.
The hospital administration, the attending nurses and the physician himself bear various degrees of responsibility and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
While we have excellent doctors in Lebanon, we also have many who are routinely negligent and are protected by their syndicate.
to all who are saying a doctor must not be arrested i say big no no here in the united states it will the same like this judge did in lebanon the same thing they arrest the docotor for a week or so and then bail him out normally high amounts varies from 500.000 $ to a million $ waiting for investigation and trial for a jury verdict meantime his lisence is suspended
he was released with a 50 million LBP bail... due to a presumed error.
Fanatic Fatah Al Islam members who fought the army and killed and destroyed are released with a 500.000 LBP bail (ironically paid by our generous prime minister)