اكثر من مئة الف متظاهر في موسكو ضد بوتين

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شارك اكثر من مئة الف شخص في تظاهرة الثلاثاء في موسكو ضد الرئيس فلاديمير بوتين، على ما اعلن سيرغي اودالتسوف احد المنظمين لوكالة فرانس برس.

وقال سيرغي اودالتسوف زعيم جبهة اليسار "هناك اكثر من مئة الف شخص" فيما افادت الشرطة عن 18 الف متظاهر بعد ساعتين على بدء التظاهرة وبعدما كانت اعلنت في وقت سابق عن عشرة الاف متظاهر.

وتأتي هذه التظاهرة في اجواء متوترة بعد مداهمة الاثنين منازل نحو عشرة من قادة المعارضة الذين استدعوا الثلاثاء للمثول امام لجنة تحقيق في اطار التحقيقات بالصدامات التي تخللت تظاهرة 6 ايار.

ورفض سيرغي اودالتسوف تنفيذ طلب الاستدعاء خلال التظاهرة.

وقال "السلطات خائفة ولقد ارتكبت خطأ. ان اعمال الانتقام تثير استياء الناس بشكل اضافي وتدفعهم للنزول الى الشارع، انظروا الى عدد الاشخاص الموجودين هنا. وبعد مداهمات الامس جاء الكثير من الناس" للتظاهر.

التعليقات 8
Thumb benzona 15:25 ,2012 حزيران 12

Long live Putin and Medvedev, They did a wonderful job in Russia although I'm not proud of them them for Syria.

Missing Perestroika 15:38 ,2012 حزيران 12

@Benzona je ne sais pas à quoi tu fais allusion en soutenant Putin sachant que c'est le mec le plus mafieux et le plus corrompu en Russie. Vive plutôt la Perestroïka et un salut à Gorbatchev, un vrai homme d'état!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:26 ,2012 حزيران 12

putin will visit israel on 25th of june and dicuss with natanyahu : syria. no comment.

Thumb benzona 17:51 ,2012 حزيران 12

Figure toi que non, mais alors pas du tout. le gars a un idéal, redresser le pays. les oligarques ont très peur de lui... ceux qui le fréquente encore gardent profile bas (Abramovitch etc...). En fait, la qualité de vie s'est énormément améliorée en Russie. Je sais ça de source sure étant donne mes nobles origines Russes -en plus de libanaises- et dont la famille réside encore a Saint-Pétersbourg.

A bon entendeur ;-)

Missing Perestroika 21:43 ,2012 حزيران 12

je pense que tu as raison sur le redressement partiel de l'économie du pays. Mais ce que je reproche à ce pouvoir incarné par Putin c'est la non-tolérance, c'est la restriction de la liberté, c'est l'élimination des opposants en permanence, c'est la censure des médias. C'EST LE "SI TU ME SOUTIENS TU ES LIBRES SINON JE T' ÉLIMINE. c'est la peur qu'engendre ces soldats civiles ( à la shabi7a) aux personnes opposants au pouvoir! c'est la falsification des bulletins de votes!

Même économiquement Benzona, certes il y a eu une amélioration mais c'est surtout grâce aux ressources naturelles notamment le gaz et uranium!

Thumb lebnanfirst 20:26 ,2012 حزيران 12

What you mentioned about Putin may be true and I have no reason to doubt your sources in St. Petersburg. A benevolent dictator he may be but still a dictator none the less. Thousands in Russia are mobilizing against him and who am I to disbelieve their motives. I think that what is unfolding in Russia recently greatly resembles the Arab Spring uprising. I may be totally off but that is my gut feeling.
Some in Syria may describe Bashar in the same terms as you did above and I am sure some Syrians did benefit from some of Bashar's actions but that by no means changes the equation.

Thumb benzona 20:49 ,2012 حزيران 12

My family, or what's left of it has been targeted since 1917. Most of them were killed in various Siberian gulags. he few that survived the revolution and the gulags were women and my grand father who fled St-Pete. Of course, Lenin, Stalin and the other tyrants took everything from them and properties were never returned. The toughest years they had were in the 80's and 90's. My relatives who visited me 10 days ago mentioned the Yeltsin years as really bad.Since Putin, they can afford doing things again (they aren't active in local politics) although there's corruption, but way less than Lebanon and many Western countries. But the country is definitely improving despite the Putin's grip. Afterall, Russia is the biggest country on Earth and since the middle ages strong men(inc. the Czars) had to work hard to keep it together. Unlike Syria, Putin shares the income from natural resources with ALL Russian citizens.

Thumb beiruti 00:05 ,2012 حزيران 13

So now you can see why Putin is so opposed to any aid being given to the Syrian Opposition as they try to defend themselves against a murderous callous regime. Putin's Regime does not want to be next.