جنبلاط يدعو 14 آذار للمشاركة في الحوار: لم أعد أفهم سياستهم

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وصف رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط موقف قوى 14 آذار من الحوار الوطني بـ"المحزن والمخجل والمضحك"، قائلاً "لم أعد أفهم سياستهم ولازم يكونوا الاثنين في بعبدا".

وقال جنبلاط في حديث الى صحيفة "النهار"، ورداً على تعاطي 14 آذار مع الدعوة الى الحوار، "صراحة لم اعد افهم 14 آذار وطريقة تعاطيها وهذا الموضوع".

وأضاف "يقولون انهم مع الحوار ويوافقون ثم يترددون. موقف هؤلاء ويا للاسف محزن ومخجل ومضحك".

ووفق ما قاله جنبلاط لـ"النهار"، فإن بعض قوى 14 آذار "يتهرب من المسؤولية. واكرر انني من جهتي لم اعد افهم سياستهم".

وتوجه الى هذه القوى، معلناً "لازم يكونوا الاثنين في بعبدا".

وشدد جنبلاط على ان "لا شيء مستحيلاً ولا شيء نعجز عن التوصل الى حل له. حتى سلاح المقاومة وكل ما يدور حوله في الامكان التوصل الى آلية دفاعية استراتيجية تسمح للبنان بالافادة منها واستثمارها في حمايته من اسرائيل وتهديداتها".

يُشار الى أن "حزب القوات اللبنانية" قد أعلن رفضه تلبية دعوة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى عقد طاولة حوار في الحادي عشر من حزيران الجاري اي الاثنين القادم في بعبدا، في حين أن "حزب الكتائب اللبنانية" سيلبي الدعوة. أما "تيار المستقبل" فلم يعلن حتى الآن موقفه.

الى ذلك أكد جنبلاط في حديث الى "النهار" أن "لا حل سوى سلوك طريق الحوار والجلوس وجهاً لوجه ومناقشة كل الامور المختلف عليها، لأن المهم في رأيه هو تنظيم الخلاف وعدم توتير الاجواء السياسية، والسعي الى عدم انتقال التوتر وشريط الخلافات الى الشارع".

من جانب آخر وفي ملف الانفاق المالي، قال جنبلاط لصحيفة "السفير" أنه تم الاتفاق على موضوع الانفاق "ونحن سنمشي مع هذا الاتفاق برئاسة الرئيس ميشال سليمان، خاصة أن هناك اموراً اساسية لا نستطيع ان نعطلها، ونتمنى لاحقاً كما اكد الرئيس (رئيس مجلس النواب) نبيه بري ان نجد تسوية لموضوع الاحد عشر مليار دولار" (الحكومات السابقة من عام 2006 الى 2009).

وأقرت الحكومة الخميس سلفة خزينة بقيمة 10394 مليار ليرة لبنانية عن انفاق العام 2012، كما أقرت سلفة بقيمة 600 مليار ليرة لإنجاز مشاريع انمائية في مدينة طرابلس ومناطق أخرى.

وشدد جنبلاط، في حديثه الى "النهار"، على ضرورة عدم "ادخال الحسابات السورية في ازمة طرابلس" ويقول "هذه دعوة الى افرقاء 8 و14 آذار للكف عن تزويد تلك المنطقة السلاح والمال في سبيل استخدام السلاح".

وتوجه الى ابناء طرابلس، داعياً اياهم الى "عدم الاقتتال والانجرار الى اشتباكات"، على قاعدة انهم لا يملكون حلا امام حجم الازمة المفتوحة في سوريا.

وكانت اشتباكات عنيفة قد اندلعت بين جبل محسن ذات الغالبية العلوية المؤيدة للنظام السوري وباب التبانة ذات الغالبية السنية المؤيدة لحركة الاحتجاج السورية، ليل الجمعة-السبت، ما أدى الى مقتل أكثر من 10 أشخاص وجرح أكثر من 50 آخرين.

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:44 ,2012 حزيران 08

My dear fellow citizen Walid. You know the proverb that says, if your friend fools you once its his fault, if he fools you twice it's yours! You' re expecting March 14 to sit with lowlives, scumbag criminals, who have seized power through a coup d' état, , who have ruined livelihoods in destroying businesses in the downtown occupation, who have killed innocent people (7th may), who have trampled and raped State Institutions on every occasion (parlement closing, violating Doha agreement, taking the contry alone to a foolish war despite agreement to the contrary round the ' dialogue ' table then), dragging the country in a lost stupid costly war,

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:46 ,2012 حزيران 08

accused of having co-planned , co-sponsored and executed the assassination of some of the most prominent politicians in the country, protecting criminals (the socalled saints!) , and to this day, holding a gun at anyone's head who doesn' t agree with their agenda, with the state standing by and watching (so called consensual security or political security when it pleases!) ?? Add to that helping and assisting countries who have , globally, the lowest human rights record on the face of the earth !

Default-user-icon j (ضيف) 11:31 ,2012 حزيران 08

Truth, If March 8 consents to sit with lowlife,scumbag criminals there is no good reason that March 14 should not do the same. The inconvenient truth for you is that March 8 has a real majority even without Jumblatt which is why March 14 and Jumblatt both are against representational voting. There are no answers from March 14, just obstruction . They, you, offer nothing to the future of Lebanon. They want to return to a past that did not work but allowed them to steal public money without oversight ,basic accounting or fiduciary reponsibility. The reason they obstruct is because so many of them are guilty of actual criminality in the Harari Administration and prefer gridlock to a functioning government and rule of law. But Keep up the hateful whining anyway. Truth, Israel isn't done kicking Lebanon and never will be. March 8 feel the boot, you do not.

Thumb thepatriot 11:15 ,2012 حزيران 09

@j "March 8 feel the boot, you don't" ...well... that's because m8 are bending over.

Missing mustapha_ghalayini@yahoo.com 12:57 ,2012 حزيران 08

walid beik wants the hiwar to live, becose without it the last two years of fakhamto will.... and fakhamto said that without it he will go home...means he will shorten his presidency which open the door for aoun b4 he...that's why aoun said he will discuss only the budget, to cut the road for hiwar to move,walid beik is protecting fakhmto and cutting the last lifesupport to the general deserter.

Thumb normzz 15:54 ,2012 حزيران 08

Jumblat i think is 1 of few in lebanon who play's the political game for what it is. its politics not friendship .

Missing peace 16:26 ,2012 حزيران 08

to those M8 preachers and know-it-all: NO dialogue is possible if M8 refuses to deal with the illegal weapons, which are the root of all the lebanese problems!
what is a dialogue if M8 refuse to talk about certain subjects that annoy them? void!
a dialogue is when you accept to tackle all the issues not only those which suits you!
so M8 are blocking the dialogue, not M14 because they don t have the guts to talk about everything... as the cowards they are

Missing reformist 17:34 ,2012 حزيران 08

peace tawill belak khod nafas habibi! Stop fooling people. The weapons are far from being the priority! Let's build the country! Look at the latest achievements of the gvt and respect that :) You can be part of this success just stop nagging and trying to stop every good initiative just cos you are frustrated!

Default-user-icon Tracksho Ballouzy (ضيف) 16:29 ,2012 حزيران 08

Jumblat to others: Hey, I'm here. Hey, I'm there. Hey, I'm here. Hey, I'm there. Hey, I'm here. Hey, I'm there. Hey, I'm here. Hey, I'm there... And everybody follows him like the as..oles that they are.

Thumb beiruti 17:26 ,2012 حزيران 08

This is part of the Jumblatt balancing act. He is on the record against the Assad Regime and probably has a place on the assassination hit list should Assad survive. But, Jumblatt has to keep Hezbollah at bay too and Hezbollah wants this so Jumblatt complies. He is showing a willingness to engage the fiction of a Lebanese government for the sake of placating Hezbollah as he opposes Hezbollah's patron, the Assad Regime.
Still, someone in the Lebanese political class must play straight and honest with the people and say when the emperor has no clothes.

Missing helicopter 22:58 ,2012 حزيران 08

beiruti ....Most of the straight and honest politicians you talk about have been dealt with by Syria and Hezb (the two remaining one survived an assasssination attempt and the other left the country to escape such an attempt). Why deal with matters by ballots and convincing arguments when you can just kill?

Thumb beiruti 17:27 ,2012 حزيران 08

How are you going to resolve disputes in any sort of balanced way in a dialogue with an armed participant which is doctronaire, ideological and not inclined to voluntarily move from its position for the sake of getting along with unarmed interlocutors? This whole thing is a fraud and by participation in it, one is only furthering the perpetration of the fraud. But the irony is that the Lebanese know this whole thing is BS so that no one is getting fooled except the participants who are only fooling themselves with this fake idea that they will dialogue to reduce tensions with an armed party at the table.

Missing reformist 17:36 ,2012 حزيران 08

Beiruti habibi! Lek even most M14 parts are for this dialogue! Have you listened to Amin and others? You guys are divided and don't even know on which front to fight! You are DESPERATE for power! You even tried stripteasing in downtown HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH and then what?! Went on ski vacation? hahahah losers ufff
yalla come to the table come we have work to do!

Missing peace 20:49 ,2012 حزيران 08

if most of M14 wants dialogue it doesn t mean that we are sheep like you and follow blindly a leader if he says so...
i repeat the root of all problems in lebanon lie in the possession of illegal arms by parties and mostly hezb!
the fool is you to believe that the weapons are a detail...

Missing helicopter 22:59 ,2012 حزيران 08

conformist is more suitable avatar name for you (maybe even brainwashed).

Thumb bigsami 20:43 ,2012 حزيران 08

Here we go again...flipper at his best!