ميقاتي: المحافظة على الإستقرار سيترجم على طاولة الحوار وأدعوالجميع للمشاركة
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي على ضرورة المحتفظة على الإستقرار، معتبرا أن ذلك سيترجم على طاولة الحوار الأسبوع المقبل، داعيا جميع الأطراف الى تلبية الدعوة.
وقال ميقاتي اليوم السبت للصحافيين: "منذ اليوم الاول الذي تألفت فيه الحكومة قيل أنها ستستقيل ولن تستمر، ونحن على مشارف سنة من عمر هذه الحكومة وهي مستمرة"، مؤكدا أن هذه "الاستمرارية ناتجة عن ثقة مجلس النواب وثقة غالبية الشعب اللبناني بها ،خاصة في هذه الظروف الصعبة التي تمر بها المنطقة".
وإذ ذكر أنه قد قال "مرارا وتكرارا اذا كانت هذه الحكومة هي السبب في المشكلات الحاصلة في البلد، فانا سأكون القدوة بتقديم الاستقالة لتحقيق الاستقرار" ، جزم ميقاتي بأنه "على قناعة بأن العلة ليست في هذه الحكومة بالذات ، بل في مكان آخر".
وعليه، شدد على وجوب أن "نصارح بعضنا نحن اللبنانيين لكي نستطيع أن نستمر في تحقيق الاستقرار والسلام في لبنان"، مضيفا: "مع هذه الحكومة والتي كانت قبلها والتي ستأتي بعدها ستبقى الامور على النهج ذاته، اذا استمرينا في المناكفات وعدم إجراء المصارحة بين اللبنانيين ، خاصة في هذا الظرف الصعب الذي تمر به المنطقة ودول الجوار" .
وأردف: "علينا ان نحافظ على إستقرار وطننا لئلا تنعكس هذه الاحداث علينا ، من خلال تحصين جبهتنا الداخلية وأن نكون موحدين، وهذا الأمر سيترجم فعليا الاسبوع المقبل على طاولة الحوار"، داعيا "كافة الاطراف الى المشاركة في طاولة الحوار والى أن نتصارح على هذه الطاولة".
وعن قضية المخطوفين اللبنانيين في سوريا أوضح ميقاتي "هذا الملف من مسؤولية الحكومة ، وهي تتابعه منذ اللحظة الاولى، مع كافة الاطراف، وقد كانت زيارتي لتركيا لمتابعة البحث في هذا الموضوع"، لافتا الى أن "الامور تطمئن الى سلامة المواطنين المحتجزين ".
وأمل أن "تسفر المباحثات والجهود التركية خيرا في الساعات المقبلة".
Everyone calling for dialogue, from the president, to the prime minister, to Patriach al Rai, to Ban Ki Moon, to Saudi Arabia, they can all take their dialogue and shove it. There is something called the constitution, something called the rule of law. There are government institutions and if March 8 leaders feel that the opposition needs to be involved in the discussion and the decision making process, they should resign the government and create a government that includes everyone as it would happen in any civilized democratic country, not call them for a dialogue table. I would go as far as calling for impeaching the president for breaking the constitution and calling for state discussions outside the framework of the state.
Very well put hitech. May I add that there are certain things that should be illegal (not subject to dialogue), such as disarming all parties and individuals, such as treason and being influenced by financial foreign Governments via financial bribery, corruption and control of Public sectors of the economy by certain parties (such as Amal controlling the airport and seaport resources and Hezb controlling the seaport of Tyre and dozens of other examples (regardless whether it is M14 or M8). The call for dialogue is just a political circus to occupy the people and manipulate them for political gains in the upcoming elections no more and no less.
March 14 should declare once and for all this government as illegitimate, the same way the Istiz and the paranoid General had done with the legitimate gouvernement then, of Fouad Siniora. This government came through a smokeless ' coup d' état ', and include parties that should be banned, as suspects (who gave the orders to the 4 saints!) in the assasinaition of countless number of prominent politicians and citizens. There is nothing to talk about with foul players, terrorists who have killed and keep plotting to kill their opponents in the country !
Couldn't agree more hitech. But this is the way to change the power arithmetics earned through the ballots boxes. It's a way to overweight foul players, and outlaws, those who carry other arguments than those called by constitutional rules.
I agree with you , follow the rule of the law. When a policeman manning a checkpoint tells you to stop you stop, when something goes against you you don't go out and start fires, or stage firefights.
when you are an opposition you don't like whats happening, you wait for the next election to change the govermant, not do everything in your power to harm the state, without caring what happens to the people.
That's the rule of the law
That's democracy that you guys want to preach
Lebanon First!
Agreed. We all know that political dialogue will not lead to any solution to the current political standoff between March 8 and March 14 due to the rules that are already pre-set, including, first and formost, Hizbollah's arms. As far as National dialogue is concerned, it should be conducted in a new cabinet that is made up of March 8 and 14 and veto power should not be granted to either parties. Hizbollah's arms should certainly be up for discussion without any intimidation from March 8 forces. We all know, however that the political survival of March 8 forces is based on Hizbollah's arms and intimidation; the arms provide them with the political strenth they currently enjoy. God help Lebanon!