سليمان والحريري يناقشان الدعوة للحوار لكن لا جواب نهائي حول مشاركته
Read this story in Englishكشف رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أنه أجرى نقاشا حول الحوار الوطني مع رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري في جدة، ولكن "لا أنا حشرته بجواب محدد ولا هو أعطى جوابا بنفي أو بتأكيد" الحضور.
وقال سليمان في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" بعد عودته من السعودية الجمعة إن "جو الحريري إيجابي وجيد، وأنا لم أطلب منه حضور جلسة الحوار، ولكن جرى نقاش حول الحوار الوطني من زاوية ما هو المفيد وما هو المضر".
وأوضح الرئيس أنه "كان هناك طرح لكل النواحي المحيطة بالحوار ونقاط الحوار التي يمكن أن تناقش من دون تحديد أي موقف".
الى ذلك، أشار سليمان إلى أنه "هو من اتصل بالحريري قبل قدومه إلى السعودية وجرى الاتفاق على اللقاء في جدة وكان هذا اللقاء على مائدة الأمير الفيصل".
لكنه أضاف أنه "علينا ألا ننسى أن الحريري هو زعيم لفئة لبنانية محترمة ونحن نريد عودة الجميع إلى لبنان والمساهمة في دينامية الحوار، وما شجعني، هو الدور الكبير الذي لعبه الحريري خلال الأحداث الأخيرة بدءاً من طرابلس إلى عكار إلى قضية اللبنانيين المختطفين".
وقد قام سليمان بزيارة الى السعودية استمرت يوما واحدا التقى خلالها العاهل السعودي الملك عبد الله بن عبد العزيز وبحث معه في دعوته الى الحوار الوطني في 11 حزيران وقضية المخطوفين اللبنانيين الـ11 في سوريا.
وكان قد خطف 11 حاجا لبنانيا في 22 أيار في حلب أثناء عودتهم عبر البر من زيارة العتبات المقدسة في إيران.
كما اجتمع رئيس الجمهورية بالحريري على طاولة الغداء التي أقامها على شرفه وزير الخارجية السعودي الأمير سعود الفيصل.
Dear Sheikh Saad. Don't sit with the killers of your father and many others, They have nothing to tell you. Don't give them any legitimacy which they are imposing on all lebanese at gunpoint. Don' t do like what you did when you visited the murderer still in power in Damascus to try to appease him. See the result. The guys you will meet should be in LaHague not in Baabda sitting around a table. Any one sitting on a table with an armed thug is not at par to discuss anything before even talking starts. Irrespective whether he owns or uses his arms. Owning them is tantamount to using them at will. History has proved it. You have been down this avenue before.It hasn't led to anything. Army - Lebanese - Resistance if to be discussed = Hizbollah !
They have spent years infiltrating army command. We have seen it in the south. We have seen it in Akkar with the murder of a Sheikh recently. They flexed muscle with the army with the killing of pilot Hanna in the south. In Chyah with the army. They have submitted it to their will. They're murderers who can get away with any murder under strife, and ' political security ' mottos. Under blackmail and TERROR. They're terrorists. DON' T SIT WITH THEM !
From the setup, it was a meeting between Sleiman and Saud el Faisal and mini-hariri the advisor of his excellency was learning and listening from the master
improvment in their habal, no more adou el sayuni?????was it a cover to let the faqihi invade?????
@karim_m1: The Saudis support whomever is in power, you're confused and mixing apples and oranges because your master Aoun has no other political choice except the Iranian/Syrian terrorists and extremists , extremists create more extremism, when Hizbollah suicidal bomb of the Marines in 1982 they have set the role model of extremism and for Al-Qaeda to later exist which was never born back then. Hizbollah learned from the PLO/Sa3eka-Syria how to terrorize (i.e. Damour) and acquired weapons and training from Iran versus Al-Qaeda abuse of Saudi money to terrorize, when you see towns are being massacred (i.e. Damour, Houla) you simply created extremism on all sides. Conclusion two wrongs do not make it right so do not blame the Saudis for what the Iranian are/have been doing for a long time.
Karim. let me finish your last sentence for you (you probably ran out of time or space).
Yes to a free, sovereign and independent Lebanon with the army being the sole protector of all.
Don't comme to Lebanon either.They will kill you and pretend you died in a road accident. Or that the Israelis did it. The Israelis which they dubb to be your allies when they please ! They will know through their spies in the airport the minute your plane lands on the runway. See what happened to Gibran. Don't be another Gibran . You can only come back when they'll be behind bars, like Milosevic was. The guy whom you met in KSA is worthless. Strife IS here. A smokeless one so far. A bloodless one. Until when ?
Karim i want to ask you few questions.
Do you have any family members living and working in KSA.
What currncey do use ?
My advise to you is leave Lebanon and fuck off to Syria or Iran you jerk Lebanon would be better place without people like you .God bless Lebanon and all the Gulf States..
Karim el Ahbal back again talkinga bout freedom ,democracy no to terrorism ?
Hizbollah :Democracy?terrorism?
Aoun :Freedom?
£ama shou ennak ahbal wlo