بري: المس بالجيش خط أحمر والملك السعودي أكد على إصرارنا للحوار

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أعلن رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أن "المس بالجيش خط أحمر" مجددا الدعوة إلى الحوار مذكرا ان الملك السعودي عبد الله بن عبد العزيز أكد على الدعوة.

وقال بري في لقاء الأربعاء النيابي بعد الظهر "أتى كلام الملك السعودي ليؤكد على كلامنا ودعونا نصر على الحوار في ظل تحريك الوضع من الشمال كما ان البعض حاول إقحام الفلسطينيين".

وكان قد دعا الملك عبدالله الثلاثاء إلى الحوار الوطني متخوفا من أن تتحول الأحداث إلى فتنة طائفية في لبنان.

وشدد بري اليوم الأربعاء على أن "الجيش هو خط أحمر والمس به هو مس بلبنان وإذا كان هناك من خلل فقيادته تحقق به"

وإذ جدد تمسك لبنان بسياسة النأي بالنفس عن الأحداث العربية قال بري "لسنا بحاجة إلى وصاية من أحد والمطالبة لإسقاط الحكومة مشروعة من قبل المعارضة والأهم أن تصدق الحكومة ذلك".

وتابع أن "هناك أناس مخلصون يريدون قانون انتخاب وهناك أناس لا يريدون الوصول إلى قانون" مشيرا إلى أنه لن تعقد "جلسة تشريعية في هذه المرحلة وسيتم عقد اجتماع أسبوعي لرؤساء ومقرري اللجان النيابية ".

وإذ كشف عن أكثر من اتصال مع رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري حول اللبنانيين الذين خطفوا على طريق حلب الثلاثاء أثناء عودتهم من زيارة دينية إلى إيران شدد بري على أن "ما جرى في الشمال كان من الممكن أن ينتقل إلى أكثر من منطقة".

واستنكر "محاولة توريط فلسطينيين" في الأحداث الأخيرة قائلا أن "إخواننا (الفلسطينيين) تنبهوا للأمر".

وكان قد رأى بري في حديث منفصل اليوم الأربعاء أن "الواقع المقلق يستدعي من جميع القوى تحمل مسؤولياتها تجاه حفظ السلم الاهلي في لبنان ومنع تجاوز الخطوط الحمر المؤدية الى الفتنة وادخال لبنان في دوامة الفوضى".

وهنأ بري اللبنانيين بعيد المقاومة والتحرير، مضيفا أنه "يأتي في لحظة سياسية ضاغطة بالتوترات الهادفة لجر لبنان الى الفتنة ونقل عدوى العنف الذي ضرب ويضرب عددا من الساحات العربية بهدف اعادة لبنان سنوات الى الوراء وبما يذكر بالحروب الصغيرة الدامية التي ادت الى الكثير من الموت والخراب والدمار".

وشدد على أن "عيد المقاومة والتحرير يجب ان يشكل حافزا للالتفاف حول جيشنا الوطني ومده بالسلاح والعتاد والعديد اللازم من اجل ان يتمكن من حفظ السيادة الوطنية وكذلك تولي مهمة الامن".

كما أكد أن "كل سلاح عدا سلاح الجيش يجب ان يكون في اطار استراتيجية دفاعية في موقع المقاومة الى جانب الجيش على الحدود لردع العدوانية الاسرائيلية ولمنع تهديد ارضنا وشعبنا ولحفظ سيادتنا".

الى ذلك، قال رئيس المجلس "إننا بمناسبة هذا العيد واذ نؤكد ان سياسة النأي بالنفس كانت ولا تزال مصلحة للبنان وللبنانيين فإننا نؤكد على الدعوة الى حوار وطني حول الاوضاع الراهنة من اجل تحقيق اجماع وطني حول وسائل الخلاص وابعاد شبح الفتنة".

وأكد ان "سوريا تحتاج منا الى التضامن والتوحد لمساعدتها على العبور الى الاستقرار والى عملية سياسية ترتكز على المشاركة وعلى بناء وصنع سلامها الاهلي دون تدخلات"، مشددا على "ان لبنان يجب ان يمهد لسلام سوريا لا ان تمهد المسألة السورية واستتباعاتها للفوضى والفتنة في لبنان".

وقال إن "لبنان يجب ان يكون قوة لاشقائه ونموذجا وعبرة لهم مما يجعل العملية السياسية في كل مكان تكسب الاقطار العربية مناعة ضد العنف".

وفي سياق آخر، شدد بري على ضرورة "ترسيم حدودنا البحرية بما يحفظ حقوقنا الوطنية بثرواتنا البحرية من نفط وغاز وبمنع اي تعد اسرائيلي او استثمار للمنطقة الاقتصادية الخاصة".

وختم بري مهنئا "لبنان واللبنانيين والجيش والمقاومة بعيد المقاومة والتحرير".

التعليقات 20
Missing peace 13:55 ,2012 أيار 23

"all sides to halt their campaigns against the resistance because we are all in a position of resistance and responsibility in defending our country,”
LOL! resisting maybe but not under the orders of a party sold to the interests of iran! a resistance party that put aside all the others to be the sole master of the south!

if they want to truly support the army they would transfer all their weapons and knowledge to the army!!! and obey the state instead of launching wars without its approval!

Missing peace 16:22 ,2012 أيار 23

we didn t expect more from a hezbi brainwashed fanatic...keep in your illusions and anti lebanese stances...

Missing ulpianus 19:47 ,2012 أيار 23

Mowaten. I fully understand the concern of the shiites in the South ( specially).
Because clearly, before the recistance the south was totally unprotected and israel was going in and out at will.

BUT and very important, if Hezb ( or mokawame) would be incorporated in the this would not mean that israel can wipe them out as you are saying. What hinders the army to use the same tactics as hezb. is doing? We have a country, naturally perfect for guerilla warfare. These tactics and the experience of hezb commanders and soldiers could be used to protect Lebanon.

So dont fear your brothers, take a step towards them instead and find that we will be much stronger together.

Missing ulpianus 19:48 ,2012 أيار 23

*incorporated in the army

Thumb beiruti 14:57 ,2012 أيار 23

This is such unadulterated BS. Now the M8 are calling for supporting the Army after they have done everything they can do to politicize the Army by infusing it with Hezbollah sympathizers. After they have emasculated the Army in growing areas of Beirut, the South and the Bekaa.
The best things that could be done to Support the Lebanese Army are:
1. Disarm Hezbollah and entrust the Army and the ISF as the sole instruments of the State to preserve and defend national sovereignty.

2. Preserve command and control of the army to the elected political leadership of the State.
3. When elements of the Army violate the law, arrest and punish them to the full extent of the law if they are found guilty of the charges by an independent judiciary.

Missing helicopter 15:14 ,2012 أيار 23

Since Liberation has been accomplished (to justify a Liberation Day), then go ahead and doo the next logical step.... support the army by handing over your weapons and remove all red lines you put for them.

Missing peace 16:25 ,2012 أيار 23

now they found another excuse to keep their weapons = guard the offshore oil!!!

every few years they come with an excuse worse than the other! tomorrow what will it be? protect the sky from falling down?

Thumb Lebanon4life 16:33 ,2012 أيار 23

The resistance should be integrated in the army as a kind of special fore to fight Israel if needed. So the don't have to hand over their weapons but they should agree to be under the command from the Army ;D

Thumb Lebanon4life 16:33 ,2012 أيار 23


Thumb shab 16:54 ,2012 أيار 23

Please no more red lines. You crossed it when you closed the parliment

Missing kiserwaniaseel 17:07 ,2012 أيار 23

He said during his weekly meeting with lawmakers: “Harming the army is a red line.”

but your allies who you share the government with, thought that attacking fatih el islam was the red line!

Missing kiserwaniaseel 17:09 ,2012 أيار 23

He renewed the government’s policy of distancing itself from the developments in the Arab world, saying: “We don’t need anyone’s tutelage.”

sah el nawm ya ghiwar el tooshi. would you have become a millionaire without the tutelage? the same tutelage that you did not dare to declare that it must leave your country!

Missing ulpianus 19:53 ,2012 أيار 23

Anybody knows for how many years this guy has been in his post?

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 17:43 ,2012 أيار 23

Berri is wise. We all shoudl support him in his endeavor because it's noble.

Default-user-icon Ante Foo (ضيف) 18:08 ,2012 أيار 23

Slash! Your profile picture represent fascism.The founder of the Phalanges party got his ideas from Hitler, Mussolini and Franko, after he returned to setup Lebanon's first and last fascistic party. Phalanges also supported Israel during the civil war to murder Palestinians and Lebanese which is totally contradictory to your ideology - Nazism. Also funny how you repeat your self, just like Dr. Mengele - Geagea, Ana ana ana lol. Yalla go and pick a flower and make sure to drink halib before going to sleep:)

Missing peace 18:48 ,2012 أيار 23

look at the new propaaganda from M8... they are trying to put in people s mind that M14 doesn t support the army!
the majority of akkar are in the army in case you forgot!

Default-user-icon Jnoubi (ضيف) 22:53 ,2012 أيار 23

Hi all ... Lebanese brothers!
I'm reading the comments and really hurts me to see so many confrontations between you. Humbly I would give my opinion:
>> My family is from South Lebanon and could really tell atrocities committed by the Israeli army, as it mentions "mowaten". Besides, I could be happy for the liberation of southern Lebanon, and celebrate the Day of Resistance and Liberation, and do so with great pleasure. However I see that some things prior to solve.
It is impossible to deny the relationship between Hezballah, Syria and Iran, because in fact they are public. But the resistance will never see (and talk about their political parties, their clergy and civilians) pointing their guns into the Lebanon, on the contrary I see that they try to resist foreign oppression. But on some occasions this upsets other political factions, and I understand that position.

Default-user-icon jnoubi (ضيف) 22:54 ,2012 أيار 23

I think the problem is not a Lebanese political party or another, but what they cause to civilians, as these political parties are religious parties. Political life is good and is good that citizens get involved, but when this is closely related to religion, the human being begins to manifest as absolute what is relative.
I can also see that many Lebanese civilians as partisan talk itself, and Lebanon would not be without the Lebanese Lebanon .... and Lebanese are all no matter which party sympathize. Political parties try to give their best for the sake of Lebanon, but sometimes are mistaken for a simple reason: They are run by humans, and humans have flaws.
I see in your Avatars on facebook, twitter or other social networks have icons in favor of a political party, or worse against another.

Default-user-icon jnoubi (ضيف) 22:55 ,2012 أيار 23

My symbol is neither a cross or a star or a crescent ... My symbol is the cedar, and when we are all under one banner will learn to be Lebanese to know the reality of the other Lebanese who supports me, my neighbor, the other region to another religion.
The cedar of Lebanon has no religion, the cedar of Lebanon Lebanon loves more than anything else.
Nabi Berri recently won a mention as a figure of Conciliation and Union among the Lebanese for their contributions and speeches, but that as Lebanese dissolves if we fail to find that union.

Default-user-icon jnoubi (ضيف) 22:55 ,2012 أيار 23

The saying that "unity is strength" I propose "to be united we are strong" and Lebanon resurge from the ashes like the phoenix.
I love Lebanon and the Lebanese, but I hate their differences. If we sat down to talk with the willingness to compromise in our stubbornness, let's see what are our similarities than our differences. Then we strengthen our common ground and live as true brothers!
Thanks for your time and warmth to read my humble opinion. Lebanon's is in good health to you and your families, and their flag is the coat of each one of you in difficult times!