تقارير: حزب الله يرفض مداهمة الجيش لـ"النبي شيت" لالقاء القبض على مسلحين
Read this story in Englishجرح 19 عنصراً في الجيش اللبناني لدى تعرضهم لاطلاق نار من قبل مسلحين في منطقة حورتعلا البقاعية والذين هربوا في ما بعد الى بلدة النبي الشيت، حيث سيطرة حزب الله، الذي رفض قيام الجيش بمداهمة البلدة لالقاء القبض على هؤلاء المسلحين.
وجرت هذه الاحداث بداية الاسبوع الفائت، حيث، وعلى ما افادت صحيفة "النهار"، قامت دورية من الجيش اللبناني بمطاردة أحد المطلوبين من آل المصري على طريق حورتعلا في قضاء بعلبك.
وأثناء الملاحقة اتصل المصري بأقربائه في القرية واخبرهم بأنه يتجه الى البقعة التي يقيمون فيها وانه يطلب حمايتهم، فأعدوا انفسهم مع بعض المسلحين وانتشروا بكل اعتدتهم في المحلة.
ووفق "النهار"، فإن أقرباء المصري معروفون بأنهم من كبار المطلوبين واخطرهم في جرائم استيراد الكوكايين من كولومبيا وتصنيع الهيرويين محليا، قبل توزيعها بالجملة على تجار المخدرات في جميع المناطق اللبنانية.
وتتابع الصحيفة، أنه ومع وصول المطلوب وخلفه الدورية فتح المسلحون النار عشوائياً على عناصر الدورية، واطلقوا قذائف على الآليات العسكرية المحملة بالجنود.
ما أدى الى جرح حوالى 19 جريحاً من العسكريين، واعطاب الآليات.
ولاذ المسلحون بالفرار الى منطقة قريبة، علمت مخابرات الجيش لاحقاً انها قرية النبي شيت القريبة، وانهم في منزل شخص معروف منهم، وفق "النهار".
و"النبي شيت" بلدة تقع ضمن المربع الامني التابع لـ"حزب الله" في البقاع، فأجرت الجهات المعنية في الجيش اتصالاً باللجنة التنسيقية الامنية في "حزب الله" للاتفاق معها على عملية الدهم لمنزل الشخص الذي يؤويهم في البلدة.
الامر الذي رفضه الحزب، الذي أصر على أن "النبي شيت"، على ما قالت الصحيفة عينها "قلعة من قلاع المقاومة"، ولن يسمح بدهمها.
وأشارت "النهار" أن حزب الله لم يعط حتى تعهداً بطرد مطلقي النار على الجيش منها.
When the resistance start to harbor criminals and drug smugglers, it is not resistance anymore. It is a gang. Eventually all these events are leading to a civil war.
@slash. What is bothersome, why now it is being reported and it happened last week. Was it saved for the proper moment. If Hizballah wants to exonerate itself, It would hand all these thugs to the government.
Ufff 3a slash. You remember when all of you guys were drugged and entered into palestinian camps to exterminate them all? :) Hayda a fact. Your stories about your friend doing military service is pure fiction there are no data points proving it... ;)
The past is the past, get over it! THE PRESENT:
The Party of God aka the "Party of Murdering Thugs" aka the "Party of Intimidation and Terror" and all of their misguided ideological and hateful supporters are terrorists not worthy of the honor of being Lebanese. But back to the point: All and any Islamists, Sunni or Shia, are terrorist scum and we want to them out of Lebanon.
Well done Slash, way to shut up that idiot BS-Thrower. You showed proof of your facts and Idiot-Thrower has gone silent. Makes me wonder that Idiot-Thrower is not really an FPMer, but is a paid propagandist masquerading as an FPMer.
The Party of God aka the "Party of Murdering Thugs" aka the "Party of Intimidation and Terror" and all of their misguided ideological and hateful supporters are terrorists not worthy of the honor of being Lebanese. But back to the point: All and any Islamists, Sunni or Shia, are terrorist scum and we want to them out of Lebanon.
Get the $#%$#$#@$! out of here you "BLANK" HA worshiping monkey and others like you who keep justifying their actions! You don't see how this clearly depicts an "above the law" approach by HA. You think this is what Lebanese want to live with day by day? Naharnet should block your presence on it's site with your ongoing criticism on their articles. But then again we know your childish schemes of creating aliases. Pathetic to say the least!
Your absolutely right!
"manufacturing heroin before distributing them to drug dealers in Lebanon." WTF.....is this part of God's plan to kill people through HA? I don't think so. HA is absolutely a mob and if there was a God....he would condemn them and all their followers to eternal hell!
Hezbollah thugs on one side and hero's on the other...
In reality, they are a shiite islamic armed militia...
Whatever you want to 'call it' after that is political.
The time now is for Hezbollah to shed its old feathers in favor of new ones. With Syria under the agonizing grip of a worsening civil war, with its ruling elite more cornered than ever after having taken one wrong decision after the other, with Iran under tight ropes, with Israel with more opportunities than ever, it would work in HA's favor if it does some timely recalculations over its dwindling options. Within a relatively short period of time, the entire region has shifted so much so that the old dynamics of engagement have drastically changed. HA, if it wants to survive the changes, must polish its coating now and seen to work with the state instead of against it. The current government is here largely from pressure exerted by HA therefore rather than bet on its weapons, HA needs to bet on a different new future so unlike the past and it all starts by it supporting the state's legitimacy and the noble institution known as the Lebanese Army.
Speaking about dope dealing, drug manufacturing, pill pushing saints of resistance I wonder how MP Nawwaf Moussawi's brother is doing? Tenured saint Nawwaf Wouf Wouf Grrrrrrrr whisked his bro overseas to safety after running interference for him against the security forces attempting to arrest him.
That's not the first or last time that Hizballa prevents the Lebanese security forces from doing their duties using the party’s “fortresses of resistance” excuse...let's admit it, a state within a state will not work and the M8rs refuse to even see that there is a problem.
At this point who gives a $%#@! about what M8 baboons see or think....it's conclusive that HA has to be eradicated or we will never have peace in Lebanon~!
Back in the late 80s and 70s the PLO behaved in the way the Hezb is behaving now. Their camps were off limits to the Lebanese army and they would harbor all sort of criminals. And of course it was all permitted under the slogan of liberating Palestine. The Hezb is now using the game play book and behaving in the same way. Disarm all parties, all movements all individuals.... restore the integrity of the State.
Big difference between hezballah and the PLO. The PLO set up check points everywhere asking Lebanese who they were and they go in their own land. The attacked Israel almost daily which resulted in constant retailiation and clashed constantly with the leb army. Big difference. Hezballah is much more disappointed and respectful. However, this is a mistake if true. Hezballah has no right to interfere in the arrest, just as the freaks in tripoli have no right to react to the arrest of the terrorist.
Completely outrageous. At least in the 1970's period when criminals would run to the Palestinian Camps where they would be immune from Lebanese Internal Security forces, there was some international understanding, the Cairo Accord or the Melkart Protocol that would not allow Lebanese army or ISF into the camps. This was imposed on Lebanon by the Arab League.
Hezbollah is in the Government. It controls the Council of Ministers and was instrumental in electing Mikati as PM. Under what authority does the Lebanese Army seek permission from Hezbollah to carry out its official government duty? Now we see who is the actual Minister of Defense, of Interior, of Justice; Prime Minister and President. It is none of the pseudo actors who carry the title, it is Hezbollah.
It is an outrage that this fictional government parades around like a government when it is nothing more than a cover story so that the Mafia Regime, Hezbollahstan can exercise usurped power over the Lebanese People.
"Under what authority does the Lebanese Army seek permission from Hezbollah to carry out its official government duty?"
totally right! i guess M8 finds it normal
Ahbal Reformist?mouwate?keserweneh?where the hell are you little rats?
Back to your holes?
ohhhhhhhh how i am loving it.
Bottom line, we want to live peacefully with all the suni, shiite and Christians BUT not with one group armed and the other not and being undermined/threatened.
Cut the BS about fighting the enemy. it's Iran Vs Israel and vice versa period.
i wounder why hezbolah permission's needed when lebanease army want to do his job in places where hezbollah control it !To PROTECT THE OUT LAW? or hezbollah does not trust our army!or hezbollah hide some thing that is not legal.But its not normal situation that can be accepted for country that proud of freedom