السعودية تطلب من مواطنيها مغادرة سوريا

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جددت وزارة الخارجية السعودية الاحد الطلب من مواطنيها مغادرة سوريا وعدم التوجه الى هناك، بحسب مصدر رسمي.

ونقلت وكالة الانباء السعودية عن بيان ان "الوزارة تحذر المواطنين من السفر الى سوريا وتهيب بالموجودين فيها المغادرة بسبب تردي الاوضاع الامنية".

وكانت السعودية دعت رعاياها اواخر تشرين الثاني الماضي الى مغادرة سوريا.

ومنتصف اذار الماضي، قررت الرياض اغلاق سفارتها وسحب جميع الدبلوماسيين بسبب استمرار قمع الاحتجاجات.

وكان وزير الخارجية الامير سعود الفيصل دعا المجتمع الدولي الشهر الماضي الى "مساعدة السوريين في الدفاع عن انفسهم" ضد "النظام الذي يقمع" شعبه اثر اجتماع وزاري بحث الازمة السورية في باريس.

وفي بداية اذار، اعتبر الفيصل ان من "حق" المعارضين السوريين ان يتسلحوا "للدفاع عن انفسهم".

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:58 ,2012 أيار 06

wahabism and farsis are the same devil...they are feeding each other,the best solution is to fight each other till extinction. ,the world would be a better place.

Missing elielebnan 16:20 ,2012 أيار 06

Oh Please spare us the BS, all the killings and assassinations in Lebanon came from your camp. You didn't spare anyone, you killed presidents, ministers, clergies, judges, reporters, innocent civilians, etc....so let's leave Saudi Arabia alone and focus on the domestic terrorists hiding behind M8 Camp!!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 16:32 ,2012 أيار 06

so naharnet, u are from the camp spreading hate between lebanese????????

Thumb jcamerican 17:00 ,2012 أيار 06

If the syrians are fleeing the country, why would the saudis go there. I guess they still feel safer in Syria.

Missing lebcan 18:41 ,2012 أيار 06

Lets seeee as a saudi who's been in Syria for years i probably would be in Syria for Business not Pleasure and I really don't want to loss the business (even though the economy really sucks now) + I probably have family with me too? Ahhhh forget IT!!! lets just forget our lives in Syria and pack up and go in 24 hours... Im Lebanese but most likely that is one of a few reasons that would be going through their minds. But your camp who lost NO one through assassination would be very happy to commit a real Terrorists act and would really like to have a Bullet fly through there minds instead.... you EVIL March 8 Loser Hypocrite Terrorists.

Thumb jcamerican 21:13 ,2012 أيار 06

For your info, I have no camp or a farm like you. All your leaders mean nothing to me. But to you guys, without them, all of you are nothing. In case you didn't know, Syria didn't have the fighting 24 hours ago. So in your case you will chose your business before the safety of your family. I guess your logic is understandable.

Missing lebcan 04:10 ,2012 أيار 07

All my Leaders Mean nothing to Me too... As a business man I would probably be trying to stay and hope things get better... But no ... ok let get out of here... but i need to figure out a way out safely as this butchering thug of the Baath might hurt my family and friends... don't think things are as simple as you make it out to be.