سليمان يعود الى لبنان مختتما زيارة الى استراليا استمرت ستة أيام
Read this story in Englishوصل رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان وعقيلته السيدة وفاء والوفد المرافق الى بيروت ظهر السبت، مختتماً زيارة دولة الى اوستراليا استمرت ستة ايام.
وجال سليمان خلال الزيارة على العاصمة كانبيرا وولايتي سيدني وملبورن والتقى المسؤولين الاوستراليين وابناء الجالية اللبنانية في اوستراليا عموماً والولايات التي زارها بشكل خاص.
وأوضح سليمان في حديث لموفد "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" ان "الاغتراب اللبناني في اوستراليا يشكل حضورا لبنانيا مميزا، وان الاتصال بهؤلاء اللبنانيين، على اي مستوى كان، مهم ومفيد، وكيف بالحري اذا كان اتصالا على مستوى رئيس الجمهورية وتحديدا في اوستراليا التي لم يزرها قبلا اي رئيس جمهورية لبناني".
وأضاف ان "ثمار هذه الزيارة ستظهر سريعا، لا سيما لجهة عودة المغتربين الى لبنان، وهذه العودة ليست جسدية اذ لم أقل لهم اتركوا اوستراليا نهائيا وعودوا الى لبنان، إنما عبر ارتباطهم بلبنان لجهة المحافظة على الارض والمنزل والقيام باستثمارات وإبداء الرأي السياسي".
وكان قد أعرب رئيس الجمهورية عن ارتياجه للوضع الداخلي في لبنان، لافتاً في الوقت عينه إلى أنّ "ذلك لا يعني ان نتركه ولا نعتني به، بل يستحق عناية دائمة وحرصاً دائماً من رئيس البلاد والحكومة والوزراء المختصين ومن الفاعليات اللبنانية".
وقال في حديث لصحيفة "اللواء" من استراليا: "نحن نستطيع بهذا الحرص وهذه العناية ان ننقذ لبنان وأن لا نجعله عرضة لأي انعكاسات مهما كان نوعها".
أكد سليمان أنّ زيارته لأستراليا كانت مفيدة جداً، موضحاً أنّ "اللقاءات مع الجالية اللبنانية كانت ايجابية"، لافتاً إلى أنه التقى بعدد كبير من الجمعيات ورجال الدين والسفراء في كل مدينة زارها، وقد استمع مع الوفد المرافق لهواجسهم وتبادلوا المعلومات حول كيفية تحسين الاداء في لبنان".
كما وأشار سليمان إلى أنه عبّر خلال زيارته لأستراليا عن موقفه من عدم النظر الى معيار واحد في الديمقراطية، ما بين الدول العربية وما بين نظرة الغرب واسرائيل، متسائلاً "اين هي الديمقراطية في اسرائيل وفلسطين؟".
وختم قائلاً: "ليس هناك ديمقراطية لانهم لا ينظرون اليها بنفس المعيار، وهذا هام جداً في الدفاع عن حق لبنان ومنع اي حل للقضية الفلسطينية على حساب لبنان".
Alléluia. Our president has returned from his holidays. He visited the Lebanese scumbags in Australia (like Moroccans/Algerians in Europe). Indeed, our exported citizens in Australia are not well perceived at all there as they are z3ran. Why? I don't know why. They are well respected in the US, Canada, France.... Perhaps Ado.Australia could enlighten us.
Benzona, in france, lebanese are viewed as professional criminals. Almost every time a human traficking ring is busted in france, a lebanese man is the leader of it. Likewise when it comes to money laundry and drugs (not hashish on the streets, but the actual smuggling etc). Its also far fetched to claim we are well respected in the US, as most americans dont even know we exist. Most who know about us link us to hezballah bcuz of those who were arrested in the US with suspected ties to hezb. In denmark and sweden, several brutal rapes and beatings of women have been the work of lebanese. Its best not to brag about beeing well respected.
Its probably because most of the Lebanese in Australia are hariri supporters from tripoli, dinnieh and akkar.
The president wasted millions taking more than 100 people with him and for what? Nothing. More waste of Lebanon's money.
This accidental president is just enjoying the free ride he got before he quits in 2 years time.
During lebanese war, a category of people which families have around 10 children massively emigrated to Australia. Such category of uneducated people specialized in all kinds of banditism to survive and earned us this reputation. Since 1990, most of irregularities exposed on Australian medias involved lebanese. Some years ago, in Kalam el Nass, Marcel Ghanem consacred a show for this problem, and a group of lebanese living in Australia tried with shy words to explain how this situation is affecting their daily life. There are people unable to integrate in civilized societies and instead aim to destroy them.
And in Canada Lebanese are viewed as criminals specializing in defrauding the welfare system and conducting immigration/citizenship fraud!!
How times change things. Back in the 70s it was a privileged title to be Lebanese. Arabs in the US used to lie and say they are Lebanese so they get more respect and adoration from Americans. Now it is almost as bad as rotten eggs (you got to hold your nose and say it). Having a good reputation is like having pure gold, we squandered it like idiots.
good he was away during the big circus that took place in parliamaent with clowns from all sides!
Once again after 20 years of civl war, kidnappings, murders of forigners the Lebanese in Lebanon have done enough to destroy Lebanons reputation. You should all be so lucky to have the opportunity to live in Australia which has kept alot of Lebanese afloat financially and otherwise.
Hi Benzona,
Ya 3eybeshoum 3leyk to label Lebanese-Australians as scumbags. The only scumbag is you for using such language. Lebanese-Australians are important contributors to Australia. Maybe you should do some research before openning your filthy mouth. You may have heard about 4 or 5 Lebanese-Australian criminals and suddenly label us all us scumbags. You're a fool!
I really can not believe how this president wasted Lebanese budget money around 12 millions dollars and brought with him entourage of low life losers - 80 delegates. The president was tricked and convinced by few people from the Lebanese community to come here purely for their own benefits as they desire to have more connection for facilitating their personal scheme in Australia and Lebanon. All you need to do is look who attended the dinner function in Canberra from the Lebanese community and ask yourself why did they attend, as these people should not have been involved in politics considering their line of work. So someone organized for them to be their for a reason and has nothing to do with benefiting Lebanon but only benefiting themself.
someone shot at his home from 3-4 kms away using a sophisticated sniper rifle but we are not sure if it was an assasination attempt.. are you sure what your name is? what year it is? or what your job description is?
Hey Benzona, you are the only scumbag on EARTH MATE! We Lebanese are PROUD of who we are and where we come from... Engineers, Doctors, Lawyer etc. Yes you have some uneducated scum, but you get that in ALL nationalities. Grow up and smell the coffee, time you Lebs back home LEARN how the real world is and start moving forward, you are ALL 50 years behind the rest of us.