نصرالله لمؤسس "ويكيليكس": إتصلنا بجهات من المعارضة السورية لكنها رفضت الحوار مع النظام
Read this story in Englishأعلن مؤسس موقع ويكيليكس جوليان اسانج الثلاثاء انه اجرى مقابلة مع الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصرالله، وذلك في اطار سلسلة حلقات باشرت ببثها قناة "ار تي" التلفزيونية الروسية الناطقة بالانكليزية.
وقال اسانج انه اجرى المقابلة من انكلترا عبر دائرة فيديو مغلقة مع نصرالله الذي "كان موجودا في مكان سري في لبنان".
وقال نصرالله في المقابلة "اتصلنا بجهات من المعارضة السورية لتشجيعها وتسهيل عملية حوار مع النظام ولكن هذه الجهات رفضت الحوار".
وتابع "أنا شخصياً وجدت عند الرئيس بشار الأسد استعداداً كبيراً للقيام باصلاحات جذرية ومهمة" مجددا الدعوة إلى "الحوار وقبول الإصلاحات وتنفيذ الإصلاحات".
إلا ان نصرالله لفت إلى أن "هناك معارضة ليست مستعدة للحوار وليست مستعدة لقبول الإصلاحات وكل ما تريده هو اسقاط النظام".
وإذ شدد على ان "نظام بشار الأسد هو نظام ممانع ونظام مقاوم ووقف إلى جانب المقاومة في لبنان و في فلسطين" جزم أن هناك دولا "تقدم المال، تقدم السلاح، تشجع على القتال في داخل سوريا، بعضها دول عربية وغير عربية".
ولفت إلى أن "تجربة الثلاثين سنة من عمر حزب الله تثبت أنني صديق لسوريا ولست عميلا لها واليوم الذين استفادوا من الوجود السوري في لبنان هم الذين يخاصموننا".
وفي الشأن الحزبي، ذكّر نصرالله أن "دولة اسرائيل هي دولة غير قانونية (...) قامت على أساس احتلال أراضي الآخرين".
وإذ رأى أن "الحل الوحيد هو قيام دولة واحدة على أرض فلسطين يعيش فيها المسلمون واليهود والمسيحيون بسلام" ذكر أن في عام 1993 حصل هناك "تفاهم غير مباشر بين المقاومة اللبنانية واسرائيل بتجنب قصف المدنيين".
وإذ كرر أن "تحرير الارض هو الهدف الحقيقي لنا وهذا الهدف لا خلاف عليه بين اللبنانيين" تابع نصرالله "قد دخلنا الحكومة للمرة الأولى عام 2005 ولم يكن الهدف المشاركة في السلطة وإنما حماية المقاومة وحماية ظهر المقاومة حتى لا تقوم هذه الحكومة بأي خطوة ضد المقاومة ونتجنب كل الخصومات لمصلحة هذا الهدف".
لكن نصرالله أشار إلى أنه "حتى هذه اللحظة نحن نتجنب ما استطعنا الدخول في صراعات مع أحد وأولويتنا ما زالت تحرير أرضنا وحماية لبنان من الخطر الاسرائيلي لأننا نعتقد أن لبنان ما زال في دائرة التهديد".
في سياق آخر لاحظ أنه "لو كان هناك محاكمة عادلة في الحد الادنى يجب أن يتركوا فرصة للمتهم ليدافع عن نفسه ونحن عند الادارة الاميركية متهمون أسقط عنا حق الدفاع عن نفسنا".
وتحدث الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" عن بعض الأمور الدينية فقال أن "منظمات المافيا وشركات تجارة مخدرات في العالم هي من أكبر المحرمات التي في ديننا وشريعتنا".
وأضاف ردا على سؤال "عندما كنت طفلاً صغيراً ولدت وسكنت وعشت لمدة خمسة عشر في حي والبيئة تترك أثرا على شخصية أي إنسان ومن مميزات هذا الحي أنه حي فقراء كان يوجد فيه مسلمون شيعة وسنة وكان يوجد فيه أكراد وأيضا كان يوجد فيه لبنانيون وفلسطينيون يعني أنا ولدت وعشت في بيئة مختلطة ومتنوّعة".
وأردف "الله سبحانه تعالى هو الخالق لهذا الوجود وللانسان ولكل المخلوقات عندما خلقنا أعطانا إمكانات لفهم الجيد من القبيح".
ومن هنا كشف أن "مسألة مقاومة السيطرة الأميركية أو غير الأميركية أو مقاومة الاحتلال أو مقاومة أي اعتداء على شعبنا وأهلنا تنسجم مع الأخلاق والقيم الانسانية ومع شريعة السماء والأديان السماوية التي لم تأت بأي شيء يناقض العقل" متابعا "من أنزل الدين هو نفسه من خلق الإنسان".
وختم الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" قائلا "كيف يمكن لهذا الكون أن يعيش مليارات السنين بهذا الانتظام الدقيق ولا يكون له إلا إله واحد فلو كان له أكثر من إله لتمزّق هذا الكون إذاً نحن نملك الدليل ونحن جميعا أتباع النبي ابراهيم عليه السلام".
يشار إلى أنه قبل اذاعة الحديث وهو الاول في سلسلة من 12 حديثا اجراها جوليان اسانج اوضحت رئيسة تحرير ار.تي مرغريتا سيمونيان على حسابها في تويتر ان المتحدث الاول سيكون شخصية مثيرة للجدل.
ويخضع اسانج لاقامة جبرية بانتظار صدور قرار نهائي من القضاء البريطاني بشأن طلب تسليمه الى السويد حيث يواجه تهم اغتصاب واعتداءات جنسية الامر الذي ينفيه اسانج.
وار.تي، التي كانت تسمى اصلا روسيا توداي، شبكة اخبارية روسية تابعة للدولة تبث بالانكليزية والعربية والاسبانية.
“served the Palestinian cause very well”
since the fifties scoundrels have used this same pretext to destabilize Lebanon and murder Lebanese... FIDAKI YA FILASTEEN!
It's time for you to hang up your turban Nousralla. (shame on the days that a religions cleric backs evil and justifies murder etc...)
Cheap Assad rat I don't read other than the title, I know report contains same lies over and over. KGB old propaganda
for the first time i feel the weakness of hassan,lying is an important sign of weakness,he never contacted the syrian "opposition" and they never ever have any contacts with the faqihi hassoun.....covering the farsi invasion to the region by using the palestinian problem argument is a shame.
N.B. the wahhabies are the same devil hassoun is.
Once again, the voice of logic and strategic thought resonates further than some can comprehend; I respect the opinions of those who disagree with Nasrallah (or anyone else, at that) provided that they found their opinions on objective bases. However, to read fairly subjective and shallow comments that do not ascend to the level of logic present throughout this interview, or to read comments that show how biased and misinformed the person placing them is, well this speaks volumes about these persons' level of ignorance...if it's not worth saying, chances are it's just not worth wasting our time reading.
what strategic thought?? israel bombed syria in 2008, what was the syrian response? bomb 7ama, deir zoor, der3a, hums, idlib, zabadani, etc. in 2012! anyone with a grain of muslim faith should not defend the syrian regime really. The tanks that were never used against israel in 40 years are now being used against the syrian people!! the same 'america' hasan is cussing delivered iraq to the she3as and saved them from saddam, the same 'america' helped the libyan rebels whose revolution hasan has hailed, this is called HYPOCRISY not strategy. Hasan now is in bed with israel as they two want assad to survive. If israel was unhappy with assad he would have been bombed to oblivion a year ago. The same hasan with his 'strategic' thought never believed the syrian army would leave lebanon in 2005. The same hasan will be stunned when the syrian regime will ultimately fall.
My dear "realist", I'm sorry to say that the magnitude of the chasm between your rhetoric and your namesake may qualify as "epic" in proportion.
Kind sir/miss, with all due respect, to mention several haphazard bits of disorganized personal opinions and adorn them with an excessive dollop of misinformation then to consider that the end-result of your "argument" may resemble any form of logic is misleading to yourself, first and foremost.
To tackle one of your "points" though: history has taught us that Israel cannot tolerate the existence of an able and capably armed state as its adjacent neighbor; thus, to argue that Israel is somehow preserving a Syrian regime armed to the back-teeth with WMD’s is pointless. Naturally, the U.S. and Israel are both on the same page here so any argument that the “U.S. is also preserving the Syrian regime and would have struck it down ages ago” – as some gentlemen so eloquently quoted on this page - is also without merit. The rest is child’s play.
My dear Mowaten, it pains me to say this but the abundance of absurd remarks, blatant misconceptions and lack of objectivity throughout this forum is painstakingly obvious. If only most of the gentlemen in this forum would succumb to actual facts and aspire to the realm of strategic thought, I'm sure that many would change their tune. Oh, well...here's hoping that hatred dissolves and reason prevails, my friend.
I mean seriously folks....for this pathetic creep to find a means to be heard through "Julian Assange" is truly pitiful.
nasrollah:"While “Hizbullah does not want to kill anyone,” the only solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is establishing a democratic state on Palestinian land where Muslims, Jews and Christians live in peace but the U.S. “won't let people listen to Hizbullah,” Nasrallah noted." This guy are trying to bring democrasy and a democratic state in aisrael, as democratic as our IRAN.we Irnier have got too much democracy so that we are sick of it,s profuseness!
The fact that he wants dialouge between the regime and the opposition means that he is really worried about the regime. If he really believed the regime can win he won't talk about any dialouges. Civil war in Syria ?? so be it, civil wars always lead to government collapse and a civil war in Syria will not play in the favor of the Alawites because demographics always prevail in such wars regardless how long it takes. I'm sure hasan knows best about long guerilla wars and what they would do to an occupation. All free countries went through civil wars from the US to france. Hasan's real nightmare is a democratic government in Syria where sunis have proper representation. We are just living the details, the end game is clear: hizbustan's days of hegemony are coming to an end.
Your definition of hegemony is flawed if you say Hezbollah has "hegemony".
Your history is also flawed if you believe that the path to peace is civil war. Civil war obstructs the path to democracy. Most successful path to democratization involved peaceful transitions, fulfilled with dialogue by regime and opposition. Examples of this range across many waves of democratization, such as Southern Europe at the beginning of the century, Latin America in the 70s and 80s, and the postcommunist states. Civil war does not lead to free countries. This is a very strong statement you're making that could easily be debuked. Look at all countries that went through civil war (Sudan, Rwanda, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.), very rarely does it lead to peace.
As for your assesment that Hezbollah doesn't want Sunnis to have power, tell me, are Palestinians Sunnis or Shiites? And does Hezbollah not constantly support the Palestinian cause?
well said, if israel was so unhappy with assad he would have been bombed to oblivion by nato last year and he would not have survived a week of attacks. HOw pathetic is the syrian regime really?? israel bombed deir zoor in 2008, what was the syrian response? bomb idlib, hums, der3a, 7ama..etc..
You gotta admit, objectively, that this is not at all the hassan of the 90's..who dared say a word about him back then?? i too used to love him man, his popularity shrunk 90 percent ( the ten percent left are she3a and march 8ers), no one cares about this man in the arab world no more. He has no credibility left. If you are honest you would admit that fact.
“Right from the beginning we have had a regime that is willing to undergo reforms" sure it has Hassan, yeah Bashar has been promising reforms since 2000 and Hafez since 1973. Sorry my naive turbaned friend but the opposition's skepticism is understandable isn't it, they know as we do from experience it's a waste of time. The only reforms this regime knows is re-forming civilian habitations into rubble using mortars and rockets.
Smooth-talking liar and criminal. Just because you can so eloquently utter your BS and justify mass murder by your master (statistically, compare how many people Israel kills per year to how many of his own people Assad has killed in the past 12 months), doesn't make mass murder just! And unfortunately for you, Nasr-el-Shaytan, we see how things are on the ground and not through fancy speeches on TV.
oh! turbanman said many times that everything was under control in syria...
i guess he lied as usual! ROFL
it's a question of time for bashar and ipso facto hassoun: what i hope from all lebanese nationalists not to forget that shia are still our partners in bilad el arz and LEBANON FIRST=LEBANESE FIRST AND ALL THE SECTS COMITTED MISTAKES.
Assad senior served the Palestinian cause so well that he destroyed the Palestinian camps in the Lebanese war with the aid of Amal. Assad Jr has stood up so bravely to Israel that he has not fired a single bullet toward Israel while shelling Syrian cities. He stood with Lebanon so well in the resistance to occupation in the south while occupying the rest of the country. What a record!
i can t believe that they are giving this terrorist air time. Who cares what he thinks or what he does , i can't believe that each time he gives an interview he undermines lebanon, he thinks he so important that he can single handedly resolve the syrian issue. btw syria served the palestinian cause, what about syria slaughtering it is own people and the lebanese people during the war, or there blood doesn't count.
Hassoun also did you contact Bashar to find out why Ali(AL-JADEED Cameraman) was killed? Oh I forgot, Israel went to Wadi Khaled and assassinated him.
How about Nahr el Bared is a red line for the army not to enter, then AL-HAJJ gets assassinated after the clean up, Oh I forgot Israel infilterated the Army and choose AL-HAJJ and Eid(Who contacted your militia the day before). America and Israel also tried to assassinate Mustafa Jeha last week. You run a militia and have kidnapped the Shiite voice, time to lay down your weapons before it's too late.
Have you not read what informed colomnists and journalists have wrote, e.g. Eric Margolis, a renown expert on Middle-Eastern affairs? Ayman al-Zawahiri explicitly called on his followers to join in the Syrian uprising. Sure the regime may have killed innocent civilians while carrying out military operations against armed groups, but to say that religious fundamentalists are no where near the uprising is quite far from reality.
Who do you think is carrying out the attacks on Syrian security forces?
Plus, many parties in the opposition WANT to dialogue with the regime, with the exception of the SNC, FSA and other armed groups. So when you say you support the opposition, who exactly are you referring to? For the opposition is fragmented, and each have a different path in confronting the regime. Do you support those that seek violent means towards peace, or those that seek dialogue?
Funny how much crap we heard from march 8 media and supporters during the Egyptian uprising; 'haram el sha3b! look what Mubarak the butcher is doing!'
Where are you guys now? Why aren't you saying anything? Mubarak turned out to be a saint compared to bashar. It took al jadeed tv the life of one of its employees in order to speak up against the Syrians. Hypocrites.
Since I was a young child, I would continuously hear Lebanese and non-Lebanese claim that the Lebanese are hypocrites, that they are corrupt and are only interested in their own well being (masla7jiyyeh). After living in this cursed country all my life, travelling and working abroad, and coming back here, I noticed that yes, there is some truth to this claim, however, only for a specific group of like minded people, mainly the current march 8 supporters: ie. aounists, amal, hezbollah, ssnp, and the baath.
Visitor, in case you didnt know, new tv has been criticizing the assad regime both before and after the revolution so in what way are they hypocrites? Even when march14 were meeting with assad and his regime, new tv were anti-baath regime so dont run off your mouth without first checking your facts.
lol one leaves his house he gets arrested, the other leaves his cave he gets his head blown off, whats the point?
The dirtbag who sends snipers that fire on peaceful protesters expects the Syrian opposition to negotiate with him? Go back to your rat-hole.
Good job for RT television the only TV not under the influence of zionists
Well done Putin
Very funny, a rat that is afraid to come out of his hole and a degenerate that they will not let come out of his house.... They speak so we must listen ;-)
Best quote “Hizbullah does not want to kill anyone,”
To bad Nasrallah was not asked to coment about some of the statements made by his associates in the wiki leaks files.
Freedom of expression is one of the first amendments of the united states constitution
So it should not be hindered in any case
God bless America and lebanon
It's a pitty that since fifty years we are still hearing the same mantra up until hassan came to us with the same story of israel being illigimate state and need to be exterminated by him. Let for once agree on that; but, why is Hassan still in hiding. why not be with the "Mujahidine" and if killed become the biggest martor ever in the history of this world. Are we kidding ourselves: he wants to have the cake and eat it all. He wants to dress nicely, wake up every morning eat the best of food and sleep all day and relax, and throw on us his mantra of Jihad. Israel is well served by him because as long as they have him preach this hatred, they will always have an alibi to remain in palestine and continue eating it piece-meal. They did this over the last 40 years.