سليمان الى استراليا السبت و40 مليار ليرة وضعت بتصرف لبنان استثمارياً
Read this story in Englishغادر رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى استراليا السبت في زيارة هي الاولى لرئيس جمهورية لبناني حيث سيتم توقيع مذكرات تفاهم مع حكومة استراليا، ولقاءات مع كبار رجال الاعمال والاقتصاديين المتحدرين من اصل لبناني، الذين وضعوا قدراتهم المالية البالغة 40 مليار ليرة بتصرف لبنان استثمارياً.
وتكتسب الزيارة التي تستمر أسبوعاً، وفق ما أفادته مصادر رسمية لصحيفة "السفير"، عاملين أساسيين من جهة أهمية استراليا كقارة وكجزء من دول "الكومنولث"، حيث مجالات التعاون على مختلف الصعد كبيرة ومتعددة.
ومن جهة أخرى فإن الزيارة هي الاولى لرئيس جمهورية لبناني حيث سيلتقي المسؤولين في استراليا وابناء الجالية اللبنانية المنتشرين في كل الولايات والمعروفين بحضورهم المميز وفاعليتهم في كل مناحي الشأن العام، وفق المصادر.
ويلتقي سليمان، أيضاً، ووفق مصادر "السفير"، خلال زيارته، كبار رجال الاعمال والاقتصاديين المتحدرين من اصل لبناني، والذين يشكلون ركيزة اساسية في الاقتصاد ودورة الانتاج في استراليا اذ تبلغ قدراتهم المالية فقط حدود الأربعين مليار دولار".
وتتابع المصادر بالقول بأن هؤلاء الرجال "أعلنوا قبل قدوم رئيس الجمهورية انهم سيضعون هذه القدرات بتصرف لبنان استثمارياً".
وأردفت أن الزيارة تكتسب أهمية ثانية، اذ أنه سيتم "توقيع مذكرات تفاهم مع حكومة استراليا، ذلك أنه برغم تاريخية العلاقة بين البلدين، لا يوجد اي اتفاق تعاون ثنائي. وما سيوقع من مذكرات يحصل للمرة الأولى في تاريخ هذه العلاقة، خاصة في مجال الاستشفاء والتعليم".
ويرافق سليمان في زيارته الى استراليا، الى جانب عقيلته السيدة الاولى وفاء سليمان، وفداً وزارياً رسمياً يضم نائب رئيس الحكومة سمير مقبل ووزراء الخارجية عدنان منصور، والاشغال العامة والنقل غازي العريضي والإعلام وليد الداعوق، اضافة الى وزراء سابقين ووفد اداري وامني واعلامي.
وقد اكتملت تحضيرات ابناء الجالية اللبنانية في استراليا لاستقبال سليمان والوفد المرافق، على ما أفادت "السفير"، مشيرة الى أن "أبناء الجالية سيحرصون على مواكبة الزيارة في كل محطاتها وتفاصيلها عبر حضور شعبي مكثف ومواكبة إعلامية واسعة، نظراً لانتشار وسائل الاعلام التي يمتلكها لبنانيون وتصدر باللغة العربية على مساحة استراليا".
يّشار الى أن سليمان وقبل مغادرته لبنان التقى رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، وعرضا للتطورات السياسية الراهنة والاتصالات الجارية قبيل انعقاد الجلسة النيابية العامة لمناقشة الحكومة اعتبارا من الثلاثاء المقبل.
ahlan wasahlan bi fakhamto fi rubu3 australia
wa ahlan bi sa3adeton lwozara moqbel wa al aridi wa daouq
wa laysa mora77ab bi lwazir adnan mansour lianna lan yaf3al shayann men ajli almogtaribin wa khasan bi 7a2 lmogterbin bel entikhab!!!
This is what politicians are for. They should run Lebanon like a business, maximizing the profit for it´s inhabitants.
Not interfering in international politics. See and learn from Hong Kong or Switzerland.
Here's another nobody sucker upper who has done nothing for the country and thereby has done more harm to it than the dumbest president this country has ever had. What is there to do in Australia other than dragging himself and his pathetic ugly looking lousily dressed wife to foreign and far away places at the expense of the people who themselves are broke and living a lousy life? Does he not have any decency? But then, how can he be different from 95% of the other people in public office? When will the Lebanese wake up? Talking about a revolution, why don't people get together and revolt against these repulsive politicians? WHEN? They are either brainwashed or brain-dead, and thereby deserve to be led down the sewers by these.
He continues his international tourism at the expense of the broken republic. Surrounded by a large group of "officials", meaning their families and friends, in order to do nothing.
While they are supposedly going most of the time to beg for monetary assistance, the Lebanese delegations are usually composed of large groups who use the best luxurious accomodations available and spend lavishly!
Phone conferences and a couple of economic experts would have done the job.
This is what we should be discussing, not sectarian problems. Investments and the liberalization of the market is key to Lebanon's prosperity.
This is what we should be discussing, not sectarian problems. Investments and the liberalization of the market is key to Lebanon's prosperity.
you are right , we should not discuss realty and come to terms with each other , we should ignore what's really happening in Lebanon and hope it will magically disappear . we should put our heads in the sand and hope for the best . remember no one will invest in us better then our selves. we must put Lebanon first second and third this is the best investment we can ever make
This is what we should be discussing, not sectarian problems. Investments and the liberalization of the market is key to Lebanon's prosperity.
Attacking the president for his trip to Australia is extremly ignorant at best. The key to the republic of Lebanon is international support and friendship. Attacking and bombing Lebanon is internationally unpopular with the support and helpmof the lebanese diaspora. The only people against the promotion of the republic of Lebanon to western nations, are those that hold allegiance to Israel before any other country, regardless of their birth. Sorry Yousseph but u have shown ur true colors with that comment.
May god bless the president of the republic of Lebanon, in his trip to Australia. May this trip help in uniting the approx. 500,000 Lebanese Australians in support of the republic.
ado.australia, i think your lebanese reputation in australia defines you at best. so before judging others, stop raping girls and work on your reputation in australia, you've embarassed us enough around the world
I dare say the Lebanese in Lebanon have done a wonderful job with their reputation "around the world" quite well dont you think???
I dont agree with rape at all, but give us a break for once why doesnt anyone look at all the other nationalities who rape, murder, steal are involved in gang wars etc etc etc...every nationality has its good and bad..and its never to late for someone in parliment to start doing something right for its country and its people...
Compare lebs in canada with lebs in australia, w ba3den ta3a 7kine. fi fare2 min el sama lal 2ared. I think we all know whats the difference, doesnt take too much to figure out.
Well I dont live in either country and no, I dont see what difference you are talking about. Unless, you mean the very generous welfare system of Australia, which like the Scandinavian countries attracts people that do not want to work. That could be a problem. On the other hand, Canada and USA makes sure to always take the most educated from populations all over the world...
...but your idea of comparing a mass of people to each other, out of rumours and no facts is just ridiculous.
Go on, pledge money to lebanese thives and corrupt politicians. Lebanon is in a never-ending battle of power-struggles among the elite families who have always been in power. The lebanese in Lebanon are doing better than typical Lebanese Australians who are victums of unemployment with the majority of them on the welfare and trying to make ends meet by exploiting an anglo-masonic system which they don't fit it. They come to the west to get rich and go back home yet they end up in the grave and still have'nt paid of their debt. Why should they pledge L.L40 billion to Lebanon when recently 11 billion U.S went missing???
Dialogue must start somewhere people..... What better place to do it than a gifted country like Australia. Yes Lebanon is divided/broken, phapes the Lebanese delegation will get to witness that Politics and Religion are two separate subjects and must never be mixed in governing a country.Welcome to the land of freedom and peace Mr President.I trust this will be a learning curve for you.
The first Lebanese came here in 1800's and the first Maronite Church in 1890.The Govenor of the largest and highest population state is of Lebanese heritage.
The problems with Lebanese in Australia all started with the wave of refugees during the civil way in '75. Most of this population was from the Beirut suburbs and not the highest in terms of Lebanons socio economic examples.
Australian dollars injected into the Lebanese economy have helped it keep afloat during Lebanons dark days, let alone pre and post civil war periods!
Australia is a magnificent country, where the only issues of the day are the weather, sport and what to do the coming weekend or where to travel next in this beautiful world. Lebanon has enormous potential, however as long as its population remain loyal to hilariously and grossly inadequate leaders and so divided it will never be the place it should truly be.
Give a chance, never lose hope, it's no political competition , it's about unity, growth, achievements
We must all come together from the four corners of the earth just for the sake of our motherland country that's being dissected, torn, monopolisied stain with political colors all for a price of suffering and hardship on the price of its inhabitants of the country while other western country enjoy live happily being respected and given a quality of life.