الراعي يدعو الى لجم الفساد وعدم استغلال السلطة لمارب خاصة
Read this story in Englishشدد البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي اليوم على ان كل واحد مدعو الى "الموت" عن الفساد في الادارة وعن استغلال السلطة لمآرب خاصة ومكاسب فئوية.
وفي رسالة الفصح التي وجهها من بكركي، دعا الى الالتزام النبيل بالخير العام والنهضة والعمران والابتعاد عن الحقد والبعد وعيش المحبة والمشاعر الانسانية واحترام كل انسان.
ودعا الى "الموت" عن العنف و"القيامة" لروح السلام والاخاء، والتواضع والتجرد والطاعة والوداعة.
وقال الراعي قي رسالته "نلتمس من المسيح السلام للعالم ولاوطاننا وخاصة للبلدان العربية التي تسعى وتثور من اجل العيش بكرامة وبحبوحة والتمتع بحريتها الشخصية وحقوقها وانظمة ديمقراطية تحترم كرامة كل انسان وتشرك الجميع بمسؤولية الحياة العامة".
وتوجه الى اللبنانيين بالقول "المسيح قام حقاً قام"، مهنئاً اياهم بعيد الفصح المجيد.
ويتؤأس الراعي الاحد القداس الاحتفالي بعيد الفصح المجيد في بكركي وأفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) ان خلوة ستجمع الراعي برئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان بعد القداس.
Dream on Patrack. Corruption is indelibly engraved into the hearts of our politicians; That's why we still have no electricity and water despite all the billions that we spent on them. We still have favoritism in every governmental department and nothing could be done without paying a bribe. we are hypocrites because we breach that we are religious while our actions are but religious. In a normal country, corruption should not exist because public servants are simply employees that take a salary to survive not amass millions to spend on villas and luxury as the case is in Lebanon. lebanon will not and can't be a normal country simply because we have corrupt politicians everywhere. I challange any politician who could prove he or she was not corrupt. So Patrack keep this wishful thinking to yourself because it only exist in the bible which even clergy men don't adhere to.
One: his buddies are in the government... Tate's where corruption resides, by definition.
Two: our political leaders keep getting assassinated, And the corruption is what you picked as the main issue? How about "Treason", for once?
Tony Abbott the leader of the Australian government opposition, and future Australian Prime Minister, prayed with the Lebanese Maronite community during good friday. In Australia, the biggest good Friday mass is the Sydney parish of St Charbel. 20,000 people celebrate Good Friday at st Charbel which is one of 6 Maronite parishes.
Around the world, Lebanese are respected and lead their adopted homes, representing a diaspora that is highly respected and powerful through numbers. Our only weakness is our internal disputes. United, we can be as powerful and respected as any other lobby or ethnic group in the world. The Batrak is trying for this unity, that is blessed by the Vatican and the Pope. Together, the Lebanese, Muslim and Christian, can be a powerful voice and force in the world... If only we can unite!
Thank you for sharing this Historical Event. I think We the Lebanese abroad should lead the way.
In Lebanon Corruption is on the highest level in every public office and in Nonprofit organization to include religion institutions. :(
Future Prime Minister? Come on, maybe. It's not certain.
I'm not sure if you live in Sydney, but most Lebanese here are treated like scum, mostly because they are scum. There are some that are respected but the majority are hooligans. We don't want to give the wrong impression to everyone else.
Al-Raii and all other Religious figures including Kabbani and Hassona should stay away from politics. They are part of the problem and not part of the solution. Keep mixing Religion with Politics and you will always get Evil.
He urged Lebanese to steer clear of the use of power for personal gains. Doctor heal thyself. Tremenous power comes from occupying the Patriarchal seat. It is the symbol of the unity of Lebanese nationalism as well as the spiritual and moral compass of the nation, recognized by all Lebanese.
Its current occupant aspires to a political career, not one fit for a Maronite Patriarch. He seems vain and to be using the Seat in Bkerke for personal gain. It makes his words ring hollow.
This is from me, Beiruti, a Maronite.