جعجع يروي تفاصيل محاولة "اغتياله بوسائل متطورة": لن نهدأ حتى نكمل ثورتنا
Read this story in Englishروى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع تفاصيل حادثة إطلاق النار صباح الأربعاء على مقر إقامته في معراب مؤكدا انها محاولة "إغتيال" جرت بوسائل متطورة "تفوق إمكانيات أمن معراب على رصدها"، مشددا أن ثورة الأرز "لن تهدأ مهما حاولوا" اغتيالنا.
وقال جعجع في خلال مؤتمر صحفي عقده من معراب بعد ظهر الأربعاء "كنت أقطف زهرة وسمعت طلقين ناريين ومن الجيد أن الشباب المحيطين بي كانوا على بعد وأنا انحنيت وبعد أن انتظرنا رأينا ثقبين في الحائط وأغلب الظن أكثر من قناص أي العيار "يلي ع ذوق ذوقكم" ليتصل بعدها بالقوى الأمنية.
وشدد على أنه لا يتهم أحدا إلا أنه قال "بيني وبين نفسي أعتقد أن هناك طرفا عريضا يقف وراء عملية الإغتيال ولكن لا أسمح لنفسي أن أتهم أحدا".
وكشف أن "طوافة الجيش تقوم الآن بدوريات لملاحقة الفاعلين وأنا لدي شكوكي".
وأبدى اعتقاده أن "الطرف الذي وراء محاولة الإغتيال هو طرف محترف ونفذ عملية مراقبة بعيدة جدا" مشددا على أن الفاعلين "لم يخرقوا أمن معراب بل أتوا من مسافة بعيدة جدا بالوسائل المتطورة لا اخفيكم أنها تفوق قدراتنا".
وأردف "يمكن أنهم قاموا بوضع كاميرا على بعد 4 كيلومتر تقوم بمراقبة المركز على مدى 24/24 وترصد التحركات وتقوم بإعطاء الأوامر لفرقة تنفيذية للقيام بالعمل عند رؤيتها لأي مجال ممكن الإختراق منه".
وتابع "ربما حصلت محاولة الإغتيال من خلال غرفة عمليات وهناك وحدة عملانية مرتبطة بها وتأخذ إشارات منها، الوسائل المتطورة التي استعملت تفوق إمكانيات أمن معراب على رصدها" جازما ان هذه العمليّة أخذت أشهرا من الرصد "والكل يعلم مدى حذر أمن معراب".
ومضى مجددا ليقول "أن فريقا موجودا في الداخل هو من حاول الإغتيال فهو لم يهبط من السماء ولكن فلنترك القوى الأمنية تقرر".
وفي الموقف السياسي رأى جعجع أن المرتكبين "كان يريدونها أن تكون الرسالة النهائية".
واستغرب كيف أنه ومنذ "40 سنة نتكلم بالسياسة ويردون بالإغتيالات وفي الفترة الأخيرة ومن بعد تشكيل المحكمة الدولية رأينا انها عبرة لمن اعتبر ولكن للأسف ليس هناك من اعتبر".
وذكّر أن "كل ما فعله (رئيس الحكومة الأسبق الذي اغتيل عام 2005) رفيق الحريري أنه أخذ حجما أكثر مما أخذوه وتبين أنه سيأتي بحصة وازنة في المجلس النيابي بشكل تعود السلطة إلى لبنان".
وأعلن ان "بعض الفرقاء مصممون على أن لا تقوم دولة في لبنان وإلا فليفسر لي أحد ماذا حصل اليوم وبالتالي نحن اليوم أمام مسلسل جديد من الإغتيالات وهذه المرة السلة كانت فارغة".
وشدد على أن "هناك تحديا كبيرا هو استعمال الإغتيال السياسي كي لا تترك القيادات السياسية الفعلية تلعب دورها" داعيا كل "القيادات الوطنية" إلى أخذ الحيطة والحذر.
وتابع "لن أسمي من هم المستهدفون إلا أن هناك فريقاً في لبنان لم يستهدق ولن يستهدف، هم يفكرون ويعملون على إزاحة الشخصيات الوطنيّة، وأنا أسأل ماذا نقوم نحن منذ 7 سنوات حتى اليوم غير السياسة؟ هل قمنا برشقهم بوردة؟".
وإذ لفت إلى "أنهم يتزكزكون من الحجم وعندما يكبر حجم الشخص فإنه قطع الخط الأحمر" شدد رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" على أنه "بالرغم من كل عمليات الإغتيال لن نستكين حتى تكمل ثورتنا".
16:47 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: بالرغم من كل عمليات الإغتيال لن نستكين حتى تكمل ثورتنا
16:47 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: التجاوب من القيادات الأمنية كان فوريا وأتمنى أن تكشف التحقيقات الفاعلين في أقرب وقت ممكن
16:46 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: هم يتزكزكون من الحجم وعندما يكبر حجم الشخص فإنه قطع الخط الأحمر
16:45 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: أعتقد أن فريقا موجودا في الداخل هو من حاول الإغتيال فهو لم يهبط من السماء ولكن فلنترك القوى الأمنية تقرر
16:44 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: ما حصل هو أنهم يريدون إزاحة الأقوياء عن الساحة، ما هذا المنطق؟ إغتيال وراء اغتيال...
16:43 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: معروف من هي القيادات المستهدفة وهناك فريق لن يستهدف ولا في حياته استهدف مع أنني طبعا لا أتمنى ان يستهدف أحدا، على بعض القيادات الإنتباه
16:41 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: أنا متأكد ان ما حصل محاولة اغتيال حقيقية مرتبطة بالسلسلة التي بدأت من مروان حمادة
16:40 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: ربما حصلت محاولة الإغتيال من خلال غرفة عمليات وهناك وحدة عملانية مرتبطة بها وتأخذ إشارات منها، الوسائل المتطورة التي استعمالات تفوق إمكانيات أمن معراب على رصدها
16:39 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: طوافة الجيش تقوم الآن بدوريات لملاحقة الفاعلين وأنا لدي شكوكي، ولكن الطرف الذي وراء محاولة الإغتيال هو طرف محترف ونفذ عملية مراقبة بعيدة جدا، لم يخرقوا أمن معراب بل أتوا من مسافة بعيدة جدا بالوسائل المتطورة
16:37 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: هناك تحد كبير هو استعمال الإغتيال السياسي كي لا تترك القيادات السياسية الفعلية تلعب دورها، أنا لا أتهم أحدا، بيني وبين نفسي أعتقد أن هناك طرفا عريضا يقف وراء عملية الإغتيال ولكن لا أسمح لنفسي أن أتهم أحدا
16:36 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: بعض الفرقاء مصممين على أن لا تقوم دولة في لبنان وإلا فليفسر لي أحد ماذا حصل اليوم وبالتالي نحن اليوم أمام مسلسل جديد من الإغتيالات وهذه المرة السلة كانت فارغة
16:35 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: كل ما فعله رفيق الحريري أنه أخذ حجما أكثر مما أخذوه وتبين أنه سيأتي بحصة وازنة في المجلس النيابي بشكل تعود السلطة إلى لبنان
16:34 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: منذ 40 سنة نتكلم بالسياسة ويردون بالإغتيالات وفي الفترة الأخيرة ومن بعد تشكيل المحكمة الدولية رأينا انها عبرة لمن اعتبر ولكن للأسف ليس هناك من اعتبر
16:33 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: هذه المرة كان يريدونها أن تكون الرسالة النهائية وأشكر الله أن الشباب لم يصبوا بأي أذى وأنا لم أصب
16:32 ,2012 نيسان 04
جعجع: طبعا نشكر القوى الأمنية والجيش وحاليا يقومون بمطاردة في الأحراش التي أطلق منها النار
16:32 ,2012 نيسان 04
رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في مؤتمر صحفي من معراب: كنت أقطف زهرة وانحنيت وسمعنا ما سمعناه وتبين أنه إطلاق نار عن بعد من قبل قناصة أغلب الظن أكثر من واحد أي العيار "يلي ع ذوق ذوقكم"
Stop LYING FlimflamThrower. Georges Hawi left the Lebanese Communist Party in 2000. Hawi was against Syrian influence in Lebanon, and was part of the Anti-Syrian alliance. He co-founded the DLM (which is part of M14) with Samir Kassir (who was also assassinated). The STL has publicly announced that they have evidence linking the murder of Hawi to the murder of Hariri. The STL has evidence linking Hezbollah to both murders.
Mughniyeh was killed in Syria, not in Lebanon. There is no evidence linking his death to other murders in Lebanon. But the STL has evidence linking the deaths of Hariri and Hawi, and the attampted murders of Hamadeh, Murr and Chidiac. Your hero Bashar has blamed Israel for Mugsy's death.
Most likely Assad had Mughniyeh killed to destroy any evidence leading back to Damascus and Tehran for the murders of Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Hawi, Ghanem, Eido, Eid and others
Mr Flame Thrower, please go get a job. Meet a nice girl and get married and settle down. There's more to life than posting on just about every story on Naharnet.
Showing in all cinemas coming soon this 15th of April
Samir n the Roses
No it’s not 1st of April it is a true story about a man saved by a Zahra, boutoulat Zahra, Strida, 3edwen & Sousou. Don’t miss it !!
m8 guys are a waste of time. you are definately blind and if you were not, you would still follow your masters like sheep.
bunch of murderors.
L ossa sarit at 12:56. L press conference ballachet at 4:30? Mentebeh 3a 7alak chou 3am to2rot 7ake?
We all know those who are behind these assassinations, only the blond cannot see the truth :)
the time is closing in on these assasins, and their days are now numbered.
a word of advice to the sheep following them: wake up.
Picking a flower...who for? Journalists should ask more interesting questions. The people couldn't care less about this murderer and criminal. Anyway, I would say the bullet bounced off his thick head.
I know how you feel Dr. Geagea, I hate it when my day is ruined too.
" I was leaning over to pick a flower when we heard the sound of gunshots, which were most likely fired by snipers. Yes, I was trying to make a lovely bouquet. Gardenia have the sweetest smell, I found it very refreshing. Then I heard gunshots and was like its alright, no problem, just your average day in Lebanon. But then, thanks to this amazing flowery scent, I had an amazing genius idea, let's make me the target! ".
In all seriousness, God help us, we don't need any more deaths in this country.
law el general ken sar b France hala2, w akid byetrouk Gibran wl family wara metel l 3ade...
What crap. Picking flowers? No wonder you have no kids!! It seems the fake doctor realizes he's had lots of bad press lately comes up with this assassination attempt crap! Give the flowers to your wife and try to make a baby you liar!!!
so true man!! eh ma zabatit ma3 Geagea hal marra dommage! yalla bokra 2abel el 2intikhabet bida7ilo bi 7ada ta yerja3 yred aswato
This is the prove who killed Hariri & the others from 14 Azar , so now we all know that the Assad regime will finished very soon and Huzballah too
I think that thee idea worked well in 2005 and a bit less in 2009 but now it's too obvious for anyone to belive it. However maybe the idea was to make the Patriarch call him "motma2enan 3al so7atihi" and this way Geagea will be able to apologize without loosing face,and regain some followers
The same group of assasins working in Lebanon. The Hezz, Syria, and Iran know that Geagea speaks the truth and his words resonate with the voters. All that axis knows is kill, kill, kill.
he probably got his own guys to fake the assasination attempt to get public sympothy... Who knows - anything is possible.
Amin Gemayel ordered Hobeika to eliminate Geagea in 89...
Geagea killed lots of people... Lebanese political figures are all over the place it makes me sick
Well I definetly admit that the doctor is a very advanced chess player...But maybe it was too soon it only depends on what is next to happen.
Predictable for us sure but not the others, he doesn't mind to blow awayone to turn things his way. In 2005 they won the election through Hariri's murder, now we do not know who is to be sacrificed to repeat same scenario. For them this idea is out of the question it is hisbulla's attempts, but what if it is not?? Can we have a doubt of 1%? By the way I never liked hisbulla but I see Nasrallah as an honest person I bet if they killed Hariri he would have said it.
"LF leader Samir Geagea during press conference on Maarab shooting: I was leaning over to pick a flower when we heard the sound of gunshots, which were most likely fired by snipers."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA did he really say that? wtf! mestahbel el 3alam 3al t2il hayda.
Geagea was fortunate to have noticed a flower in his garden and to have leaned over for a look when the shots were fired.
But I think that this incident was more of a message not to Geagea but to Saad Hariri, not to come back to Lebanon. The mailman was from the Pro-Syrian camp. Geagea is an essential coalition member with Hariri, the two form the core of the M14. But Hariri without Geagea, though a loss, is not irreparable. Another Christian leader can be brought forward. Geagea, however, without Hariri, now that's an irreparable problem form M14, but the desired outcome for the pro-Syrian camp. With Hariri away, M14 is not dead, but on life support and for now, the pro-Syrian camp wants to keep things that way.
LOL mowaten, we were not talking about Geagea...idiot!
Now, Geagea was whatever he was, it was times of war, he was trialed, and imprisoned...
Now, mughnieh was nothing close to a military strategist you thug! He was no military, he was a terrorist! He organized the bombing of the US embassy which had 350 killed, kidnappings, Embassy attacks, and most probably Hariri's murder!
aann jad khaleez! You contribute nothing but lame comments. Don't you have somewhere to go?
Dear Lord, Watch over Samir Geagea and let the cross be a sign standing on Lebanon's mountains forever, Amen
This is to all the people who still insist that assassinations in Lebanon are "self-inflicted".
For argument's sake, I would agree with cynics that one could try to do away with 1 political ally to create a martyr. However, to those same smart alecs, I would pose a small problem: what is the wisdom behind knocking off so many of your allies? Weakening your allies is not conducive to them staying in power. Debunking stupid theories is not hard. Convincing prejudiced people that their theories are nothing more than their hate blinding them from looking at issues objectively is a different ballgame.
Political figures who were killed in Lebanon didn’t kill themselves. Their supporters were not asked to knock them off so that they become martyrs. This was not the mentality of those assassinated figures but it certainly is the mentality of all those "martyrs" who we see in pictures hanging all over the southern suburbs. Stop projecting your philosophies on others who don't believe in them.
God bless you hakim,
the other idiots that think geagea was behind it are as stupid to believe that hizbullah's arms are aimed only at israel, why am i not surprised by their comments
the day will come where LF glory will return, you have a wave of people behind you doc
Someone in M8 is really nervous to make such a blatant attempt. Any guesses who that might be? ;-)
Oh FT, cool off dude! The more you bark the less believable you are. I mean come on how can you believe that crap you are spouting? Wait, you must be well paid.
till now Firkh Tays aka FartThrower is in number one position of the amount of comments on every article, 11 coments from him so far on this article only, replying on every other comment and he keeps complaining that naharnet is not posting his comments, and still has time to read other news sources as he claims.... i wonder how he gets money to pay for his electricity bill... hold on i have a call.... what?... oh he doesn't pay his bills... ashraf ennes?... oh ok sorry... my bad
wlak arraftouna ya hebel ,noss cha3bna l masi7e sar barra....w ba3dkoune #oun w geagea, law btou2afo id we7de w bala hal tnen mech a7san.....
w3ou ba2aaa!!!
Dr. Geagea, if God is with you, who is against you??? and YESSSS let the cross be a sign standing on Lebanon's mountains forever
can't believe how stupid and ignorent some of the commentators on this board. We need a devine miracle to get out of our miseries that we are in
I love my country.
My country Lebanon.
For You christians who follow Aoun, have You stopped for a second and thought about where he has led You?
Have asked Your self why You are defending M8 and the syrian regime?
Have thought about what mite have happend with Lebanon without the true resistent, the resistent of Bachir?
I am LF and LF is me and we will always be part of the ceder and Lebanon because we fight to win or die trying.
God bless and protect ALL LEBANESE !!!
It is not about Mr. Geagea specifically but we should know that the potential that some factions have to assassinate political figures is threatening peace. And this is why we want to uncover those behind Hariri killing. It is because we are living under a Damocles sword, awaiting the next victim. Enough. Evil or angel, the STL should continue its work. And at the end we will have enough judgement to beleive or deniger.
Flame Thrower, or should i say mr. Know it All, Imad Mughniyeh was assasinated in the centre of damascus with probably not less than 100 stoges from Bashar's stable watching him.So i let you guess who booby traped his car, don't tell the mossad did it, lol. Another martyr of the divine war, as to Hawi, maybe not an M14, you're clever enough to weigh the balance between the assasinations of M14 politicians against M8.
I would not be surprised if an attempt was made, for he has many enemies (as do most political leaders). Some proxy militia of either Syria or Israel could have been involved (no, not Hezbollah. Hezbollah does not have a history of assassinating Lebanese political leaders, and their military goals are far from attempting such an attempt). Whoever seeks the death of a popular Lebanese political leader seeks to destabilize Lebanon. Unfortunately, most Lebanese have fallen into the trap, and probably Geagea himself did too, by accusing each political camp and sowing distrust amongst one another.
It is time we stop talking and referring to ourselves as Christians or Shiites or Sunni or Druze. It is time we stop wanting to plant a flag of the cross or the crescent moon. It is time we plant the flag of Lebanon, to resist foreign attempts, whether Syrian or Israeli, to destabilize Lebanon, and finally work towards a prosperous Lebanese economy.
"Our Revolution"...Geaga who is an ally of Mubarek and the Gulf Kings, and America/Israel now considers himself a "revolutionary"??? If he is a Revolutionary then King Al-Saud is Che Guevara!
Yeah... I guess your people are the true heroes of our country ya John... Aoun...Berri, Nasrallah, Kanso, Wahab...
Thepatriot...if you read my comments in the past, you would have figuered out that those names you mentioned are not "my people"...I am an independent leftist. But, if you compare them to M14...the worst (M14) of the worst(M8)... then you are right (by the way do you know who Che Guevara is?).
Those who say it is an incident orchestrated by Geagea in order to gain sympathy have opened my eyes to many other possible similarities.
As an example, Hassan the hidden Imam, is he hiding while in reality there are no true threats just to gain sympathy and to pretend that he is a victim so people could " love him more"?
Just wondering....
They did not use a car bomb, so it is probably not the Iranian Rat... And, the Demented Genaral is afraid of his own shadow... Maybe a message from the Killer Giraffe?
Flamer, you should take your own advice and get a life!
Hey neon who let you out the refugee camp?? get back in your slum we dont need your opinion on our country's news.
4-5 km is impossible. Longest confirmed sniper shots by US/canadian/british militaries: less than 2.5 km, using 50 caliber sniping rifles. the target would also be killed long before hearing the shots since the bullets travel much faster than the speed of sound.
u seem to be quite an expert, but let's face it if the maximum range is 2.5 Km this means that maybe u could go for a 500 extra meters not double the distance!! again the drama didn't work: Geagea will still loose the elections badly, as u know the church and FPm are much more powerfull then the salafis
i'm no expert .. but based on my addiction to discovery channel (:)) anything above 1.5km becomes very very difficult precisely because of the criteria you listed. a slight breeze can make the bullet miss its target by tens of meters.
therefore, imho, either 4-5 km is exaggerated, or whoever made the attempt wasn't serious about killing and was sending a message/threat
slash ur answer regarding the head melting confirms the impossibility of the scenario. thank you for making my point even clearer, but why the constant insults, man politness is not that difficult,one day u'll grow up and have children of your own, what will u teach them?
the shot was taken from 1.5km... surveillance of the residence was estimated 4 to 5Km... at this distance anyway the chance of hitting a 23cm of circumference target is 68% with the most precise rifle...
This is why it was a fake attempt.
a rocket could have done the job with a 95% chance.
Snipers dont take chances on 60something%
too bad the boumeh survived his own attempt to gain public sympathy. I was hoping his men will make a mistake and get him for real
I think M8 like a loser like him bozo. He is such a loser that M8 would not want to risk taking him out and giving the chance to a better leader to emerge. The Bohmeh has been on the losing side of all Lebanese struggles.
However I dislike him more then M8 does. justrice would be served if had been crippled and blinded. Too many people are in the grave because of the boumeh
BACHIR Spirit is with him, he saved him... if he was not important on the political scene why someone would want to kill him ? we all know whats coming next...
on ... syria will never give us bread... just to remind hizbullah followers syrian army attacked u and 7araket Amal as well so please understand that everybody is doing his or her interests. more to that did u know that Amal was armed and trained by the Phalangistes ? do u read history ? do u know who made u ? do u know who betrayed u ? we must unite stop insulting each other we must all take the street and ask for the politicians to agree with each other for once and for all cause otherwise it will never end . everyone of them was part of our ugly war so wake up we must forgive and make a strong coun try... i know i am dreaming because the smart people are all abroad cuz they dont let them what they want for their beautiful country
مسيرة صلا ة و شموع من ملعب فؤاد شهاب الى معراب للصلاة و التضرع الى الزهرة العجائبية
Sorry guys it was too funny not to share
In my opinion Hezbollah went to far that time . They think they can frighten all lebanese but now I say it´s enough they should be taught a lesson , who cares about their fuckin weapons , if it is for the sake of lebanon we should them fight with our own hands. Their filthy iranian agendy isn´t welcome in lebanon and their fight for a free palestine shouldn´t be fought on lebanese soil, let´s send them all to ghaza and let them fight as a resistance. Allah Hakim w bass , nobody will ever be able to harm him !!!
People like gaegae are dangerous because they might potentialy appeal to the christians in Syria. Any 'minority' leader who is against the syrian regime represents a serious threat at this point. Jumblatt might b next.
Flame thrower I look forward to the day that you & your m8 thugs pay for their electricity
Flame thrower I look forward to the day that you & your m8 thugs pay for their electricity
Flame thrower I look forward to the day that you & your m8 thugs pay for their electricity
Flame thrower I look forward to the day that you & your m8 thugs pay for their electricity
And everything else they have stolen....
Sorry, this couldnt be said enough times & let the haters hate, it keeps them busy ;)
هذه اسلحة روسية الصنع متقدمة في مجال القنص .. تتوافر الان لدى قناصة الاسد في سوريا .. اتوقع حزب الله اداة سورياوايران في لبنان قام بهذه العملية وتم تزويده من قبل المخابرات السورية
John from Koura,
You probably only value Che as a the post-modern fashion icon he has become and more likely than not wear one of his copied caps.