المعارضة السورية: بيان مجلس الامن يعطي الاسد فرصة اضافية للقتل
Read this story in Englishاعتبر عضو المكتب التنفيذي للمجلس الوطني السوري سمير نشار الخميس ان البيان الرئاسي لمجلس الامن حول سوريا يعطي الاسد فرصة اضافية للقتل.
وقال سمير نشار لوكالة فرانس برس ان البيان الرئاسي الذي صدر امس عن مجلس الامن "في ظل استمرار عمليات القتل التي تقوم بها قوات بشار الاسد، يعطيه فرصة اضافية للاستمرار في سياسة القمع في محاولة لانهاء ثورة الشعب السوري".
ورأى نشار ان المطلوب من مجلس الامن "قرارات رادعة وحاسمة للنظام يكون جوهرها وقف عمليات القتل المستمر التي ترتكبها قوات الاسد، والمجازر التي يتعرض لها الشعب السوري".
وقال نشار "نعتقد انه على بشار ان يتنحي ليفتح الباب امام حلول سياسية تجنب سوريا كارثة الحرب الاهلية التي بدأت تلوح في الافق".
واضاف ان "سياسة القتل (التي يتبعها النظام) تؤدي الى تسلح الشعب للدفاع عن نفسه وهو حق مشروع، ولكن هذا سوف يؤدي الى عسكرة الثورة وربما اسلمتها".
واوضح ان "القوى المدنية والتي تبحث عن العدالة والمساواة وقيم التسامح واحترام الاختلاف سوف لن تكون ميالة الى حمل السلاح" بقدر ما ستكون ميالة اليه "المكونات التي قد تلجأ الى السلاح تحت خطاب ايديولوجي أخشى ان يكون ذا لون واحد".
The UN statement is symbolic and will surely not deter the Syrian Monster. It is a slow start while the Syrians need immediate actions.
it is the official statement of the end of a family who ruined syria by blood and steel.....using the golan needed by israel as a card of strenght.
the question now is: who will go down with them?
the signs of the end are clearer now,remember in 2005 nasrallah himself commanded the action of "shoukran souriya" hoping to inherit the role of the regime in bilad el arz,now he said one week ago "who want to take our arms, let him come..."that is a clear sign of desperation.
@Mustapha O. Ghalayini. I agree with your statement. This is the end of the Assad Regime. Now, for Assad to continue in power as before, he will have to kill each and every Syrian who agrees with the Opposition, and this cannot be done, though he will try and the more he tries, the more he will become a persona non grata, radioactive, isolated and broke. If he stops and agrees to work with the Opposition, the Opposition will see to it that Assad is sent away to The Hague for trial on charges of crimes against humanity and ethnic clensing. Either way, the Assad Regime is done and over.
Hezbollah now has a choice to make. Its arms are no longer sustainable without the sure resupply by land. Resupply will not happen by sea. It can either give up its arms and enter the Lebanese political system, or it can self immolate in a war with Israel. I seriously doubt the latter.
But politics in Lebanon requires payment of patronage money. Hezbollah's money comes from Iran. But that will be cut off soon with financial sanctions on Iran that come into play in June, and so Hezbollah will become more dependent on smuggling to get its patronage money, and to smuggle, it has to control the government and it controls the government through force of intimidation with its arms.
Problem is that with Hezbollah supporting Assad who kills Moslems at will, and looks at picturs of naked women on his internet, they are losing the Shiites of Lebanon and their money, from where ever they get it will be no good.
The only way to get the Giraffe out is for Damascus, the christians, and the Druze to boil it. The Syrian opposition is really doing a lousy job getting these 3 areas to join them. They have to embrase them and assure all that future Syris is for all and democratic.
Does anyone wonder what does this Syrian murdering thug have over the USA and Israel to keep them from shutting him down just like they did the Libyan murdering thug? Simply put, it is, that this particular Syrian murdering thug commands the only military force in the Middle East capable of isolating and then disarming the party of hzb el kzb & terror. The USA and Israel will continue to tolerate this butcher because they secretly hope they can strike a deal with him in the future. Did everyone already forget under whose watchful eyes Mughneya was blown to smithereens as payment to Israel?