اسرائيل: الرد العسكري في لبنان قد يتغير و"حزب الله" يتزود بأسلحة متطورة
Read this story in Englishقامت مصادر عسكرية اسرائيلية رفيعة المستوى باتهام "حزب الله" بالتزود بـ"أسلحة دفاع جوي متطورة يتدرب عليها في ايران وسوريا"، ما دفع اسرائيل بالتهديد أمس الاحد بتغيير سياسة الرد العسكري في لبنان.
وأفادت المصادر، عبر صحيفة "هآرتس" الاسرائيلية "أن سوريا تتولى تدريب وتأهيل عناصر من حزب الله على تشغيل أسلحة متقدمة مضادة للطائرات".
بدوره قال ضابط رفيع المستوى في قيادة المنطقة الشمالية في الجيش الاسرائيلي أن "الاوضاع في لبنان مرشحة لمزيد من التصعيد، إذ أن حزب الله يستمر في تزود اسلحة بعيدة المدى وميدانيا في ساحة القتال"، مضيفاً ان "هذا التطور قد يغير ميزان القوى في المنطقة، ويهدد التفوق الجوي الاسرائيلي، خصوصا ان كميات هائلة من صواريخ ارض – جو واسلحة كيميائية وبيولوجية نقلت اخيرا الى حزب الله".
ورأى إنه "في اطار هذه التدريبات التي تجرى على الاراضي السورية والايرانية تم تأهيل عشرات المقاتلين على تشغيل صواريخ أرض – جو متقدمة".
وتابع وفق "هآرتس" بالقول ان "احتمال التصعيد في لبنان كبير، وحزب الله يواصل تعزيز قوته بالتسلح وبمزيد من الاسلحة المتطورة والتي قد تشكل مفاجأة في ميدان المعركة".
واشار الضابط الى انه "سيتعين علينا العثور على اجابات عن موضوع نقل اسلحة مضادة للطائرات، واسلحة كيميائية وبيولوجية"، محذرا من "ان هذا الامر قد يتسبب بتغيير سياسة الرد العسكرية الاسرائيلية".
واستنادا الى تقديرات الجيش الاسرائيلي، "هناك ثلاث كتائب من الجيش السوري مسؤولة عن تشغيل صواريخ مضادة للطائرات من نوع "SA- 17S" الروسية المتطورة، وعليه فقد خفف سلاح الجو الاسرائيلي نشاطه على الحدود الشمالية خوفا من صواريخ ارض – جو".
Hezbollah trained because of you, if it wasn't your provocative policy Hezbolshaitan will melt like any black ice. The Zionist regime is the only regime who benefit from Hezbollah by raising more cash from New York. Enough lies and more lies to the ancient people of the middle east.
Looking forward to the day your they kill each other. Please don't forget Funny Pjamas Mule
Very good bews and not a minute too soon, sadly too late the save the Ethiopian airliner and it's passengers. Hassan should be trained to use the arms he gets from Mahmoud before Mahmoud gives him the arms not after, that's how we avert disasters.
Whether it's the FIM 92 stinger or more probably the Russian made SA 18 IGLA.... Those AA weapons are useless against military jets. They are only useful against choppers. They are making a big fuss for nothing. Israel, syria's ally, is keen on creating tension to keep their friend's (Hezbollah) weapons in place in Lebanon to prevent the Palestinian refugees from returning to their homeland as peace cannot be achieved.
well said benzona. the only loser is the true Lebanon and Lebanese. The Iranians, Hezbollah, Syria and Israel continue to keep work together to keep Lebanon weak and divided and of course keep the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. If only all the Lebanese woke up and started thinking Lebanon first and nothing else!!! Keep going ya Gronks... Lebanon will never thrive until you wake up
the israelis are once more raising the level of threat hizbushaitan is (ot not) to justify their close to happen war. :)
and who said it is in the interest of hizbushaotan and their masters the iranians that lebanon should prosper?
to the contrary it is in their interest to drive the lebanese into poverty so evrybody would fall under their financial power :)
Next time please focus on Dahye and don't drop papers telling them you are going to. We are sick of them too.
Question to all HA supporters out there.
Would it be so bad if Hizbullah handed over these Anti-Aircraft weapon to the Lebanese army so as the Lebanese army can protect the Lebanese sky?
Would it be so bad that Hizbullah handed over its bunkers to the Lebanese army so that the Lebanese army would be able to confront any Israeli invasion?
Would it be so bad if Hiabullah hands over its stock of missiles to the Lebanese army so as to let the army have the retaliatory capability if Israel attacks Lebanon.
Do they doubt the Lebanese Army's determination to defend Lebanon?
Or do they doubt that the Lebanese army is capable of using such weapons and capability to the benefit of Lebanon's defense?
HA and israel are both good for each other. Both need each other to keep their sectarian states alive.
There's a difference between politicians and citizens. Most Israeli don't follow Netanyahu's program.... same as us with Hezbollah with a Big Ass chair in our government...yet we disagree, full stop.
It requires a certain political not to mention religious view to operate these weapons to full effect. Thats why "The Party of God" has to do it instead of anyone else. Other lebanese are either infidels, traitors, cowards, gay, drug addicts, jewish or satanists. Hassan Nassrallah knows whats best for all, we got to put our faith in him just like the germans did in the 1930s.