السعودية تغلق سفارتها في دمشق
Read this story in Englishأعلن مسؤول في وزراة الخارجية السعودية مساء اليوم الاربعاء ان المملكة اغلقت سفارتها في دمشق وسحبت كافةالدبلوماسيين والعاملين فيها، وفقا لمصدر رسمي.
ونقلت وكالة الانباء السعودية عن المسؤول قوله "نظرا لتطور الأحداث في سوريا، قامت المملكة العربية السعودية بإغلاق سفارتها في دمشق وسحب كافة الدبلوماسيين والعاملين فيها".
I thought they left long time ago. They are in the dictator's country and they got out safely, while they had been attacking him publicly. Interesting to see roles reversed.
I forgot. The iranians were trying to kill the SA ambassador in the USA. Why bother, it would have been easier in Syria.
How are the Saudis going to witness the "imminent fall" of regime that all those in the DON'T KNOW??? have been predicting? Perhaps this da7maleh will expedite the fall even more? Let's ask Dr. Samir Boula2a.
Saudis should put that oil money to good use and fund the revolution to break Assad's skull open.