أذربيجان تحبط اعتداءات ضد سفارتي اسرائيل والولايات المتحدة

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أوقفت قوات الأمن في اذربيجان 22 شخصا يشتبه في انهم دبروا بدعم من ايران محاولة اعتداء ضد سفارتي اسرائيل والولايات المتحدة في باكو، على ما افادت السلطات الاربعاء.

وقالت وزارة الامن الوطني في بيان "تم توقيف 22 مواطنا اذربيجانيا من قبل وزارة الامن الوطني لتعاونهم مع الحرس الثوري الايراني".

واضافت انه "بتعليمات من الحرس الثوري الايراني، كانوا يستعدون لتنفيذ هجمات على سفارتي الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل ودول غربية اخرى وموظفيها".

وقالت الاجهزة الاذريجانية ان المشتبه بهم جندتهم ايران بداية من 1999 "وتم تدريبهم في معسكرات عسكرية قرب طهران وخرج" قرب العاصمة.

واضاف البيان "ان المدربين علموهم استخدام السلاح والمتفجرات (..) اضافة الى طرق التسلل الى المباني المحروسة".

واكدت الوزارة ان المشتبه بهم "نقلوا الى ايران العناوين الدقيقة لسفارات ومنظمات اجنبية اضافة الى شركات بينها مقر بي بي-اذربيجان" فرع المجموعة البريطانية في هذا البلد الواقع في القوقاز والغني بالمحروقات.

واضافت "تم اكتشاف اسلحة وذخائر ومتفجرات ومعدات تجسس لدى توقيفهم".

وكان تلفزيون الدولة نقل عن وزارة الامن الوطني في 21 شباط توقيف اشخاص مشتبه بعلاقتهم باجهزة الاستخبارات الايرانية وحزب الله اللبناني.

وياتي هذا الاعلان بعد اعتداءات ومحاولات اعتداءات ضد دبلوماسيين اسرائيليين في نيودلهي وبانكوك وتبيليسي.

واتهمت الحكومة الاسرائيلية طهران بتدبير هذه الهجمات.

التعليقات 21
Missing allouchi 14:37 ,2012 آذار 14

Hizb and allies are good in ruining Lebanon's image abroad and bringing misery for the people inside. Allah yi rayyeh minnoun ya rab.

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 15:26 ,2012 آذار 14

allouchi, how does this have to do with Lebanon or its image? May be I'm missing something here, please explain.

Missing allouchi 21:20 ,2012 آذار 14

These terrorist are linked to Iran/Hizballah which are still trying to avenge Moughniyi's assassination in Syria. Also remember few weeks back some members of Hizballa were also arrested for trying terrorist acts in Azerbaijan.

Thumb jcamerican 17:37 ,2012 آذار 14

When the Israelis killed the Iranian scientists, it is halal. They have the right to kill anybody, they claim he is a threat. The US too, can send a drone to anybody and anywhere and say, it was militants or terrorists. All the rest of the world, they have no balls to stop it.

Thumb jcamerican 20:30 ,2012 آذار 14

Mowaten stop wasting your time on most of these idiots. They talk about Patriotism, when Israel was bombing the shit out their country, they were cheering for it, maybe they get rid of Hizballah. Now they are counting on the opposition in Syria, if they get rid of Bashar, then Hizballah will be weak and dissapear. Iran too. What a bunch of haters and dreamers. The reason why USA always sided with these dictators, they think the whole middle east people are worthless camel jockeys.

Thumb benzona 21:03 ,2012 آذار 14

Whenever Iran gets involved in something, it's rarely something to be proud of.... One day, Iran will also free itself from the theocrats and will be a decent country again.

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 14:31 ,2012 آذار 15

You forgot the Klingon affair in the nebullas sector. I think the hez was reportedly involved too.

Default-user-icon lie lie lie lie lie lie (ضيف) 14:53 ,2012 آذار 14

Obviously Azerbaijan lies and Thailand lies, Columbia lies and Argentina lies, Mexico lies and Egypt and Iraq lies, UAE, Bahrain and Turkey lie, the US and Germany lie, even mini Hassan aka Muqtada Al-Sadr lies, everyone lies... except Iran never lies.

Default-user-icon NR (ضيف) 15:36 ,2012 آذار 14

shou khas lebanon's image ? where do you see a mention of Lebanon in this article ?

Thumb geha 15:56 ,2012 آذار 14

:) wherever there are problems these days it is due to.....

Missing allouchi 18:01 ,2012 آذار 14

mowaten, I hate Israel but i don't keep using it as an excuse for EVRYTHING...so stick Israel up ur a$$$$$$$$$$...

Thumb geha 19:30 ,2012 آذار 14

by God you are funny Mowaten :)

Missing helicopter 16:47 ,2012 آذار 14

Israel, Syria, Iran, And all armed groups in Lebanon (Hezb, Salafis, Palestinian weapons inside and outside the camp, and all other weapons not in hand of the army)

Default-user-icon RUSSIAN BEAR (ضيف) 21:16 ,2012 آذار 14

what people dont see is that as the Russians said and the West,the red and heat zone in the world is this zone rite here,Turkey backing azeri,it means Natos allies,azerbedjian doing his best to join Nato,by isolating Iran,Armenia is in War wit Azerbedjian,Russia is backing with all means Armenia military , financially,morally,azerbedjian is trying to do his best importing gas to europe,so this way europe is no need to Russian gas and oil anymore which,will piss Russia badly if this project go through,iran is in reall tension with west,israel,and azerbedjian,so As bush administration said and as well as Obamas,as well as PUTIN,any mistake in this zone, between Azerbedjian Armenia,willl lead turkeys involvment,on the other hand Russias involvement backin Armenia,iran on west,israel china russia close partner,and we will see WW3,and now the west started playing with this card to bad

Default-user-icon Leo (ضيف) 14:37 ,2012 آذار 15

@Russian Bear, your attempt to use bad english grammar is confusing. Stop and write correctly. Quit trying to write with a Russian accent, please.

Missing aris 23:00 ,2012 آذار 14

Yeah we will come after your tutbans

Missing aris 23:01 ,2012 آذار 14

Nah aren't got rid of my realistic comment

Default-user-icon jacko (ضيف) 02:54 ,2012 آذار 15

what do you expect,bunch of Turks.
just ask the it's neighboring country Armenia what they have endured from these savage people.this doesn't suprise me about Azerbaijan.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 03:01 ,2012 آذار 15

Every country in the world is wrong except Iran apparently. They are so honest that they are almost saintly. Giving out keys to heaven for people to blow themselves up :)

Thumb ado.australia 05:57 ,2012 آذار 15

Geopolitics 101 for Allouchi and Geha.

Azerbaijan is at war with their neighbour Armenia. Azerbaijan is 90% shiite. Armenia is Christian othordox. Iran sided with Armenia against Azerbaijan in their territory dispute. Although they are shiite, Azerbaijan is a turkic country (not Persian) and has close ties to turkey and israel.

Iran has repeatedly blamed and warned them, regarding Israeli infiltration, using Azerbaijan as the base for attacks on their scientists and terrorist bombings in iran. It seams this is Azerbaijan's response.

Thumb geha 09:19 ,2012 آذار 15

well maybe you are right on this one, but it does not mean you are right :)
what about other countries??? I am sure you are reading how many of these thugs are being arrested all accross the world :)