نواب في مجلس الامة الكويتي يضعون "فيتو" على زيارة باسيل إلى الكويت
Read this story in Englishوضع عدد من النواب في مجلس الامة الكويتي "فيتو" على زيارة وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل إلى الكويت للمشاركة في منتدى للطاقة تنظمه مؤسسة البترول الكويتية، معتبرين انه "مؤيد بقوة للنظام السوري القمعي".
وقال الناطق الرسمي باسم كتلة العدالة النائب بدر الداهوم ان "مواقف باسيل المؤيدة لآلة القتل السورية ضد الشعب الأعزل لا تجعله مرحباً به في الكويت"، مؤكدا على "احترام الضيوف الذين يزورون الكويت الموقف الرسمي والشعبي للدولة من النظام السوري، فلو تعرض وزير الطاقة اللبناني للشعب السوري فسنتعرض له ونتصدى لمحاولاته".
اما النائب أسامة الشاهين فدعا وزارة الخارجية الكويتية إلى "اعادة النظر بمن يسمح لهم بدخول الكويت انطلاقا من مواقف اي مسؤول من الحقوق الكويتية، ونحن ضد حضور وزير الطاقة اللبناني الذي كانت له مواقف مخزية من الحق الكويتي".ومن جانبه، استغرب النائب الدكتور عادل الدمخي "استقبال من يدعم نظام بشار الأسد المجرم مثل وزير الطاقة اللبناني، فالكويت تدعم الشعب السوري، ووزير الخارجية وصف النظام السوري بالاجرام، ومجلس الأمة خرج بتوصيات تطالب بمعاقبة نظام الأسد، ومن الحري بنا عدم استقبال أي شخص يخدم الأسد".
وقال:" وزير الطاقة اللبناني جبران باسيل يؤيد النظام القاتل في سورية كما كان عمه (رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح) الجنرال (ميشال) عون يؤيد (الرئيس العراقي سابقا) صدام حسين فلماذا تستقبله الكويت؟".
من جهته، رأى النائب مبارك الوعلان أن "باسيل بوق نظام (الرئيس السوري بشار) الاسد غير مرحب به لانه يرى الدماء الطاهره تراق ولا تتحرك مشاعره".
وتساءل النائب عبد الرحمن العنجري: "ما الذي نجنيه من زيارة باسيل المتحالف مع الاسد للكويت؟ هؤلاء انكشفوا وقريبا ستلفظهم الشعوب".
The only goverments that will welcome the Thief In-Law are in Syria and Iran... The Lebanese lawmakers should be the ones voicing strong objections to having this little pickpocket near the peoples money.
Hey Bassil, you and your uncle can pass your psychotic lies, speeches, and backing of killers in Lebanon, but the region know who you are and they told you to stay away and shut up you mental midget.
Your uncle backed Sadam and lost. Your uncle ran away in pajamas. Your uncle was paid by Syria and the Hezz to stab the Christians in the back or he could have been president. Now you guys back ASSad. You keep making losing choices. When ASSad falls you will have a perfect loser record.
Pleaseeeeeee take him , pleaseeeeeeee keep him , we suffered enough because of him and his sick uncle , please save us and get him any job in Kuait or any where else !
Some peoples have guts and speak their minds... Congrats my Kuwaiti pals for telling this prick what you think of him and his gang...
Yes, the Kuwaiti MP's can talk, those people sent THEIR troops (along with Saoudia's, UAE's, etc...) to Bahrain to oppress the unarmed bahraini prostestors.
@ Ado.australia, we all know arabs specially golf countries are undemocratic. But we dont need that right now, and dont care. We just want to build relationships with them based upon economic interests. The problem is not only in March 8th's approach towards the Syrian crisis, it is also about Aoun always lashing out at arabs, and Hariri, supposedly stealing our country's wealth and blablabla as usual. They've had enough of this talk shit. It is incredible how most lebanese work in Arab countries and arent even grateful. Like if they owe us that at least... I mean how can a society evolve if you all think like that? enno rabna khala2na wou kassar el 2eleb? Time to get out of this stupid theory that we are not arabs and that they are all peasants, and that we are bosses of this middle east.
And also on what purposes does Bassil want to visit Kuwait? do not forget as well that he has rejected Arab money which would have been a lot easier considering low interests, than digging in our treasury and taking money for much more interest.But now maybe he realises he will need more for his project, or other... And of course on the other hand, the kuwaitis are funny so as golf countries that are against Assad but mainly are the same in dealing with their people. Although do not forget one important thing : Saudi Arabia , is a country that is the world's first oil exporter. Syria has nothing in return. Nobody wants a Saudi Arabia governed by extremists who will play on the price of gas each day.
Hey, take it easy, he's is visiting THEIR COUNTRY and they have 100% the right not to welcome him. And by the way, what Bashar is doing to his people is outraging and ultimately inhuman. When we start seeing the things away from March 8 and March 14, we become normal people, deserve to live in peace and deserve a watan.
And by the way, didn't Australia teach you a little of dessency and subtlty? It seems you are still 100% lebo, thinking we are the best ever God has created and have the right to swear @ people right and left! Cool, keep going...
Hey, take it easy, he's is visiting THEIR COUNTRY and they have 100% the right not to welcome him. And by the way, what Bashar is doing to his people is outraging and ultimately inhuman. When we start seeing the things away from March 8 and March 14, we become normal people, deserve to live in peace and deserve a watan.
And by the way, didn't Australia teach you a little of decency and subtlety? It seems you are still 100% lebo, thinking we are the best ever God has created and have the right to swear @ people right and left! Cool, keep going...
stay with your mentality and comments in australia: we do not want the likes of you here :)