عون: جنبلاط لم يكن يوما من الأكثرية ومقاطعة نوابه لجلسة الأمس "سلبية"
Read this story in Englishطالب رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون بإرسال" قانون قطع الحساب و نسخة عنه الى ديوان المحاسبة"، مشددا على أن وزير المالية هو المسؤول الوحيد عن كافة التدابير المتخذة، متوقفا في الوقت عينه عند عدم مشاركة نواب جهة النضال الوطني في جلسة مجلس النواب، معتبرا أن جنبلاط لم يكن يوما بالأكثرية ويعمل "لمصلحته".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر اليوم الثلاثاء: " نحن لدينا دستور وقواعد محاسبة ولن نختصر عمل المؤسسات"، موضحا أن "النظر بموضوع الحسابات يجب أن يمر بالمالية الى الحكومة التي يجب أن تعطيه للجنة المال التي تبحثه وترسله الى المجلس النيابي، والممر الثاني تذهب نسخة الى ديوان المحاسبة الذي يدقق بالحسابات".
وشدد عون على أن وزير المال هو المسؤول الأول والأخير بوزارته، مذكرا أن " في 2008 كانت الموازنة صدرت والمخالفات مرتكبة و في الـ2009 صرفوا وببلغوا".
وأضاف: " فليتفضلوا ويرسلوا قانون قطع الحساب وايضا نسخة عنه الى ديوان المحاسبة".
كما أمل عون أن يقر موضوع قانون سيارات الغاز والقانون الأخضر، داعيا النواب الى متابعته بأسرع وقت ممكن.
وحول غياب نواب جبهة النضال الوطني عن جلسة مجلس النواب أمس الإثنين، قال عون " موقفهم سلبي ولا شرح له الا نوايا عدم انتساب للأكثرية"، معتبرا أن جنبلاط "بالاساس لم يكن بالأكثرية".
وأردف: "عندما يتخطى الموضوع مصلحته الخاصة يترك الاكثرية وعندما يكون هناك موضوع يتعلق بمصلحته يدرسه بالحكومة، وعندما يستقيل جنبلاط من الحكومة نرى اذا كنا سنبقى اكثرية".
وكان رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أعلن تأجيل الجلسة التشريعية التي كانت مقررة الاثنين للبحث في الحلول لملف الانفاق الى 15 آذار الجاري، وذلك بعد عدم اكتمال النصاب بعد مقاطعة نواب 14 آذار ونواب جبهة "النضال الوطني" لعدم الوصول الى حال سياسي حول ملف الانفاق.
وصرح جنبلاط أمس الإثنين لجريدة "السفير" " أنهم لن يشاركوا في الجلسة، ما دامت التسوية حول الملف المالي لم تتحقق، لافتا الى أن "ذلك لا يعني اننا لم نعد جزءاً من الأكثرية الحاكمة".
وتوقف عون عند موضوع " المقاتلين الذين يدخلون لبنان من سوريا"، قائلا: "ربما كانوا مشاركين بالحرب مع الجيش السوري لكن نحن لدينا الكثير من اللاجئين وهناك دول عربية دفعت لهم المال ليقاتلوا".
وعليه، قال فليفتحوا لهم حدود البلدان التي شجعتهم على القتال، مسؤولية من حرضوهم أن يأمنوا لهم الملجأ".
وحول التظاهرة التي أطلقها الشيخ أحمد الأسير تضامنا مع الشعب السورري الأحد، رأى عون أن الأسير "ليس ظاهرة بل جزء من مظاهر تشبهه في البلدان العربية".
ورأى أن هكذا أشخاص يسعون لإستطلاع نسبة تأييدهم الشعبي في المدن، معتبرا أن المظاهرة كانت فاشلة "ولم يتخط عدد المشاركين الألف شخص".
17:22 ,2012 آذار 06
عون عن تظاهرة أحمد الأسير: قاموا باستطلاع عن نسبة تأييد الشعب لهم في المدن ويبدو أنهم فشلوا
17:19 ,2012 آذار 06
عون: وزير المال هو المسؤول الأول والأخير في وزارته عن أي تدبير وليتفضل وزير المالية بتقديم قانون
17:18 ,2012 آذار 06
عون عن عدم حضور نواب جبهة النضال الوطني جلسة مجلس النواب أمس الأثنين: موقفهم سلبي وجنبلاط يتصرف بحسب مصلحته الخاصة ويبين عدم الإنتساب الى أكثرية
17:15 ,2012 آذار 06
عون:النظر في موضوع الحسابات يجب أن يمر بقطع حساب وليقدموا قانون قطع الحساب ولن نقبل بأي أمر قانوني
17:13 ,2012 آذار 06
عون: لدينا دستور و قواعد محاسبة ولن نختصر المؤسسات
Hahaha ha ha ha! I'm speechless, I can just laugh. Where has he been lately, smoking opium in Teheran?
Aoun is responsible for the destruction of the state in the past and history repeats itself today, especially with the electricity Lebanese don't enjoy the electricity at all as a result of Aoun's being in charge of it. Aoun allies with the terrorists and falling regimes to continue what left to destroy from hezboshaitan war in 2006. they are nothing but bad war criminals responsible for all the fail and destruction of what we have built over the years.
ur sooo right: we used to have 24/24 electricity when HArriri was in charge and now with Bassil his private jets and owning half of Batroun it's screwed
Obviously you don't know what you're talking about... "overbudget"... what was the budget ya Mowaten? How many years of "overbudget" do the 11B represent? How much "overbudget" is M8 asking for 2011 only??? With what justifications?? Please master your subject before you bluntly repeat what you heard during recess!
of course walid beik is playing u around.
last time u run and hide in paris, next time no run no hide.
your kids will be born with debt...great for the alibaba and the 40 angels. its despicable to even politicize this issue
"Jumblat Was Never Part of Parliamentary Majority".. actually mon general your ignorance is only matched by your eternal and perpetual stupidity, the simple facts are if Jumblat and his MPs had not voted for Mikati for PM you would still be part of Parliamentary minority. I could get you a calculator so get little Geb can crunch the numbers for you but that would be a waste of time as facts were never your strong suit.
ahh so you got it all figured out. but have you heard about coalitions, like for exemple between the center (Mikati Joumblat), the FPM and the 8March?
kesrweneh my friend you really don't need to come over here day in day out to prove to us that you are a complete idiot we already know that, in fact look up "complete idiot" is a dictionary and you will find your smiling picture giving a thumbs up next to it as a visual aid.
Don't like Aoun at all but he is right on this issue- I would love to know where the spending was and why wasn't there any concerted effort to pass a budget? Why are we covering up for the crooks...
While were at it, lets see what happened to sandoo2 il mhajareen, and the council for the development for the south; and the diesel scandal... and the rest of them
Aoun and Jumblatt are so much alike, it is not even funny! They should merge their parties together . . .
This guy is halucinating!!! Had it not been Jumblat's siding with M8 Aoun would still have been out of every decision making side. He should lick Jumblat's butt for him giving M8 the majority. However, Aoun is a person of no color or orientation. He sides with whoever gives him power and money. Just awhile ago he was strongly critical of Syria and with a twink of an eye he bacame just the opposite: a strong supporter of Syria's Assad. This small man is not to be trusted. I oslo think he should be stripped of his Christianity because his actions are all the way anti-Christian. he's only Christian by name. Without Huzbullah votes he wouldn't even get one MP.
I understand why Jumblat and Al Mustaqblal al at3as men al madi are ganging up together as they were partners in the theft of the coffers while they marginalized all of the Christians, especially the ones in March 14. But for these Christians to be once again at the forefront of shielding the corrupt, the crooks and the thieves on whose hands they and their crowd suffered the most is clearly indicative of why they are spineless low-lives who care less about the rights and the well being of the decent hard-working honest Lebanese. Keep marching behind them, or more realistically, under their boots.
The last refuge of all scoundrels is the flag. This guy, who defied the law and defied the constitution in his grab for power, now that he has some as a participant in the government demands that the law be enforced and the constitution to the letter be observed.
He is a phoney and a hypocrit to now claim to be a man of the law.
Men of the law follow the law whether it benefits them or not. Assad himself follows the law and cites it when his interests are served and trashes it when the law does not serve his interests. Aoun and Assad two pieces of sh*t cut from the same turd.
I've said before and I'll say it again. Anyone who supports this "cl-aoun" is a fool. Our little country deserves better than this.
One more thing, if Aoun is right and Jumblatt is not part of the "Majority" then there is no M8 "Majority" he should give up his seats in the Council of Ministers.
Such an idiot this fool
Jumblat is the only true patriotic Lebanese!!!! Oh where are the Lebanese forces??? They were the good old days, when we could smack Maronites around. Gagea was great for a hiding or two. We took their church bells & which we still have till today, but Gagea is ok with that.
He still wants to be our friend....lol as if he has any choice.
Jumblat is the only true patriotic Lebanese!!! Oh where are the Lebanese forces now????? The good old days, when we could kick their heads in & have a laugh. Gagea came for a fight & got slaughtered, we took his church bells yet still comes back as our friend loll.. I gues he has no choice.
Alah yahmik ya Walid back
FPM stands for nothing ya General except for protecting the rights of HA.
Unfortunatly you changed your ways and reforms to support the people whom you fought when you once had dignity, a fallen genral you are.
Aoun has already helped himselve to enough loot, don't you remember... He took it out of his soldiers pockets, on his way to Paris.
The only dummy's are the ones who follow this deserter and what the people do not give a shit about is Aoun and his empty words.
The thieves are caught! The crooks are caught! The thieves and crooks can run away! But the thieves and crooks cannot hide anymore especially that they fill the space with their barking! The thieves and the crooks will be dragged to the guillotine soon!
love it to see the LF'rs and M14 losers getting so up in arms everytime General speaks. Just to spite you I will say: Go GENERAL