عون يرى أن 14 آذار "هربت" من مجلس النواب بسبب أزمة الإنفاق
Read this story in Englishاتهم رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون نواب المعارضة بتقديم اقتراح قونون معجل مكرر والهروب من الجلسة وتعطيل مجلس النواب.
وسأل عون من المجلس النيابي في وسط بيروت اليوم الاثنين، وبعد خلوة جمعته مع رئيس المجلس نبيه بري وعدد من النواب، "كيف يقدمون قانونا ويهربون من الجلسة ولماذا يتهربون من قطع الحساب الذي هو أساس النزاع؟".
وصرح أنه "يوجد مخالفات قانونية وقطع الحساب سيكشف هدر أموال بطريقة غير شرعية".
وأشار الى أن سبب تعطيل الجلسة هو "مشروع الـ 11 مليار الذي قدمه نواب الأقلية الحالية".
ومن جهة أخرى، أكد عون "نحن لا ننظر في قطع الحسابات بل يقدم إلى ديوان المحاسبة والحكومة ثم إلى لجنة المال فمجلس النواب. وهذه السلطات هي التي تدقق في الحسابات".
وجزم عون "نحن سنخضع لقطع الحساب أيضا وليحدد التحقيق المالي المسؤوليات".
وقد أرجأ بري الجلسة التشريعية التي كانت مقررة أن تنعقد اليوم إلى 15 آذار المقبل، وذلك بسبب عدم حضور نواب 14 آذار وعدم اكتمال النصاب.
why do you refuse to audit the 11billion?
delay everything till you audit those, then deal with all this matter together.
and if anyone is proven a thief then let us put him in jail, but after audting all your ministers dealings too.
what applies to one party should apply to the rest :)
The least thing M14 should do is accept with the condition all of them to be audited. Not by going around it, till the problem disappear on its own. Well this is how it works in Lebanon, one day you are a warlord, later you are a leader in the government. There is no accountability in Lebanon. Keep it like this, it is better. So far it worked for the politicians, and always got away with it. If it didn't you will have many Bashars to deal with in Lebanon.
let justice get hold of this dossier and let justice gives its verdict and especially when there is a verdict to punish the culpirt as a lesson for the future
just let the world bank investigate the problem as a minister said
i think all the parties trust the world bank
Back in 2005 he proposed an audit only from 1993 on, when anyone suggested an audit from 1990 the escaping runaway general went nuts. Just to jog some lazy memories his current allies were accusing him of embezzling the millions he was given by the central bank to pay his soldiers.
I believe most of those who were in the government since lebanon's independence have been involved one way or another in plundering the public treasury.
Those who do not have a sin should be scrutinizing, where are they?
thieves auditing thieves..."escape"is not a good wording choice for the old general,its nostalgic.
Well, first Aoun should never use the word "escaped" to describe someone else's conduct. He is, after all the October 13, 1991 escape artist, leaving behind his family and the Lebanese army fighting without any orders to do what he was doing, namely to give up the fight and save themselves.
About the bill itself, Aoun makes a very poor judge. He demands an accounting in order to determine what happened with the budgets, but he has already passed judgment before looking at the records. He has already judged theft of the funds.
And Aoun should not be one to accuse others of theft. The people at the Utilities Ministry knows better.
Well, first Aoun should never use the word "escaped" to describe someone else's conduct. He is, after all the October 13, 1991 escape artist, leaving behind his family and the Lebanese army fighting without any orders to do what he was doing, namely to give up the fight and save themselves.
About the bill itself, Aoun makes a very poor judge. He demands an accounting in order to determine what happened with the budgets, but he has already passed judgment before looking at the records. He has already judged theft of the funds.
And Aoun should not be one to accuse others of theft. The people at the Utilities Ministry knows better.
soe have misunderstood my above comment: we should audit all, and this means we should audit aun period first. why is he refusing???? M14 have reiterated they accept to be audited and all records exist (contrary to what is claimed and confirmed by the current finance minister) so please stop debating to say nothing guys.
Well, first Aoun should never use the word "escaped" to describe someone else's conduct. He is, after all the October 13, 1991 escape artist, leaving behind his family and the Lebanese army fighting without any orders to do what he was doing, namely to give up the fight and save themselves.
About the bill itself, Aoun makes a very poor judge. He demands an accounting in order to determine what happened with the budgets, but he has already passed judgment before looking at the records. He has already judged theft of the funds.
And Aoun should not be one to accuse others of theft. The people at the Utilities Ministry knows better.
Well, first Aoun should never use the word "escaped" to describe someone else's conduct. He is, after all the October 13, 1991 escape artist, leaving behind his family and the Lebanese army fighting without any orders to do what he was doing, namely to give up the fight and save themselves.
About the bill itself, Aoun makes a very poor judge. He demands an accounting in order to determine what happened with the budgets, but he has already passed judgment before looking at the records. He has already judged theft of the funds.
And Aoun should not be one to accuse others of theft. The people at the Utilities Ministry knows better.
Well, first Aoun should never use the word "escaped" to describe someone else's conduct. He is, after all the October 13, 1991 escape artist, leaving behind his family and the Lebanese army fighting without any orders to do what he was doing, namely to give up the fight and save themselves.
About the bill itself, Aoun makes a very poor judge. He demands an accounting in order to determine what happened with the budgets, but he has already passed judgment before looking at the records. He has already judged theft of the funds.
And Aoun should not be one to accuse others of theft. The people at the Utilities Ministry knows better.
in that case let us do ageneral audit just like GMA has been asking for sinc years now
From 1990 on including his embellishment of public funds? Alas he refuses to go back that far, “if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime”. Of course Aoun's crime is two folds he deserted his post and stole his soldiers pay, but they were dying to cover his cowardly escape him and they didn't need the cash, right?
Well General people who are afraid are used to hide away. And, Geagea or Harb can’t hide the fact that Siniora and Harriri did not submit their public accounts to parliament for approval. Also when asked to show her parts of the account Mrs HAffar only sent out some tables and figures with NO SUPPORTING DOCS, meanwhile Mr.Sfadi is doing his duty to the fullest (knowing that he’s been in duty for only 10months). So one word to Siniora, Harriri, Geagea and Harb: “if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime”.
stupid guy! there was no parliament to submit to: remember your berri closed the doors :)
Orat nassabeen w 7aramiyyeh killon sawa...... But I am not surprized as "kama takounoun yowalla 3alaykom!!"
And for those who suggest that we can put the culprits in jail, there is not a jail big enough to fit them in!!
For people interested in learning more about Aoun's character I direct you to please read or listen to the speeches Charbel Nahhas gave since resigning.
wow!! what a polite gentleman or is this a lunatic
The thieves are caught. THE THIEVES ARE CAUGHT. Where have the thieves disappeared? bel ro7, bel dam, nafdkom ya thieves
Hey pajama boy......you "escaped" in the night and left your women and troops on the ground. Who are you to point fingers?
Aoun, like geha said there was no parliament at that time and you and your party were always in government trying to cripple the government. No one should be above the law that mean you Aoun, Hizballa etc... The problem ya Aoun is you do things out of revenge for not supporting you as Presidento/Dictator of Lebanon and not because you care about Lebanon.
Funny how you want others to respect your kind of democracy but you can not seem to want to respect other people's views ... typical Aouni ... when ppl don't agree with u ... ATTACK!!!!!!
go back to eating Cookies ... it seems that's the only thing you're good at
ya SlowBlow, I don't read minds and no one can even attempt to read your master Aoun's mind because he doesn't have one...he has no brain just big head...NO BRAIN :) LOL
What about when Berri shut down parliament for months? What was that about? Don't remember Aoun saying anything against that. What a joke the Lebanese parliament is and in large part due to Berri's stupidities.
The thieves are caught! The crooks are caught! Where did all the thieves and crooks disappear today? Oh, they went to overthrow the Syrian regime? Then, they are forgiven because they are committed to completing a job that they started since before the days of Rafic Syria & Co., Syria's best Rafic Co.! We wish them success, as with all their previous failed endeavors.
I think we can all agree that they are all thieves. Any politician with more money than can be justified by a normal P.M salary is either someone who stole public funds or is getting fed by foreign Governments in exchange for influence and favors (ie. selling the country). They get richer and more powerful and the populace is too busy defending their pimp politician on the basis that the others are bigger pimps..... while they have to beg their pimp for a job or wasta.
I say start by ensuring the plundering stops first, then investigate all of them. However this requires that the whole system be scrapped whereby judges are able to indite crooks fairly (not blinded by M8 and M14 affiliations) and courts are able to carry the judgements and security forces are able to enforce the courts orders without causing a civil war. Until that happens it is just arguments that lead nowhere.
For a moment there, I thought I was reading an old headline commemorating the Generals daring escape to Paris.
Deserters should never use that word, too bad your tongue did not fall out of your mouth.
It is true that there are many thieves in politics, but not many or any would steal money out of their own soldiers pockets and then leave them behind at the mercy of Assad's military.
Aoun you are the worst of hypocrites, when you die and go to hell... Satan is going to kiss you on the mouth.