نصرالله: التفاوض لاستعادة القدس ليس واقعيا لان اسرائيل تعتبرها عاصمتها
Read this story in Englishأكد الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله أن "خيار التفاوض لاستعادة القدس ليس واقعياً، ولا يمكن ايجاد حل للقدس لان الاسرائيلي يعتبر ان القدس هي العاصمة النهائية لاسرائيل".
ولفت نصرالله في ملتقى اعلان "القدس عاصمة فلسطين والعرب والمسلمين" الى أن "مسألة القدس في جوانبها المتعددة هي مسألة فريدة من نوعها، فهي أرض مقدسة وهذا ما تجمع عليه الديانات، وتتطلع اليها عيون المسلمين والمسيحيين في القارات الخمس، وتضم مجموعة من مقدسات المسلمين والمسيحيين من المسجد الاقصى الى كنيسة القيامة".
وتابع أن "كل فلسطيني وعربي ومسلم ومسيحي يتحمل مسؤولية وطنية وقومية وأخلاقية وإيمانية ودينية تجاه هذه المدينة المقدسة وتجاه مستقبلها وهويتها ومصيرها"، مشيراً الى أن "أهل القدس يتعرضون للابعاد لافراغها ولتصبح من لون واحد معروف".
واشار نصرالله الى أن "التحولات الكبرى في العالم تدعونا إلى الشعور بأننا أقرب الى تحرير القدس أكثر من أي وقت مضى، منها صمود الشعب الفلسطيني طوال السنوات الماضية رغم كل الارتكابات بحقه وبقاء القضية الفلسطينية حية طوال الفترة السابقة وتراجع دور الولايات المتحدة والضعف في الكيان الاسرائيلي واستعداد الامة للمضي في خيار المقاومة كما اثبتت السنوات الماضية".
وقال أن "أربعين عاماً انقضت وولد من رحم المعانات والتحديات الكبرى اجيال جديدة تؤمن أن الجهاد باب من ابواب الجنة، ومن علامات الخروج من التيه انتصار المقاومة في حرب تموز وفي غزة، وكل هذه المعطيات تؤكد اننا دخلنا زمن الانتصارات وولى زمن الهزائم".
Every human, animal, insect on the planet has a moral and justified right and responsibility to shut you up and throw you in a cage.
He's the unrealistic one. A political 'leader' that hides can't be called a leader. he should be showing the example, go on the battlefield then come back to teach us lessons about politics, morals and courage. What a looser, as someone said it below, he put all the Shisa of Lebanon in danger, killed over a thousand of them (not to mention the billions of dollars he cost us for our economy and infrastructure) when he decided -unilateraly- to trigger a war with the Israeli war-machine. Dude, you're so over. Nasrallah, go HOME [Khameneiville].
"Jerusalem belongs to the Muslims"... yeah everything in the Middle East belongs to the Muslims, Sayyed Hassan taught us that, look:
Jerusalem is not Palestinian Arab nor Muslim land.
Palestine never achieved statehood or a Republic with a constitution, Palestinian land is an imaginary land, used by Arafat and the likes to scam millions from the Arabs.
It became evident during the Arab spring where many Arabs revolted against their governance except Arab Israelis, due to a lack of National cohesiveness and unity.
Therefore "Negotiations to Return Jerusalem to Palestine are Unrealistic"
A. Templar, why do you use a christian nickname you zionist liar? Here are some facts for you. Palestine existed in the past and will continue to exist in the future. If it didnt exist, then why did zionist european fake jews use the word palestine when they talked about migrating there? Secondly, the Palestinians are the descendands of the ancient caananites and their sister people from whom they got their name ie the philistines, they also have roman, crusader, samaritian, arab and other ancestors. They were majority christian in the past until most of them about 70 % became muslim. The levantines (Lebanese, Palestinians and Syrians) became arabs by adopting the arabic language but ethnicly, my people the lebanese and our syrian and palestinian neighbours are not arab.
Moving on, the so called arab israelis as you called them are occupied by the currently strongest force of military and other forms of occupation and as such their situation is diffirent than revolting against a tyrant dictator. But why am i telling you this? You obviously already know this but you like to lie. You ashkenazi/sephardi/ethiopian jews imposters dont have any ethnic roots in palestine so start packing because what was stolen from the natives will return to them. Jerusalem will forever be Palestinian. The only thing imaginary is the israeli identity, what a joke, a black ethiopian and a white russian will tell you they are ethnicly one people. How much money have you guys scammed from christian america via your satanic AIPAC? Billions and billions. Without christian money that you guys have scammed and blackmailed your way in to, israel would never have survived.
The ancient israelites are long gone and their kingdom only lasted for a short time. Even your shekel currency thatyour modern day israel has was stolen from the ancient palestinians who used the shekel in their philistine state. So take your zionazi lies somewhere else. It is so old and boring. We are not stupid to believe your lies.
Templar, You are just like a parrot that repeats the extremists Zionist point of view. You try to analyze us and act like an educated writer by you truly come across like a racist, ignorant Arab hater. People like you only see the bad in others and aren't able to see the good...Israel doesn't exist and Palestine and Jerusalem are eternally Arab...you hate mongers like it or not.
viva palestine,viva hezbollah.viva shahada.the biggest wish to a muslim is fighting against devil.down with U.S down with usurper israel
you are too late to have the palestinians on your side. they are with the syrian people who are getting massacred with your approval. You are affraid of the palestinians . They have guns in lebanon and they can play a big role in your demise. Thats an old game and no one will fall in it anymore. Not even one word about the massacre in syria. You are done. finished. In the name of the syrian people and the palestinian people i say to you. : YOU ARE FIRED.
yeah and its none of your business. let the palestinians get it back, no one appointed you guardian of arabs and palestinians, stop towing Ahmadinajad's line of BS
Why didn't he talk about Hamas who is with the people of Syria and against ASSad now?
Lier, his priority now is the oil and how he is going to steal more money plus his existing drug , stolen cars, and other mafia business. Jerusalem is last thing him and his boss basher care about. They are the true filthy Zionist. I was in hint jbeil when Israeli army decided to withdraw and was chocked when I saw hizb milititia helping the Israeli tanks withdraw and chatting and laughing with israeli army .
They both cooperated and thousands of Lebanese and destroyed our country
Stop lying . Shia please wake up and save yourself first and your country from this thief . You are good and educated people stop acting like sheep wake up and use your brain
Why is the "Lebanese resistance" so focused on Palestine? Why does the rapist of Beirut get any press at all? Why is he hiding 4 wanted killers of Harriri? Why is he so involved with drugs in Latin America. Why were Shia girls sleeping at their encampment at the Parliament.......?
This guy is a killer and a criminal. Does he pay his electric bill or is he contributing to the bankruptcy of Lebanon?
IF Naharnet allows Mr Ayoor to write here , Al Nahar Newspaper should allow him to write articles and publish it and sign it as well...
What a shame
Look Hassan what happens to Jerusalem is a Palestinian matter and you are not a Palestinian. The Lebanese people especial the people of the South suffered enough in the name of Palestine.
Nasrallah, you should do some thing more constructive then just blowing hot air. Why not start digging a tunnel towards Iran.... Go back to Qom for further studies, and do not forget to take your friends with you.
We will provide the shovels.
But Mr Nasarala where would the Ayatollah Khomeini get the ammunition to fight Saddam if Israel did not exist?
Before liberating Palestine Mr. Nasrallah needs to display little Lebanese patriotism and respect the Lebanese constituion. I am not impressed by his holy vision when he publicly advocates that Lebanon should not exist as a Republic and that Lebanon is only for his sort of Islam ..... minds like that are more dangerous than a Zionist.
To all of you on here that bash Hassan Nasrallah I have this to say. I am not Shiia, I am Lebanese. And as a Lebanese, we have a duty and an obligation to defend and protect the homeland. All of u faggots on here, instead of fighting Nasrallah go fight the Jews and Americans that are raping your homes and killing your people. To all you Christians on here, don't forget that in the end you are Arabs. You are not French, you are Arabs. And if you want to be French, than get the fuck out of Lebanon and the Middle East and go Live in France or Israel. Long live the resistance. Long Live Lebanon.
"Furthermore, he noted that the major changes in the world “lead us to believe that we are now more than even closer to liberating Jerusalem.”"
I wonder what kind of news is this guy reading and watching ... I do not think he is getting updated news in the hole he is hiding in!
Imad: How funny to have someone like you with selected memory.
Why don't tell your Hassouni to move to Iran with his followers including yourself if your are proud with Wilayat Al Faqih, do not forget that you are Lebanese and you are Arabs...So you know what you need to do if you want to be Iranian habibi ..OK
Imad: How funny to have someone like you with selected memory.
Why don't tell your Hassouni to move to Iran with his followers including yourself if your are proud with Wilayat Al Faqih, do not forget that you are Lebanese and you are Arabs...So you know what you need to do if you want to be Iranian habibi ..OK
He is just looking for justification to stick around--the "Resistance" tag is wearing thin and he is looking for another Raison d'être.
viva hezbollah,viva palestine,viva resistance.NO GAIN NO PAIN.thats the secret of salvation.www.nedains.com(a pro-palestine NGO)