شربل: القوى الأمنية ستتواجد بكثافة لمنع أي شغب أثناء التظاهرات في بيروت
Read this story in Englishأكد وزير الداخلية والبلديات مروان شربل أن لا مشكلة في التظاهرات التي ستحصل يوم غد الاحد في وسط بيروت، مشيرا لى أن القوى الأمنية ستفصل بين الطرفين.
وجزم شربل، في حديث لـ"ال.بي.سي." اليوم السبت "إننا سنسمح لمن يرغب بالنزول الى ساحة الشهداء يوم غد للتظاهر"، لافتاً الى "أننا اتخذنا كافة الاحتياطات اللازمة لضبط الأمن ومنع أي صدام".
كما أشار إلى أهمية أن يعبر الجميع عن أرائهم بطريقة ديمقراطية وسلمية.
وقد دعا إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير إلى اعتصام ضد الهيمنة والظلم وقمع الحريات سواء في سوريا أو في فلسطين أو في لبنان، وهو اعتصام مؤيد للثورة السورية نصرة للشعب السوري وحمص، في ساحة الشهداء عند الساعة الواحدة ظهرا.
وشدد الشيخ الأسير على أنه "لن يتراجع عن دعوته الى النزول الى وسط بيروت بالرغم من جميع الضغوط، حتى لو نزل وحيداً"، مؤكداً "أنه يدعو الى اعتصام سلميّ وليس الى تظاهرة".
كما نفى الأسير أمس الجمعة، "الاشاعات التي تقول إنه تم الغاء الاعتصام أو تغيير المكان الذي كان مقررا في ساحة الشهداء".
ولفت الى أن "هناك أحزابا وفئات تابعة لـ 8 اذار تريد النزول الى الشارع وتقوم بأعمال قطع طرقات وتفتعل بعض التوترات في الساحة وما شابه. نحن نعيش في دولة وليس في غابة وعلى الدولة أن تحمينا".
ومن جهته، أكد أمين عام حزب "البعث" فايز شكر في حديث لـ"الجديد" اليوم "سننزل الاحد في تظاهرة مضادة للتظاهرة التي دعا اليها إمام مسجد بلال الشيخ أحمد الاسير حتى لو لم نحصل على الترخيص المسبق".
أما "الجماعة الإسلامية"، فأعلنت اليوم عدم مشاركتها في الاعتصام غدا، ولكنها شددت على حق التعبير عن الرأي، داعية الأجهزة الأمنية إلى القيام بواجبها.
ومن ناحيته، أكد تيار "المستقبل" في بيان أن "لا علاقة له من الأساس بمثل هذه التحركات"، في إشارة إلى اعتصام يوم غد في بيروت، داعيا الجميع إلى تغليب منطق التضامن الحقيقي مع الثورة السورية والشعب السوري البطل على أي مظاهر أخرى.
Why don't other cities in Syria protest the anti-regime? Did they use to protest during the war of Lebanon for our benefit?
Did one Syrian protested in Homs during our civil war???? more than 100 000 lebaneses died.
All those things are made to create strife in Lebanon, because it is not in the interest of any any anti-regime to keep Lebanon stable.
It is a shame
What all of your support on both sides, is nothing but promoting more violence, cheering each side to do more killing. This is not a football game, there are innocent lives involved on both sides.
You are provoking strife mufti. Go back to your hole and do your job. As the Lebanese Leaders said, we do NOT want to cause problems. Not all Lebanese agree with your stance therefore respect the other persons opinions regarding the politics of Syria. It just goes to show how undemocratic Sunni Muslim leaders such as yourself are. As a matter of fact you speak with hatred and practice hatred. Just show restraint and demonstrate some love. We do not want to take sides nor do we want to bring the Syrian problem to our nation. Stick to your nation and try and promote love and peace in your own back yard before trying to promote it someone else's backyard. It would be great if you worked towards contributing positive and harmonious values to those who listen to your sermons.
I agree with you, they better protest in other cities of syria in spite of Lebanon. Did any Homs resident protested for Lebanon during the civil war were more than 100 000 Lebanese Died?
It is not in the interested of the protestor that Lebanon remain calm.
All I remember is, Liban mourir, et la mere France dormir. Those protests on both sides are unproductive and the sole purpose of it, is to get Lebanon in trouble.
Of course, It is in the benefit of the opposition to put Lebanon in trouble so they say that the crisis is spreading and they need to find a solution faster, and why not if it is the Chaos in the region let Israel benefit to strike us again.
How can people who bomb themselves like extremist want democracy? do they first know that to be in a democratic country we first need to respect the rules and the laws? does any one of them knows how to drive between the lines?
They wanted democracy in Lybia and Tunis and egypt or Irak so they killed or removed the leaders by forces because they gave arms to extremist. Did they get the democracy? I think the Media now are hiding the crimes of everyday and the nightmare those people are living today in the total Chaos.
France has better to think about its SDF who does not have a home and let them focus on their elections instead of meddling in others affairs.
Same for USA, did they ever brought peace to a country? the biggest crime against humanity in my opinion is not the war on Irak but the economic crisis they created where Millions of people lost their job, their money and their lifes. Let them keep us a part in peace, because without them meddling or funding to create strife, no one would be ambitious to ruin his country.
Keep Lebanon out of the conflict, DONT ISSUE THE PERMITS.
All it takes is one idiot to spark the violence in Lebanon.
Let the Lebanese protest about electricity problem first.
We dont need added problems.
don't mind me I'm just passing by to throw this post out here just to see how many hour it will take for the the admins to post it.
"As for the Baath party, its leader Fayez Shokr told al-Jadeed TV, that his supporters will head to downtown Beirut to announce their support for the Syrian regime even if they don’t receive a permit."
And they still wonder why they are hated!
Were did this guy Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir come from, no one had ever heard of him before this.
I remember back in the seventies and eighties when no name "leaders" of splinter factions from the PLO and other groups split from the original organizations under the pretext of being independent only for everyone to discover later that they were all along working for the Syrian mukhabarat.
no one heard of hasan nasrala back in the 80's either. The systematic attack and now mass murder of muslims in the region is sadly pushing people towards extermism. The salafis would probably fair well in the next lebanese elections. Lebanon is moving towards the bipolar suni-shi3i armed political groups. Monopoly over weapons is history given the chaos in Syria, it is hard to imagine any stability come 2013-14
ALL LEBAnese governments are a Jooookeeee......... all institutions are a joke.................. Except for the Lebanese National Football Team!!!
Why don't other cities in Syria protest the anti-regime? Did they use to protest during the war of Lebanon for our benefit?
Did one Syrian protested in Homs during our civil war???? more than 100 000 lebaneses died.
All those things are made to create strife in Lebanon, because it is not in the interest of any any anti-regime to keep Lebanon stable.
It is a shame
Do protests for the expensive petrol and electricity and against alfa&MTC, when lebanon was in trouble they have encouraged the trouble they didnt assist us to stop the civil war, stay at home better