سامي الجميل: لعصيان تربوي اذا اقر كتاب التاريخ وسنمنع دخوله المدارس
Read this story in Englishحذر النائب سامي الجميل من عصيان تربوي ستتم الدعوة له فور اقرار كتاب التاريخ وأنه لن يتم السماح بدخوله الى كل المدارس.
وفي مؤتمر صحافي تحت عنوان "اذا اردت ان تتغلّب على شعب نسّه تاريخه" قال الجميل أن كتاب التاريخ "لن يُعلم من قبل جزء كبير من الاساتذة وسيتم الامر بالتعاون مع كل الاطراف التي لدينا معها نفس وجهة النظر".
وكشف أن "المنهج فرض واصبح في مجلس الوزراء لذلك يجب أن نحذر من ان هناك لبنانيين قاوموا الفلسطينيين والاحتلال السوري"، وتابع، "اتى منهج لا يسرد الوقائع ولا يضع وجهتي النظر بل هناك استنسابية بانتقاء الاحداث واستعمال مصطلحات الامر الذي يؤدي الى تزوير تاريخ معين".
وشدد الجميل على أن "الموضوعية في مقاربة كتاب التاريخ واحترام تاريخ اللبنانيين شيء لا يمكن تخطيه اذا اردنا بناء المستقبل لان هذا الامر يبدأ بالاعتراف المتبادل بالاخر".
وقال في مؤتمره "نعيش في بلد متنوع وحر وديمقراطي ويفترض اعطاء التلميذ امكانية التحليل، هناك مجموعات غائبة بأكملها عن كتاب التاريخ لكن لبنان مؤلف من 18 طائفة وهناك مجموعات لجأت الى لبنان للحفاظ على تناريخهم وعلى كتاب التاريخ ان يتحدث عنهم، هل يمكن تغييب طائفة كاملة كالطائفة الارمنية؟".
وأردف أن الاخطر هو "تغييب نهائي لشريحة كبيرة من اللبنانيين، من غير المقبول ان يتحدث كتاب التاريخ عن مقاومة واحدة وكأن باقي الشهداء قضوا في حادث سير، والانتقائية في هذا الموضوع خط احمر لانه لا يمكن بناء لبنان اذا غيبنا او الغينا تاريخ جزء من اللبنانيين".
وأعلن الجميل أنه "حان الوقت لمقاربة التعاطي بين اللبنانيين بطريقة مختلفة بدل محاولة صهر كل اللبنانيين، كتاب التاريخ بالنسبة لنا شيء مصيري لانه يتعلق بكل ما حصل وكل التضحيات التي ذهبت وهو بالنسبة لنا يجب ان يكتب بطريقة موضوعية ومنصفة لكل اللبنانيين".
وقال "كنا تمنينا ان يحصل مؤتمر مصالحة ومصارحة للاتفاق بناء على نقد ذاتي وتنقية الذاكرة والاعتراف المتبادل بالاخطاء وان نتوصل الى كتاب تاريخ مشترك ليتعلم اولادنا تاريخهم".
وتابع "لا يمكن ان يكمل لبنان من دون كتاب تاريخ موحد، واذا اردنا توحيد لبنان يجب ان يفهم الجميع بعضهم البعض ليبنوا بلداً مع بعضهم البعض".
وفي المؤتمر قال الجميل "ثروة لبنان هي شعبه وكل المشاكل التي نعيشها في الاساس يجب ان تكون لمعالجة مشاكل الشعب، وتاريخ الشعب اللبناني هو اساس ليتمكّن الشعب من بناء مستقبله ولا يمكن الاكمال من دون ذاكرة جماعية".
and hizbushaitan say they are keen on preventing sectarian strive :)
what a joke! they do everything to stir it......
grow up FT,Thank God for America as it will be a thorn in your eyes for ever, for it is powerful and the entire Arab nations including Iran will not be able to challenge it to any degree.
God bless you Sami for the people who speak the truth in Lebanon and the Kataeb party is the founding party of Lebanon with a deep rooted history since its inception the 30,s and not like the opportunists who just came about in the last few decades who take their orders from the no tie wearers.
Sami G did not make any reference to M8 or M14 political groups, but to what happened between February and April 2005 (& at the time dear FT, Aounists for example were part of the Cedar Revolution). It is you who got mixed up...again! ;)
As for Feltman... I don't recall Feltman pulling me out of my bed and sticking a Lebanes flag in my hands... however, I remember LBC and Future TV interviewing tens of Syrians (and filming syrian busses crossing the borders) on M8... ;)
Finally, your best joke of the day: "approving this term would be dividing the lebanese" hehehehe...
I got robbed last night. I told the police here in Florida, I think the suspects were Hizballah. To my disbelief, they said to me, you guys always blame things on Hizballah.
Well Said Sami.
The truth in Lebanese history has been altered so many times at the expense of the blood of those who have died, it really saddens me.
yes! hizbullah is the silly guilty in this country! he wants to impose his own view on history and we will not let this thing happen!
hizballah assassinated and kidnaped many citizens after the syrian withdrawal in 2005. And he did it with the help of the bloody syrians.
If there is a genuine resistance, it is the christian resistance from 1975 until now. So let us divide this country and leave in peace because Unity, a word that Arabs cherish but are unable to achieve, is utopic!
Those with a filthy history and filthy ancestors have no right to talk about history especially when they are the result of the filthy acts of their ancestors. bi3o 7akeh gheir hon ya wled el... filthy.
The whole history of Lebanon is wrong and full of lies and till now nobody learned anything from the mistakes that has been commited
Norman Finkelstein's work on Israel shows that the truth is still there to be found. I'd like to hear the history of the "National Accord".
I am for stating the historical truth about the criminal uncle and the collaborator grandfather who, together with the stand-up comic Camile Chamoun opened the doors wide for the Syrian intervention and occupation of Lebanon. Unlike Rafic Syria who handed the keys to Beirut to Ghazy Loubnan, the couple mentioned above handed the keys to all of Lebanon to Abdul Halim Khaddam and Rifaat al Assad, the new best friends of and best hopes for March 14.
yes bigdig very objective may i remind you that if it weren't for the Maronites Lebanon would not exist so before just spitting out what Mannar says read the history books that exist today specifically the time line around 1920
Khaye i dont understand this history book.israel has never been my enemy.my real enemy is syria.
With or without this history book.
We do not want to poison the minds of our kids with this Nassy garbage.
Does the new book include the rape of Beirut, or the non-payment of electricity and the bankrupting of Lebanon by the Shia?
So basically, the same assassins who participated in the civil war and who are in control of all these political parties are fighting now on what to write on history books?? I mean, seriously, there is no need to fight about anything!!!! History HAS NOT changed in Lebanon, the same bastards are still ruling and stealing the country guys!!!!
Well i am sure he wont have a problem with the book mentioning it if it mentions that the PLO were in the country practically running its affairs and receiving weapons from the Arabs. My Enemy's enemy is my friend. We have some unpatriotic Lebanese who stood by the PLO instead of standing with their Lebanese brothers and saying NO to PLO checkpoints and military bases. Let us be frank and admit that one needs to survive (the PLO were much stronger than the phalanges) one will do what they need to do to survive.. it is called the survival instinct.
The least faction who has the right to talk about history is hezbolla. In the sixties and seventies they were shoe-cleaning of the governing class in Lebanon. Now they are cleaning shoes of syrians and iranians. History means civilization and contribution. Not destruction, perversion, assassination, robbery and smugling.
Here are some facts: PLO was established in 1964, however Fatah the main component of the PLO was established in 1959. As early as 1968 the PLO had taken over army bases in the south close to the borders with Israel.The ANM (Arab National Movement which is now the PFLP created havoc and was in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq throughout the 50's at the bidding of Abdul Nasser. The Kataeb Regulatory Forces (armed branch of the Kataeb) was created in 1961 and not armed until 1963. So i think there was plenty of reason to arm by the Christians with the influx of Palestinian refugees with weapons.Again my point is the Kataeb are fine with mentioning their now cut ties to Israel if the other side admits it betrayed its countrymen and fought with a foreign power.