خادمة سريلانكية تقتل مخدومتها في برج البراجنة

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أقدمت خادمة سري لانكية صباح اليوم الخميس على قتل مخدومتها نعمت منذر (والدتها وحيدة - مواليد 1942) بعدما ضربتها، داخل منزلها في برج البراجنة قرب حسينية الرمل العالي.

وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام أن الخادمة ضربت منذر بحوض للأزهار مرات عدة ما أفقدها الوعي، فطعنتها طعنات عدة بالسكين.

وقد أوقفت السريلانكية بناء على إشارة النيابة العامة.

التعليقات 25
Thumb jcamerican 13:14 ,2012 شباط 23

These people are the real oppressed ones. I cannot believe how most lebanese with maids, treat them. They make the syrian regime look like saints.

Thumb primesuspect 13:47 ,2012 شباط 23

Not shocking at all. Many of them become sex slaves... I have a cousin who murdered one and went unpunished because his dad was is a general. Won't say more... That's the spirit of Lebanon.

Thumb jcamerican 13:59 ,2012 شباط 23

I guess your whole family are suspects. lol

Thumb primesuspect 01:22 ,2012 شباط 24

Nôt suspects at All. It's quite opposite... If one accuses any of my relatives, he'll be the one in troubles. The general in question isn't just any general.... Anyway, I strongly condemn this but impunity is total in Lebanon. DISGUSTING!

Default-user-icon Unknown (ضيف) 03:34 ,2012 شباط 24

"I have a cousin who murdered 'ONE' "I love how this c*nt describes foreign domestic workers as if they were a replaceable object. Wait so you're saying your uncle gave impunity to his son for killing that woman....well from the looks of it your whole family have blood on their hands. And I DARE you to name that general, lets see who gets in trouble.

Thumb benzona 14:56 ,2012 شباط 24

I like the way 'unknown guest' comments your intervention. He wants you to disclose a person's name whilst he can't even disclose his own nickname. a total coward... in Lebanon, some people are untouchable... plain and simple.

Thumb ado.australia 15:14 ,2012 شباط 23

Most Lebanese that live outside Lebanon, envy the availability of cheap maids and personal service. Most do not know what these poor people have to endure. We talk about supporting human rights and freedom in neighboring countries while we are almost able to be compared to with slave owners.

Default-user-icon antoine (ضيف) 17:18 ,2012 شباط 23

A criminal murdurs a senior citizen in cold blood and you people start justifying her actions!shame on you.

Thumb joesikemrex 05:59 ,2012 شباط 24

Agreed, there is two sides for every story. Let the police investigate, court decided and justice will be served.

Default-user-icon Fawzi (ضيف) 07:40 ,2012 شباط 24

You're forgetting what country we're talking about. Justice is [rarely] served.

Thumb jcamerican 10:31 ,2012 شباط 24

Most likely, she was very abused or retarded.

Thumb shab 21:18 ,2012 شباط 23


Default-user-icon LEB (ضيف) 22:32 ,2012 شباط 23

WHAT!!!!!!!!hang the 3rd world scum, how dare she kill 1 of my fellow compatriots after they employed her and gave her a chance to earn a better living

Thumb jcamerican 10:28 ,2012 شباط 24

Humanity in action.

Default-user-icon Lmuybgyght (ضيف) 09:58 ,2012 شباط 24

You think she would kill your fellow with no reasons? she definitely been tortured, raped or many other cases. Chance to earn a better living? 100,000 or even less L.L per month and doing 24h work a day.
You even think Lebanon is a 1st or 2sd world country, we or actually you still hire maids and call them slaves, who has to sit on the back seat while the front one is free or ''Wlii jiibe l ahwe halla2 ta shouf''

Default-user-icon shifeshel (ضيف) 10:15 ,2012 شباط 24

She probably wanted to end her misery!? Poor thing she will discover that real misery is now in the making as she has to go thru the respectable Lebanese judicial system which works great for the poor & unconnected people like her.

Default-user-icon Nash (ضيف) 12:08 ,2012 شباط 24

Leb guest !!! better living??? you sure?
Antoine probably has a maid at home whom he abuses and rape and he still believes he s giving her a BETTER LIVING .

Default-user-icon Moe (ضيف) 20:07 ,2012 شباط 24

a Maid, is a highly paid job in most parts of the world, in Lebanon its a job where you keep her passport held, pay her so little, and not to mention humiliate that poor soul that traveled thousands of miles to earn a living and found an ugly truth, and if she declined to work, they ask her to raise her own money for ticket back, and how? by working for 100$ per month ? ... amazing society which calls itself Civilized.

Default-user-icon May (ضيف) 01:15 ,2012 شباط 26

You know what's funny? That all of you over here have the nerves to comment about an incident which in fact you have no clue of what so ever. This women who some of you ignorant masses have mentioned the word "rape" and so much other cruel things, happens to be my aunt!
I can't begin to describe how traumatizing and painful this still is to my family, and especially my father who this particular women happens to be his older sister. My aunt happens to be a very respectable, cheerful women who contributed so much love and dedication to all her loved ones that she's memorable for eternity.

Default-user-icon May (ضيف) 01:16 ,2012 شباط 26

The only reason my aunt even had to get a maid (if you who defend her label her as so, the hypocrisy ha) was for mere assistance, for a women and her older husband obviously need so; as many other older couples usually do. Funny, the night before her murder, my uncle was mentioning how she heated up the maid's room several hours before she's in bed just so she sleeps in warmth. She would check if she ate several times a day, she would do so many other things. Her old maid, left happily and was in contact with her.

Default-user-icon May (ضيف) 01:18 ,2012 شباط 26

I was around the house, and has seen the maid many times and can tell you that there is no way in hell that my aunt has abused her in anyway. If any of you people know my aunt, you would know for a fact she was a highly educated women who believed in human rights and mentioned them constantly throughout her doings and sayings.
Our family highly suspects that my aunt saw the maid with a man in her house and that man somehow didn't want to get humiliated in front of the people thus killed her. There's absolutely no way that a women her size, was capable of committing so much damage and chaos to my aunt.
She was beaten with broken table legs which many of the nails were penetrated thorough my aunt's head, in addition to dragging her from one part of the house to the other end, and stabbing her many times recklessly.

Default-user-icon May (ضيف) 01:19 ,2012 شباط 26

Our family highly suspects that my aunt saw the maid with a man in her house and that man somehow didn't want to get humiliated in front of the people thus killed her. There's absolutely no way that a women her size, was capable of committing so much damage and chaos to my aunt.
She was beaten with broken table legs which many of the nails were penetrated thorough my aunt's head, in addition to dragging her from one part of the house to the other end, and stabbing her many times recklessly. When my uncle and two other family members who grabbed the ladder to go in the house saw my aunt lying on the floor destructed, she pointed out where the maid was hiding at her last breathe, which happens to be an attic located several feet above, crazy part was no ladder was found. There is no way this women could have jumped there. The police found her naked, getting ready to change her bloody cloth.

Default-user-icon May (ضيف) 01:20 ,2012 شباط 26

When it came to questioning, the maid confesses to the murder instantly but denies any other man being with her. The authorities ask her if she was beaten up or anything, and she answers no. They continue asking her if my uncle maybe was the crazy one here, and she says both are very good but i don't like the madam.
We're very sure, there's a missing notch here, we surely hope we find out what the reason was, that's all we ask for.
I sincerely hope none of you will be inflicted with such pain, and defiantly to being more understanding to sensitive issues before everyone here judges.

Default-user-icon May (ضيف) 01:20 ,2012 شباط 26

Last but not least, I've always been outraged against the Lebanese slaving people from different nationalities, i would never refer to them as "maids" and has always been sympathetic to their well being.

Have a good day.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 20:59 ,2012 شباط 26

may your aunt rest in peace.My condolenses to you and your family