لافروف ينقل عن الأسد التزامه بوقف العنف...والرئيس السوري يدعو لحوار يشمل ممثلين عن "الحكومة والمعارضة والمستقلين"

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أعلن وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف الثلاثاء في ختام لقاء مع الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد في دمشق ان سوريا تريد استمرار مهمة الجامعة العربية في البلاد وان يتم توسيعها ناقلا عن الأسد التزامه بوقف العنف "أيا كان مصدره"، في حين اعلن الاسد الثلاثاء "استعداد سوريا للتعاون مع اي جهد يدعم الاستقرار" في البلاد، بحسب ما ذكرت وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية "سانا".

كما أكد الأسد تصميم سوريا "على إنجاز الحوار الوطني بمشاركة ممثلين عن الحكومة والمعارضة والمستقلين".

وذكر أن دمشق "رحبت منذ البداية بأي جهود تدعم الحل السوري للأزمة والتزمت خطة عمل الجامعة العربية التي أقرت في الثاني من شهر تشرين الثاني للعام الماضي وتعاونت بشكل كامل مع بعثة المراقبين العرب بالرغم من عرقلة بعض الأطراف العربية لعمل البعثة".

بدوره قال لافروف كما نقلت عنه وكالات الانباء الروسية ان "سوريا ابلغت الجامعة العربية بانها مهتمة بان تواصل الجامعة عملها وان يتم توسيعه".

وأضاف "اكدنا حسن نيتنا للمساهمة في التوصل الى مخرج للازمة على اساس المبادرة التي اقترحتها الجامعة العربية".

وأشار إلى أن الأسد أبلغه "انه سيلتقي في الايام المقبلة اللجنة التي تولت صياغة مشروع الدستور الجديد، انتهى العمل وسيتم الاعلان عن موعد الاستفتاء على هذه الوثيقة المهمة جدا لسوريا".

وتابع ""لقد عقدنا لقاء مفيدا جدا. واكد لنا الرئيس السوري انه ملتزم بالكامل بالعمل لوقف اعمال العنف ايا كان مصدرها".

وكان بدأ ظهر اليوم الثلاثاء اللقاء بين الاسد ووزير الخارجية الروسي، بحسب ما ذكرت وكالة الانباء السورية الرسمية (سانا).

ونقلت وكالات الانباء الروسية عن لافروف قوله في بداية اللقاء ان "على قادة الدول ان يتحملوا مسؤولياتهم"، مضيفا هو يتوجه الى الاسد "انتم تتحملون مسؤوليتكم".

وعبر لافروف عن امله في ان "تعيش الدول العربية في سلام ووفاق". واعد لاستقباله حشد شعبي على طرق العاصمة.

وسار موكب لافروف من مطار دمشق الدولي الى مكان اللقاء مع الاسد وسط الاف الاشخاص الذين تدافعوا صوبه لتحية وزير خارجية روسيا وشكر دولته على موقفها في مجلس الامن الدولي الذي يحول حتى الآن دون صدور قرار يدين القمع الذي يمارسه النظام السوري ضد الحركة الاحتجاجية المستمرة منذ احد عشر شهرا.

وتجمع الالاف من مناصري النظام في شارع المحلق الجنوبي الذي يصل المطار بحي المزة في دمشق لاستقبال الوزير الروسي وتقديرا لموقف بلاده "الداعم لسوريا ولشعبها وبرنامجها الاصلاحي"، حسب الشريط الاخباري للتلفزيون السوري الرسمي الذي كان يقوم ببث مباشر.

التعليقات 25
Default-user-icon Mohammad_ca (ضيف) 12:56 ,2012 شباط 07

Mooowaten, are you scared yet? Because once the free syrian army is done with ASSad, they're coming for you and your metweli friends...

Missing realist 20:33 ,2012 شباط 07

I totally agree with mowaten on this one.

Default-user-icon Jihad (ضيف) 13:13 ,2012 شباط 07


Default-user-icon Minx (ضيف) 13:44 ,2012 شباط 07

He is there to assertively tell him " Sort yourself out and start today..Otherwise..You are on your own"
Russia and China cannot sustain this for long as they will loose the Majority of Arabs in addition to Europe and America...Their trade markets will be highly impacted.Sooner or later they will abandon this loosing regime...Iran is up to it's neck with economical problems...Soon the Iranian people will revolt in protest against Iranian foreign policies depriving the Iranian from the country's rich resources.

Default-user-icon Jihad (ضيف) 13:48 ,2012 شباط 07

Fradkov to Assad: Step down, we can't keep supporting you in the UN, you are embarrassing us.

Assad to Fradkov: Help me please, can I got live in Russia?

Fradkov to Assad: are you an idiot? you want the terrorist to bomb Russia?

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:24 ,2012 شباط 07

the popovs and especially lavrov are not stupid, they are very cautious and calculating financially their steps, lets see if they can hold in damascus more than in afghanistan with the late babrak karmal

Thumb cedar 14:30 ,2012 شباط 07

Go Russiaa ! hehe at least they dont bow down to Saudi and Israeli interests - unlike the USA.

I dont support Assad but i dont support the Muslim Brotherhood that is trying to take over syria under the false CIA flag of 'freedom' and i dont support Israel, or Saudi arabia, or Iran.

Lebanon should not get involved in Syria at all!! Stay out for our own sakes!

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 16:22 ,2012 شباط 07

Assad was fully committed to ending the bloodshed...
I fully beleive that he do...the only problem is WHEN.
Lavrov thinks Assad meant it is going to stop now...Assad think that it is eventually going to stop once all opposition have been slaughtered.
See they both truely agree on the goal, but there is a small difference on how they see it acheived.

Thumb jabalamel 16:43 ,2012 شباط 07

the filthy zionist media terrorists got aroused because they hallucinate that russian FM came to ask assad to step down.

they got so manical that they repeat their posts for many times.

Default-user-icon radwan (ضيف) 16:45 ,2012 شباط 07

Lebanon should not get involved in Syria at all, agreed.

BTW I am a big fan of A-lManar and it's very entertaining unintentionally comedic programing. But lately something in their nightly new have been nagging at me. You see almost every night we are regaled with fiery over the top speeches from Resistance MPs and officials screaming at us the usual rhetoric while attending funerals of a resistance "martyr". That got me thinking, how did all those Resistance saints become martyrs when the Resistance they belong to is not involved in a active war with anyone at least not in the country they claim to be the Resistance of. As they involved in wars outside the country? What do the officials of the Resistance tell the families of the "martyrs", where did they fall? Where was Abbass, Ali, Hassan martyred, in what country? In Syria, in Iraq, in Tajikistan, in Afghanistan, in Argentina, in Germany, where? Does anyone know, maybe mowaten, or cedar or the filthy jabalhabal of cookiethrower?

Thumb geha 17:09 ,2012 شباط 07

Mowatem: just to enlighten you: metwali comes from متوالي الى علي .
so this is not an insult: it is a fact :)

Default-user-icon Tennyson (ضيف) 18:43 ,2012 شباط 07

lemme guess mowaten your mammy was the concubine of Nikita Khrushchev and told you all about how the Russian will bury the West and you believed, well keep believing brother keep believing better fools than you believed and lost. But you know, better to have believed and lost than never to have believed at all wooohoohahaha!!!

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 19:05 ,2012 شباط 07

The following dialogue went on between the two parties:

R: We are ashamed of you because you only scored an average of 60 kiiling per day. We in Russia did 150 per day and were still not satisfied.
S: We are sorry to disppaoint you sir but if you ship for us weapons we wil try to increase the dose to 100 but would never reach you because the terrorists are well armed.
R: We the totalitarian regimes are becoming extint and we need to keep ourselves in shape; meaning killing and killing endlessly.
S: i am very happy to hear that sir. We will do that forever.
R; I will say that you will initiate change in the press - you know I don't mean it.
S: I know that because you and I are bullshitting everyone with our skewed logic.
R: Good night now, I am getting tired. And don'y forget to kill more.
S: Yes sir.

Missing realist 20:15 ,2012 شباط 07

Mowaten, since when do the russians support the right people anyway? you are too young, go read about the russian support for the dictator of aghanistan, najib allah, and see how he ended. Najib alla also had a revolution against him, the people of afghanistan lost 1 million but at the end he was hanged in the square and the USSR was finished. If you think lavrov or hasan nasrala or or can finish the revolution of millions of syrians, you are patheticaly mistaken lol. You are just a walad in politics thats all :)

Missing realist 20:20 ,2012 شباط 07

The problem mowaten simply put is that the sunis in the arab world are ten times the she3as and in civil wars the numbers always win. Look at your country lebanon, were the maronites able to keep their dictatorship? similarly the she3a dictator in da7iye will also come to an end, it is simply artificial, no one can rule lebanon and there has to be a consensus. Lavrov is just a dawa a7mar for assad but bashar is an idiot. The russians know at the end bashar and his cronies will have to be sacrificied, they are prolonging his life hoping to get the right price, the americans are not gona give the russians anything because they know time is not on the assad side: bad economy, defection, political isolation are all ingredients for regime collapse versus time. Was nasralah right when he said" syria passed the danger zone" lol hahahaa... you need to quit listening to sheikhs my friend and start listening to reason.

Missing realist 20:30 ,2012 شباط 07

The CIA in afghanistan helped the rebels win against the USSR (not russia) lol, go read some history; however, the CIA are not involved, and the americans do not want to arm the rebels kermal israel. You really think Mr. Mowaten that israel wants bashar out? if that was the case do you really think the US will wait for security council for 11 months? think again my friend. The US wants the family out but the regime intact for fear of chaos that israel does not want at all. You gotta learn to be objective. At the end the people will win, all this only means that it will take them longer, the end is a mathematical certiainty.

Missing realist 20:39 ,2012 شباط 07

Another addition to the ME7WAR MUMANA3a according to the logic of hasan nasrala is lavrov and putin (oh and also malki who came on US tanks..but thats alright, he is from our sect lol) hahahaa

Thumb shab 21:13 ,2012 شباط 07

Now pay the bill

Missing youssefhaddad 21:51 ,2012 شباط 07

The Russian people should know that their dictatorial minded leaders have chosen to side with evil by their latest UNSC veto.
The Syrian events might not seem important to the average Russian but the foreign policy alignments of the Putin controlled government are a return to the former Soviet Union's practices which are setting back the democratic process in Russia and will ultimately lead to a new form of an isolated totalitarianism.

Default-user-icon Lloyd (ضيف) 00:32 ,2012 شباط 08

Lavrov went to see Assad to learn how to crush the Russian protestors when they get strong enough to want to overthrow the Russian dictator.

Thumb jabalamel 04:36 ,2012 شباط 08

the filthy zionist media terrorists are spitting on russia with huge hate because russia supports assad regime.

Missing enough05 05:46 ,2012 شباط 08

well now the united states is the shitan al akbar in the eyes of most arabs the russian and the chinese are .

Missing enough05 05:46 ,2012 شباط 08

well now the united states is the shitan al akbar in the eyes of most arabs the russian and the chinese are .

Default-user-icon Citizen X (ضيف) 10:54 ,2012 شباط 08

Too little too late for Assad.
The Russians are trying to save what little they have left in the middle east, or to make a good deal out of it.
In all cases the US is commited to create muslim brotherhood regimes in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria to face the expanding Iranian influence in the Middle East(Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain).
All actions are economically driven: influence in the middle east means oil and markets. Show me the money!!!

Thumb jabalamel 15:05 ,2012 شباط 08

the member of zionist media terrorist made a dirtect threat against patriotic lebanese. (mohamad ca).
and naharnet didn't react.

i would like to say to the lowlife scum mohamad ca: please come. bring your zionist masters with you.