موسكو ترفض مجددا صيغة مشروع قرار جديد لمجلس الأمن عن سوريا

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أعلن نائب وزير الخارجية الروسي غينادي غاتيلوف الجمعة ان بلاده لا يمكنها ان تدعم مشروع القرار الجديد في مجلس الامن والذي يدين القمع في سوريا "في صيغته الحالية".

وقال غاتيلوف كما نقلت عنه وكالة انترفاكس للانباء "تلقينا (مشروع القرار المغربي). لقد تم اخذ بعض تحفظاتنا في الاعتبار لكن هذا الامر لا يكفي لندعمه في صيغته الحالية".

وفي الصيغة الجديدة لمشروع القرار، لا يطلب مجلس الامن صراحة تنحي الرئيس بشار الاسد ولا يشير الى اي حظر على الاسلحة او عقوبات جديدة على سوريا، لكنه "يدعم في شكل كامل (...) قرار الجامعة العربية الصادر في 22 كانون الثاني 2012 بتسهيل عملية انتقال سياسي يتولاها السوريون انفسهم".

واستبعد غاتيلوف حصول تصويت على مشروع القرار في الايام المقبلة.

واضاف "امس (الخميس)، تواصلت المشاورات في مجلس الامن الدولي وتم تقديم المشروع في صيغته النهائية. ولكن لم يتم التقدم باي اقتراح للتصويت على النص".

التعليقات 9
Thumb shab 19:22 ,2012 شباط 03

No future for Russia in Syria in the future.

Default-user-icon Elie Pacha (ضيف) 19:58 ,2012 شباط 03

The idiots do not know better, and so they will continue predicting while the rest of us will continue counting and be entertained.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 20:25 ,2012 شباط 03

Russia just made a huge mistake. This opens the window for UN Resolution 377 and will override their veto. The will lose their port in Tartus, once Bashar and his men are buried. Huge mistake, and good for the US and the Western countries....

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 21:43 ,2012 شباط 03

1) arm sales contracts.
2) tartous naval base,last foothold in the mediterrenean.

Default-user-icon Habib Ghandoura (ضيف) 21:58 ,2012 شباط 03

So lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com is the expert on the US and its resolution, and perhaps one of the main drafters of these. Russia lacks such geniuses, and most of them are Lebanese, of course, and because of this, the Russians will lose their port in Tartus, BUT ONLY when Bashar and his men are BURIED! And mind you, this is not a prediction. It is pure analytical analysis. HUGE MISTAKE and GOOD for the US and Western countries, and forget about whether it is good for the Syrian people. OMG!!! Only in Lebanon are such geniuses born.

Missing realist 00:13 ,2012 شباط 04

Guys, who cares what russia says or does, i actually think that this is better for the syrian people: they would take things into their own hands and they will ultimately prevail even if it takes another year, the fall of the regime is a mathematical certainty. Was russia able to save najib alla of afghanistan?? bashar is far weaker. The economy will crumble, and the regime will transform into a militia of loyalists and will relocate to the coast of banias. The regime will lose damascus come this summer.

Missing jimbei 02:00 ,2012 شباط 04

Russia will veto all drafts until all of its arm sales have been concluded... After the sales are done, it is probable that russia will change its stance and condemn russia or it might stick with the current regime until it collapses. Whatever happens the collapse is inevitable at this point. The longer the conflict drags the more probable it is that a civil war will ignite. It might be what the syrian regime is hoping for; they could be trying to incite sectarian hate between the sunnis and alawites which would allow them to appear as the defenders of that sect.
What we can be sure of is that the conflict will not end anytime soon.

Default-user-icon Steemo Frizolla (ضيف) 06:01 ,2012 شباط 04

Jimbel, does the arms sale contract that you probably read about it s details somewhere mention the date of fulfillment of this sale? What I don't understand is this: do you think russia will wait until after its arm sales are concluded before it decides whether to stick with the regime or change its stance? But then what happens to russia when the regime collapses? Will russia also collapse and the forces of good who are the allies of the West win over the evil that is ruling russia like the blosheviks? Can you be a bit more specific as far as time frames are concerned? I would very much like to be around when all of this happens.

Thumb jabalamel 11:16 ,2012 شباط 04

the filthy zionist information war department hallucinate is still obsessed with syrian situation, predicting fall of regime "any day now", and it goes on for a year.