العربي وبن جاسم الى مجلس الامن السبت لطلب "المصادقة" على المبادرة حول سوريا

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صرح الامين العام للجامعة العربية نبيل العربي الخميس، أنه سيتوجه مع رئيس الوزراء وزير الخارجية القطري حمد بن جاسم السبت الى نيويورك المقبل لعقد اجتماع مع أعضاء مجلس الامن، وطلب "مصادقته" على المبادرة العربية الجديدة لانهاء الازمة السورية.

وقال العربي للصحفيين أنه سيتوجه "الى نيويورك بعد غد السبت هو ورئيس وزراء قطر الشيخ حمد بن جاسم بن جبر، وذلك للاجتماع مع مجلس الامن الدولي الاثنين وابلاغه بقرار مجلس وزراء الخارجية العرب بشأن سوريا وطلب مصادقته عليه".

وكان وزراء الخارجية العرب دعوا الاحد الحكومة السورية وكافة أطياف المعارضة الى "بدء حوار سياسي جاد في اجل لا يتجاوز اسبوعين" من اجل تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية خلال شهرين، وطالبت الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد بتفويض صلاحيات كاملة الى نائبه الاول للتعاون مع هذه الحكومة.

وقرر الوزراء ابلاغ مجلس الامن الدولي بمبادرتهم الجديدة ومطالبته بـ "دعمها".

ورأى رئيس الوزراء وزير الخارجية القطري حمد بن جاسم في مؤتمر صحفي عقب الاجتماع، أن المبادرة العربية تهدف الى رحيل النظام السوري "سلميا".

وقال أن "المبادرة العربية تتحدث عن ذهاب النظام السوري سلميا"، معتبرا ان "المبادرة متكاملة تشبه المبادرة اليمينة،آملا أن تقبل بها الحكومة السورية حتى نستطيع ان نبدأ التنفيذ، في حال لم ينفذوا نحن ذاهبون الى مجلس الامن وسنتخذ قرارات ليس من بينها التدخل العسكري".

وأعلنت الحكومة السورية رفضها لهذه المبادرة.

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 16:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

ASSad will not agree to leave. Start sending anti-tank weapons and get the game rolling.

Default-user-icon Dgiordgi (ضيف) 17:13 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

The UN is owned by the US for the pleasure of Israel, the most criminal nation on the face of the earth. The US and Israel subcontract with the clowns al-Arabi and the Qatari to promote their filthy policies in the region, but have failed miserably in executing these. So now the Qatari and al-Arabi are going to the UN to seek its support! This is a lame and stupid farce where the clowns are running round and round and round in a full circle. Bon voyage.

Missing allouchi 17:20 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

It is about time. The Assad regime should not be trusted. The butcher of Damascus always plays for time to kill more of his own people. He should be stopped and brought to justice or be KILLED.

Missing peace 18:49 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

tick tack... tick tack...

Default-user-icon BullsEye (ضيف) 19:08 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

deja vu - all over again!

Default-user-icon Estoban (ضيف) 19:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

We have been waiting for your tick tack... tick tack... and that of Dr. Falaky since God know when. If you do not have any breakthrough [redictions a la Dr. Falaky, then keep ticking and tacking into oblivion both of you idiots. At least, allouchi admits that Assad should not be trusted and other tactics of the Assad regime. If only allouchi had told this to Dr. Falaky in 1989 and 1990 when the Falaky threw himself into the arms of the Assad regime to scheme against ebn balado. Perhaps allouchi was still behind the bushy.

Default-user-icon One Arab Umma (ضيف) 19:57 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

I can't believe those Zionists, first they conspire on the splendid Saddam Hussein, then on the brilliant Muammar al-Gaddafi, now on the fantastic Bashar al-Assad, when are they going to stop their conspiracies on the our magnificent patriotic Arab leaders!

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 21:51 ,2012 كانون الثاني 26

Be sure to tell the UN he killed 10 children today. They were probably part of the "armed gangs".

Thumb arzz 00:00 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

The gulf Bedouins will get their judgement day sooner or later. They should not be teaching others anything about their version of democracy.

I take Assad's dictatorship over that of the brotherhood and salafis anyday. Last thing Lebanon needs is a to be ruled by a brotherhood syrian government.

Thumb shab 00:08 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

No dictators or militia gang leader have ever lived long. All in good time

Thumb jabalamel 01:10 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

the filthy zionist information war department hallucinate is happy about taking syria to un, not realizing that china and russia would block any resolution.

and they also repeat all their lies

Default-user-icon Friguette (ضيف) 01:25 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

shab, now that's a prediction that anyone can call achievable ALL IN GOOD TIME (I'm just not sure what you mean by all in good time and whether it will be your good time, may God give you strength and a long life to witness that), unlike your previous out-of-this-world predictions and those of your buddies and my friends Gabby, aragon, peace, thepatriot, allouchi and Dr. Samir Mtahwej when you predicted that the dictator will fall last month, last year, five years ago, in three months, this coming Saturday, next year or even this century. I am glad I see some improvement in your thinking, and please continue improving. The more you distance yourself from the the Mtahwej, the more you start sounding reasonable, which should make your parents proud of you again.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 03:52 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

@Habal: Have you listened to Barak Hussein Obama? he said Assad's game is over, watch the day when the American ambassador leaves Syria then you can begin the tic tac toe. Russia and China could careless when the US Navy arrives with its fleet and air bomb Damascus, they will bark but they can't do a single thing except sending boats of arms to the fallen regime to strengthen their own economy before the last supper at which point they become hungry for no business.

Default-user-icon Dan (ضيف) 04:35 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

I predict Assad's rule will come to an end in the next few months..Either by NATO without a U.N. mandate..or the rebels and army defectors getting armed by Western powers...

Either way I suggest for Assad to leave before he joins Saddam and Qaddafi..but who's be dumb enough to take that loser and his family.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 05:11 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

I suppose these bearded shabiha dressed in black sent from the Ayatollah are from the Zionist war department too.


Default-user-icon jean (ضيف) 05:33 ,2012 كانون الثاني 27

No halucinations here.... No Regime lasts forever. And no one can rule lebanon forever. Syria will never be the same, what started in tunisia will end in syria!