محكمة التمييز تحكم على العميد كرم بالسجن سنتين دون تجريده حقوقه المدنية

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أصدرت محكمة التمييز العسكرية برئاسة القاضية اليس شبطيني حكمها على العميد المتقاعد فايز كرم وقضى بسجنه سنتين من دون تجريده من حقوقه المدنية بتهمة التعامل مع إسرائيل.

وكانت قد عقدت المحكمة محكمة التمييز العسكرية الجلسة بحضور ممثل النيابة العامة التمييزية القاضي شربل ابو سمرا، تابعت فيها محاكمة العميد المتقاعد فايز كرم، وخصصت الجلسة للاستماع الى مطالعة القاضي ابو سمرا الذي طلب تطبيق مواد الاتهام ومرافعات وكلاء الدفاع.

وقبل الحكم تم الاستماع الى مطالعة ابو سمرا ومرافعة وكيل الدفاع المحامي رشاد سلامة وكلام كرم.

وفي 3 أيلول أصدرت المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة حكما على كرم بالسجن (63 عاما) ثلاث سنوات خفضت الى سنتين مع الاشغال الشاقة وتجريده من حقوقه المدنية والسياسية، بتهمة التعامل مع إسرائيل.

وكانت شعبة المعلومات قد أوقفت كرم العميد في الجيش والمتقاعد في "التيار الوطني الحر" بتهمة التعامل مع اسرائيل في آب 2010.

يذكر أن العميد كرم هو من أبناء زغرتا، والده العميد وجيه كرم، وهو من مواليد17/10/1948 ، تلقى دروسه الابتدائية في مدرسة الفرير طرابلس و الثانوية في بيروت في مدرسة الفرير الجميزة.

ودخل المدرسة الحربية سنة 1969 و تخرج منها برتبة ملازم سنة 1972.

وقد ترشح كرم للانتخابات النيابية عن المقعد الماروني في طرابلس و قد نال رقماً قياسياً من أصوات الناخبين الذين لم يبخلوا عليه بأصواتهم. وقد ميزته زغرتا بـ 19700 صوت وهو رقم قياسي في زغرتا.

التعليقات 12
Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 18:54 ,2012 كانون الثاني 24

The most important thing about our judicial system is that it is fair and gives equal rights to all the people ... this is the dream ... and then in the story above there is the reality!
Why is this guy who is supposed to be a role model in patriotism and defending Lebanon given only a two years sentence while others a death sentence??? A General spying for the Enemy deserves to be killed in a public execution. I wonder what the fpm and hizbelshaytan wuold have done if this spy was from the LF or Mostaqbal?!
What a shameful mark on our judicial system.

Thumb geha 18:54 ,2012 كانون الثاني 24

Special treatment to a major traitor!

Thumb lebneneh 19:22 ,2012 كانون الثاني 24

Everything in Lebanon is a point view...even spying! Can someone tell me what was he convicted off and why only 2 years imprisonment?

Missing realist 19:53 ,2012 كانون الثاني 24

This is the justice system of hizbustan. The real enemy is not israel, as manifested in the joke sentence above, but rather the rest of the lebanese who refuse slavery to the mullas of iran. Anyone who believes otherwise should read their history and their creed. Their real enemies are the sunis, sorry to say that, but that is the fact. Look at hizbustan attitude towards the Syrian revolution and how they are actively involved in killing the suni syrians and you would get the picture. Nasrala nafakh albna with ba7rain this ba7rain that where less than 40 people died and did not offer condolense to the syrian martyrs who protected his people in 06 not a single time! not once!. Another fact, all a sudden now maliki of iraq is a "muqawem - mumani3"!!! what a joke really..maliki who came on US tanks is just as much of a "traitor" as karam above..oh but i forgot.. he is accidentaly shee3i-irani. Again sorry for being blunt, but these are the facts of hypocrisy in the mid east.

Default-user-icon Le phénicien (ضيف) 20:47 ,2012 كانون الثاني 24

Cookie_Monster my fellow Shiite brother in al Bee2at al 7adinat for spies , that's not always the case , also you forget the role politics plays . As you know usually murdering a member of the armed forces in cold blood should get one the death sentence . But the magnificent saint that killed Cpt Hanna was set free because , as SHN always said , " we will cut the hands of anyone who dares touch one of our Jihadists " and I don't know of anyone in our judicial system or anywhere else for that matter that would enjoy going around without any hands . I mean think how hard it would be for someone in a court of law to point a dramatic finger without a hand , they would have to rubber cement a finger to the end of the stump where the hand used to be and that's not very practical or dramatic is it . Anyway keep up the good work and try to cut down on those hashish laced cookies .

Missing kuluna_lil_watan 22:18 ,2012 كانون الثاني 24

Nasrallah, Berri, Hariri, Aoun, Gmayyel, Jumblat, Ja3ja3, Franjiye and every politician who was involved in the civil war should be executed in public and replaced with NONRELIGIOUS, OBJECTIVE, PROFESSIONAL PUBLIC SERVANTS (aka politicians)

Missing kuluna_lil_watan 22:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 24

Shame on the Lebanese youth that still follow these criminals based on sects and what their parents tell them. Love your country for once and stop supporting these self-centered sectarian ignorant politicians. It is time for Lebanon to have its own Arab spring revolution, a real one!

Default-user-icon LebnenehOhhh (ضيف) 00:22 ,2012 كانون الثاني 25

This guy was convicted if zilch.... nothing...

The ISF when questioned for its proof against Fayez, said they had burned the evidence as it "is protocol to destroy evidence after 1yr".

Since when is evidence destroyed before the accused is charged?

Hey its Lebanon afterall... Anyways he was still given 2 yrs on the "assumption" NOT PROOF that he was a spy.

There used to be saying for weird things happening "Only in America" but i guess its now "Only in Lebanon".

Default-user-icon Leb (ضيف) 03:32 ,2012 كانون الثاني 25

Guys in Lebanon we should expect the unecpected and this is one of them
He betrayed his own country and all he got is a slap on the hand
Good on us

Thumb arzz 04:20 ,2012 كانون الثاني 25

Not enough. he should go for life.

Thumb arzz 04:22 ,2012 كانون الثاني 25

Kuluna, so who is that the Lebanese youth should follow? Hariri and geagea are no alternatives to M8 either. They stink even more.

Thumb anoniem 07:31 ,2012 كانون الثاني 25

i heard that one guy was in prison in lebanon for 3 years now because his parents dont have 1M LBP!! so if he was traitor to Israel he would have earned much more and spent in prison much less!!!