خامنئي يتهم السي آي ايه والموساد بالوقوف وراء اغتيال العالم النووي

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دان المرشد الأعلى الايراني اية الله علي خامنئي أمس الخميس اغتيال العالم النووي الايراني مصطفى أحمدي روشن، محملاً الاستخبارات الأميركية (سي آي ايه) والاسرائيلية (الموساد) مسؤولية هذا الأمر.

وقال خامنئي في رسالة تعزية الى عائلة الضحية أن "هذا الاغتيال الجبان الذي لن يجرؤ مرتكبوه على الإقرار بجريمتهم النكراء أو اعلان المسؤولية عنها، ارتكب مثل الجرائم الأخرى بتخطيط أو دعم من الاستخبارات الاميركية والموساد".

وأضاف أنه "يظهر مأزق الاستكبار العالمي بقيادة الولايات المتحدة والصهيونية".

وقتل العالم النووي مصطفى أحمدي روشن الاربعاء في انفجار قنبلة لاصقة على سيارته. وقتل ثلاثة علماء آخرين يعمل اثنان منهم في البرنامج النووي، في عمليات مماثلة في ايران منذ كانون الثاني 2010.

بدوره اتهم رئيس البرلمان الايراني علي لاريجاني خلال زيارة الى تركيا مساء أمس الخميس اسرائيل باغتيال العالم النووي، مؤكداً أن الدولة العبرية لن تتمكن من وقف البرنامج النووي الايراني عن طريق مثل هكذا "أنشطة ارهابية".

وقال لاريجاني للصحافيين في انقرة "اذا ظنت اسرائيل أن بإمكانها منع هذا العمل (البرنامج النووي الايراني) عن طريق أنشطة ارهابية فهي مخطئة".

وأضاف أن اغتيال احمدي روشن "هو استمرار للاعمال الارهابية" و"يجب على الغربيين خصوصاً أن يشعروا بالأسى لأنهم لزموا الصمت حيال ما جرى".

وكان نائب الرئيس الايراني محمد رضا رحيمي اتهم الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل بقتل روشن. ونفت واشنطن أي تورط لها في عملية الاغتيال.

وطلب سفير ايران لدى الأمم المتحدة الاربعاء من مجلس الأمن ادانة الاعتداء "بأقسى التعابير". وقال أن هناك "أدلة دامغة على أن بعض المصالح الأجنبية وراء هذه الاغتيالات" الرامية "الى ارباك البرنامج النووي الايراني السلمي".

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon cia (ضيف) 08:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

I agree with kha*ameni that CIA Mosad killed this thug. I congratulate them both on a job well done and hope for many more to come.

Default-user-icon mabrouk (ضيف) 11:27 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

congratulations on this catch

Default-user-icon super (ضيف) 13:31 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

well done and many more

Default-user-icon agree (ضيف) 13:32 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

@mowaten of iran: "murderers and assassins, but always for the good cause!".... are you talking about your hizballah? I agree

Default-user-icon sorrow (ضيف) 13:33 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

a great loss for the powers of evil...... one down twenty more to go

Default-user-icon a proof is a proof (ضيف) 14:25 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

Thank you for your input all knowing all seeing Ayatollah dude with the flying carpets, but I think you guys killed him because he believed in science rather than magic.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 14:30 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

@ Martaddella , yes they are murderers and assassins, but look Iran wants to negotiate with them, so negotiating with terrorists means you are a terrorist as well or you lack some balls. Although i dont Iran i must say i respected it when it was resisting to the West ( which i dont like too much either ), but now it seems its folding to them, all that was appearances to show arabs that they are not like them and superior. At the end only 2 countries can endure a stand off with the US or other West countries, and those are Russia and China. The rest are bullshitters

Missing peace 14:35 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

that is unfortunately the only way governments chose to achieve political goals: targeted killings. ALL governments do the same thing, be they democratic or not. "suspicious but not proven" is the motto. this avoids official reprisals from the victim gvt as nothing is proven but only suspected, so the responsible government is clear. it avoids then armed conflicts or wars but nobody is duped;
we cannot blame this or that country from doing this as ALL of them do it!

Default-user-icon CFL (ضيف) 15:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

umm, which one is the scientist? haydar haydar haydar

Default-user-icon Thinking loud (ضيف) 15:37 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

Achieving goals through assasination? Aren't Syria and Hezb the absolute masters of such deeds?

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 22:15 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

@ Martadella, i never said USA wasnt a terrorist state and that it was better than Iran, but they dont go around saying they want to erase people, or burn the iranian flag in the states, or even say they will have a major surprise if they are attacked, like Iran always says, please do not confuse me with other people that follow USA blindly, i think that Iran-Syria-USA-Israel are the real axis of evil in this world.

@ Cookie_Monster, did the lebanese opposition have a choice? when Ashraf el Nass point their guns towards you i dont think you can even argue with them. And who told you its my party ya mokh enta, i find only weak points in all of those parties in Lebanon , be it M14 or M8, i strongly was against M14 negociating with hezbollah when they had the majority, but yes they lacked " balls " and were scared.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 22:19 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

@ Cookie monster, one other thing you should maybe know, you and Mowaten, be sure that all of this USA, Iran standoff, is a big comedy. USA has been able to scare off arabs, specially Qatar , Emirates and Saudi's , and so those countries bought lots of weapons from the USA for billions of $. The USA did that to compensate the high oil prices. its another way to screw them by letting them think Iran and USA are in bad terms. By the way, if the USA wanted to attack, they have F-22 raptors which are the only planes capable in the world of entering the Iranian skies, because of the Iranian defense missile S-300 which are not up-to-date against those planes yet. But surely Israel with its F16's cannot do anything. Its all a game for them all, and we are arguing for nothing here. Im only trying to show you that evil is ALL around us, not just the USA and Israel, but also close neighbours.

Thumb shab 13:29 ,2012 كانون الثاني 14

Are the investigations done by the same who investigated the bombing fat American wannabe terrorist Mulikhiye in Syria ? Or did Mehdi tell him so?