عبد الجليل يعلن موافقة ليبيا على مشاركة لبنان بالتحقيقات في قضية الصدر

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أعلن رئيس المجلس الانتقالي الليبي مصطفى عبدالجليل عن "موافقة بلاده على مشاركة لبنان في التحقيقات لجلاء قضية الإمام موسى الصدر ورفيقيه الصحافي عباس بدر الدين والشيخ محمد يعقوب".

وأعلن وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور أن لبنان وليبيا شكلا لجنة مشتركة للتحقيق في اختفاء الإمام السيد موسى الصدر ورفيقيه، الذين اختفوا خلال زيارة لطرابلس الغرب عام 1978.

وأفادت العاصمة الليبية أن منصور أوضح بعد لقائه نظيره الليبي عاشور خيال أن سبب الاجتماع هو فهم الملابسات المحيطة بـ"اختفاء الإمام الصدر".

والتقى منصور، الذي يرافقه وفد رسمي ونجلا الصدر والشيخ محمد يعقوب، رئيس المجلس الوطني الانتقالي الليبي مصطفى عبد الجليل ووزير الداخلية فوزي عبد العال.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon lebanese missing in syria (ضيف) 15:23 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

is it because your iranian born imam is involved you are wasting so much time on a person who is already dead? What about our missing lebanese in syrian jails???????

Thumb thepatriot 15:38 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

I wish our sinister be more focused on our problems instead of digging up 30 years old corpses!

Thumb thepatriot 16:02 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

I wish he tried to get those back ya sweaty but your syrian master is not willing to give'em back huh?? We'll get them after Bashar's fall!

Default-user-icon khaled naser (ضيف) 16:04 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

Did our governments shared bei the investigations of Mr Hariri morder?

Missing peace 16:33 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

"you dont wish to dig them up and return their remains to their families?"
oh mortadella let me remind you of what your orange puppet said concerning the disappeared lebanese in syria: he told their mothers to turn the page, he also said that there were no more prisonners in syria...

funny isn t it?
but i strongly doubt your gvt is going to ask bashar about the fate of lebanese in syria...they don t care about them. and too afraid to disappoint their master! only those in israel suits best their propaganda...

Missing peace 17:02 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

your general said there was one or two prisoners in syria... but doesn t seem very eager to know about their fate... as a patriot he is...


Default-user-icon bashar aoun (ضيف) 17:03 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12


Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:29 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

plse mansour if u can bring some remains with u, to make a shrine.

Thumb thepatriot 17:56 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

make up ur mind sandwich!

Default-user-icon okdoki (ضيف) 18:03 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

So every October 13ish they are his people then for the rest of the year they are not, got it - he wouldn't wanna embarrass his allies, right.

Missing peace 18:16 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

mortadella: you are simply saying that aoun is no better than M14..... thanks

so stop idealizing him ok?

Missing peace 18:19 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

and watch the other video from bashar aoun...

Default-user-icon sam (ضيف) 18:31 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

To Khaled I Like That

Missing n3msp 23:59 ,2012 كانون الثاني 12

How is this Lebanese News? Just put it elsewhere

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 02:40 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

How much money are we spending on traveling delegations for a dead guy?

Thumb joesikemrex 03:30 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

Maybe this minister can get lost in Libya for 30 years at least. No prisoners who defended Lebanon are in Syrian jails! yeah right. Open your jails and let us confirm it, it seems only child murderers are ever returned from prisions. Shame! This Aoun and fake resistance and all our politicians are nothing but methane in suits....

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 03:52 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

The Shia Hezz are protecting 4 involved in the killing of Harriri. they packed the truck in dahye. Why should we care about this imam?

Why do the Hezz protect the butcher of Damascus? He is killing daily.

Default-user-icon lebanese001 (ضيف) 04:44 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

why didn't hariri ask about the Lebanese prisoners in Syrian jails when he visited bashar last year?