قوى مسيحية مستقلة اجتمعت في حريصا: لمشروع وطني متحرر للوصول الى دولة مدنية

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شددت مجموعة من القوى المسيحية المستقلة على ضرورة بلورة مشروع وطني مستقبلي متحرر يتصدى للقضايا الجوهرية الأساسية خارج ذهنية الإصطفافات، مؤكدة أهمية الوصول الى دولة مدنية تعددية وصياغة عقد اجتماعي جديد.

وقال المجتمعون في بيان صادر لههم بعد إجتماع في مزار سيدة لبنان في حريصا: "انطلاقا مما يشهده لبنان وما يعصف بالمنطقة من تطورات خطيرة وما تثيره من قلق عبر عنه البطريرك مار بشارة بطرس الراعي ولا سيما مصير المسيحيين، نرى من موقع استقلاليتنا أن علينا الاضطلاع بدور مسؤول لبلورة مشروع وطني مستقبلي متحرر يتصدى للقضايا الجوهرية الاساسية خارج ذهنية الاصطفافات في سبيل دولة مدنية تعددية وصياغة عقد إجتماعي جديد على ان تستكمل لقاءاتنا عبر جلسات لاحقة لتداول ورقة عمل تعدها لجنة تعرضها في الاجتماع المقرر عند الحادية عشرة من قبل ظهر 20 الحالي".

تناولت القوى المسيحية المستقلة في اجتماعها "التداول في الشؤون الوطنية والسياسية ،وما ستؤول اليه الاصطفافات والصراعات في لبنان داخل المؤسسات وخارجها وعلى مستوى العالم العربي وخصوصا الاماكن الساخنة ووضع المسيحيين بشكل خاص وارتدادات التغيرات الطارئة على حرياتهم ووجودهم".

وكان البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي قد أكد في قداس له اليوم الأحد،"أننا بتنا بحاجة الى بناء نظام سياسي عادل ومنصف من أجل قيام دولة مدنية ديموقراطية على أساس عقد إجتماعي متطور ودولة تفصل بين الدين والدولة".

يشار الى أن الإجتماع حضر رئيس المزار الأب خليل علوان، الوزراء السابقون: الياس سابا، جوزيف الهاشم، سليمان طرابلسي، كريم بقرادوني، ناجي البستاني، جورج القرم، يعقوب صراف، الياس حنا، جاك جو خادريان، النواب السابقون: ايلي الفرزلي، جبران طوق، الياس سكاف، فارس بويز، مروان أبو فاضل، جورج نجم، بيار دكاش، عبدالله فرحات، سليم حبيب، الرئيس السابق لحزب الكتائب منير الحاج، المحامي رشاد سلامة، السفير فؤاد الترك، شادي مسعد، شارل غسطين، الدكتور فؤاد ابو ناضر، جو اده، الاقتصادي جوزيف يشوعي، العقيد المتقاعد ميشال كرم، كلود بويز كنعان.

التعليقات 30
Thumb Chupachups 16:16 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08


Missing elielebnan 17:00 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

We don't need another Christian front. That's not what's required at this phase. Enough with position papers and philosophy. While others are consolidating powers, we are creating more splinter groups....

Thumb cedar 17:36 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

Lebanese Christians come together and unite!

The Jews and the Muslims will work to wipe us out unless we plan ahead. They have already planned ahead, and the Muslim plan is succeeding because the christians are too afraid to speak the truth.

Stop wasting time and speak the truth!

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 18:31 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

As long as there is an FPM stabbing the Christians in the back the Christians will grow weaker.

Default-user-icon breakdownthiswall (ضيف) 18:58 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

elielebnan ur commetn is quite accurate that it drove to comment on naharnet which i usually don't like to do as i find myself only hitting walls. seriously enough stupid fronts and most of all, look at the names of who sthere, who r they to com lecture us about a new social contract in a pluralist civil society? all corrupted bigots, wake up lebanon! wake up....cedar wake up as well pls u and ur stupid bigotry getting us bak to 1000 yrs ago, i just get so pissed with xtrem generalisations, muslims r 1.4 bill in the world, christians 1.7 and u hav also around maybe 15-20 mill jews...not all of them behave like the bigots we are (we as in people like u cedar)

Thumb Marc 19:21 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

The fact that the Christians in Lebanon have been polarized for so many years now, others are prospering and the country is in chaos. Christians need 1 leader not 10 and I would suggest that he/she wouldn't be from the list of current leaders especially the ones that were part of military conflicts..

just my 2 cents

Missing elielebnan 19:48 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

agree with Marc. adding my 2 cents for a total of 4 ;-).. we are a penny short of a Nickel!! any other Christian with an idea??

Default-user-icon ReaLeb (ضيف) 20:02 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

I agree with elielebnan. We don't need any more splinter groups like this that won't mean much cause they won't have any power to change anything.

Default-user-icon penny wise (ضيف) 20:22 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

marc your 2 cents notwithstanding, don't you think that all the Lebanese should find new leaders that were not part of military conflicts or only the Christians.

Missing youssefhaddad 20:25 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

Some of the participants are recycled and sell outs who have been part of the downfall.
A new line of thought is needed including members from all sects who put could put a secular agenda for lebanon regardless of their sectarian belonging.

Thumb jabalamel 21:10 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

thze filthy zionist informaiton war department is trying to play on former kataeb type anti-muslim, anti-palestinian and pro-zionist policy.

one of their biggest problem is that world changes around them, they don't follow.

Missing applesandoranges 21:26 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

Your filth is NOT welcome in Bkirki. Go back to the sewers of Dahyie were you belong.

Default-user-icon Mohammad Fawaz (ضيف) 21:26 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

jabalamel you are right brother, get the motorbikes ready we'll teach them a lesson and Attack Jerusalem via Jounieh and down with imbirialism!!!!!!!

Thumb jabalamel 21:50 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

the fitlhy zionist information war department is trying to provoke me, still not realizing that i don't speak to snakes, worms and them

Default-user-icon 19191919 (ضيف) 21:56 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

Change and Reform bloc 27 MP not Failed Pathetic Meatheads
Jbeil (Hezballah vote)
Baabda (Hezballah vote)
Jezzine (Hezballah vote)
Matn (partly Hezballah vote)
Baalbek/Hirmel(Hezballah vote)

Beirut 1 (According to Aoun he returned the Christian their rights) LOST
Batroun (Majority Christian vote) LOST
Koura (Majority Christian vote) LOST
Bcharre (Majority Christian vote) LOST

in the municipal elections that followed the voters handed Aoun his ass, draw your conclusions

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 22:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

better late than never.

Thumb jabalamel 22:15 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

the filthy zionist information war department believes that shia votes elected FPM mps because they are unable to concieve that christians in lebanon are not their friends anymore

Default-user-icon M8 (ضيف) 22:19 ,2012 كانون الثاني 08

In 2009 elections for parliament, 52% of Christians voted for M8 as compared to 47% to M14 (1% independent). If it was not for Sunni Hariri vote and Druze PSP vote, M14 Christians would not have won in Koura, Zahle, Akar, Minie-Dinya, Chouf, Aley, and Western Bekaa. In local elections in 2010, M14 Christians did worse.

Thumb jabalamel 01:02 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist information war department cannot believe that naharnet editors do have some criteria and cannot endlessly tolerate their so called "language"

Missing lemaalajab 05:29 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy iranian information war department is trying to convince naharnet readers that the lebanese people like iran so they flood this forum with senseless posts by jabalamel and sweating_demon but naharnet readers know better

Thumb cedar 06:25 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

@Breakdownthiswall (guest)

big·ot-noun- a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

I am not being intollerant, i am speaking the truth, and the truth is backed up by history and current demographic situation. So if the world operates like you speaking the truth will give you a label of some sort... well frankly i dont care. Your label of being a Bigot is plain wrong.

The Kataeb has never been pro zionist, because zionism means the greater nation of Israel. Kataeb has always been pro Independent and Neutral Lebanon.

Unfortunately when people ask to be independent of Islamic influence and independent of Jews you get labels like being a biggot, or being a zionist or some other rubbish...

The international plan is to remove christians from lebanon because christians in control of Lebanon prove that peace can be achieved in the middle east under christian control and the muslims and the jews dont like it.

This is the truth.

Default-user-icon Danny (ضيف) 06:58 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

Federal Lebanon or Regionalism is a near to perfect solution for the Christians and this is why the other partner in Lebanon - the Muslims - just cannot accept this solution. No one realy has any clue why, especially that a person is the making of his own particular environment.

Abbas will continue to be Abbas and Anthony will continue to be Anthony, etc. Two culture that have not and will never meet on how they view God, Lebanon, female/males, etc.

Thumb jabalamel 11:39 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist information war department is halucinating about the existance of iranian information war department because they think everybody is like them.

they also want to revive the idea of federalism and cantons which is just another language for dividing lebanon

Thumb jabalamel 12:35 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist information war department believes that i cannot lie to all the people all the time, but somehow they can

Thumb profile 12:55 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

A brief profile of MarTadella on wikipedia: 
1) a hard-core supporter of the Failed Patriotic Movement, the "only secular" political bloc in lebanon.2) considers Berri a Mafioso, but Bassil and Aoun reformists.3) studied Greek Mythology when most people were still in diapers. 4) watched the movie 300, but NOT in Dahiyeh. 
5) owns his "own business", a hight tech start-up Basterma & Falafel stand in Bourj Hammoud, and another more private business selling "lingerie" to russian girls in Maameltein. 
6) a self-proclaimed "perfectionist" who only owns "original" DVDs and books.7) can read & Write…… hardly. 
7) supports democracy in the Arab World, but also supports the Syrian regime coz he is afraid about minorities' future like shia (but he is not shia….). Last but not least 8) a founding and **distinguished** member of the International Association of Certified Idiots (IACI).

Thumb jabalamel 13:18 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist information war department is so confused that they cannot distinguish who is working for them and who against them.

they also keep putting profile of sweating demon, now under different nickname, on naharnet comments section. they work on "we know who you are" tactics thinking that will scare anyone.

generally, they are so out of touch with the real world that it's really hard to guess where is the source of their halucinations. is it drugs? is it natural stupidity? or is it that zionism as a concept have a devastating effect on human mind?

Default-user-icon BBQ (ضيف) 14:07 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

lol @sweatadella:)))))

Default-user-icon buddy (ضيف) 14:12 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

@sweaty: seems profile really nailed you, buddy.

Default-user-icon sam (ضيف) 16:35 ,2012 كانون الثاني 09

cedar I Agreed With You 100%

Default-user-icon Cedar (ضيف) 14:37 ,2012 كانون الثاني 13

Christians should all join together in lebanon with a leader for the people