14 آذار: نتوسم خيرا بالسقوط الحتمي للنظام السوري في السنة الجديدة
Read this story in Englishأعلنت قوى 14 آذار أنها تتوسم خيرا "بالسقوط الحتمي للنظام السوري" في السنة الجديدة مؤكدة "إستمرار مسيرة ثورة الأرز" في النضال من أجل سيادة الدولة التامّة.
وقالت منسق الأمانة فارس سعيد بعد اجتماع لها ظهلا السبت "للسقوط الحتمي للنظام السوري تداعياتٍ أكيدة نتوسّمُ فيها الخير لجميع الأحرار والإستقلاليين الذين أطلقوا في لبنان من خلال إنتفاضة الإستقلال الشرارة الأولى لثورة الحريّة والكرامة والمجتمع المدني في العالم العربي".
وأكد سعيد استمرار القوى بالنضال من أجل "سيادة الدولة التامّة، بحيث لا يكون على الأراضي اللبنانية سلاحٌ غير سلاح الدولة، وسلطةٌ غير سُلطتها".
كما أكد ضرورة "وحدة الشعب اللبناني بمسلميه ومسيحييه، وبكل اتجاهاته ومشاربه، تحت سقف اتفاق الطائف الذي نصّ على المناصفة الإسلامية – المسيحية والحفاظ على إستقلال لبنان والسير تدريجاً في اتجاه الدولة المدنية، واستعادة الدور الفاعل للبنان في محيطه العربي" .
وإذ شدد على النضال حفاظا على "المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان في سبيل استقرار قائم على العدالة والقانون" لفت سعيد إلى وجوب "عودة الجميع إلى البيت اللبناني الذي سقفُه إتفاق الطائف وأرضيَتُه العيش الواحد ورسالتُه صون الإنسان وصون الديموقراطية فيه".
إلى ذلك، ذكر المجتمعون ان الربيع العربي أعاد "الكرامة الإنسانية" للمواطن العربي من تونس إلى ليبيا ومصر واليمن "وصولاً إلى الثورة السورية التي فرضت إحترامها على الجميع من خلال شجاعة الشعب السوري وصموده أمام آلـة القتل النظامية".
the halucinating party that used to represent sunni population in lebanon is now openly meddling into the affairs of other states.
@sweating_demon: I have decided to give you one and final chance of having a civilized debate about matters that concern my beloved country Lebanon (But I will totally ignore jabalamel and his underling). When you say "it's Lebanon they need to support..." I can't but stop at this hollow comment and wonder if you are actually trying to reflect the historical allegiance to foreign regimes that the traitors you support have exhibited over the last 30 years or are you being totally oblivious to other facts. My friend, and I am being genuine,it would be great if you can take this opportunity an realign your ideology and spend your energy supporting the groups that are hoping for an independent Lebanon
the filthy zionst information war department has tried to recruit a patriotic lebanese into their lines, but they failed once more.
It is regretful that the Lebanese have allowed, through the years, the Syrian regime and the Iranian regime to control so firmly the Lebanese scene.
It is now unavoidable that we have to wait for changes in Syria and in Iran to have any hope of retrieving the Lebanese sovereignty and of repositioning Lebanon on the right tracks of democratic recovery.
Great words that burn in the ears of demons and camels:
While hailing the Syrian people for “confronting the regime’s death machine,” the statement said that 2012 will witness “the inevitable collapse of the Syrian regime which will have repercussions that would set great hopes on the free and independent (people) who launched the Independence Uprising from Lebanon.”
syria will collapse
just listen to wahhab: a few weeks ago he stated that nothing was going on in syria now he is starting to admit that here is "a crisis"...
this clearly shows that this regime is in difficulty...
@sweating_satan: Let's dig thru history Mr brain washed, Who rebuilt the entire downtown Beirut after 30yrs war? you call it KSA money via Harriri and I call it it's done for the sake of the Country and its economy, in addition the latter rebuilt the Airport meanwhile your farm boys filth is still on both sides of the Airport road and assault the ISF every time they are told to stop the illegal building of houses. While one team has been always busy to rebuild the Country another team in 2006 kidnapped Israeli soldiers and created a mass destruction of the entire Infrastructure of the Lebanese state, these are facts you can't ignore and written in history whether you like it or not. One group has always been on the assassination/war/shabiha side, another group works with regional arab and non arab friends to rebuild the Country and strengthen its economy.
tell the M 14 leaders to think about the lebanese people and the worsening economic situation, instead of hopping collapse of other countries govermants.
as an opposition try introducing contructive ideas to combat the migration of the youth brain to other countries since year 1995
the filthy iranian information war department has tried to recruit a patriotic lebanese into their lines, but they failed once more.
the filthy zionist information war department is halucinating about the presence of iranian information war department.
they think everyone is like them.
i pity mfawaz and jabalahbal who live in lebanon amongst half of which are according to them jew traitors or zionists! your life must be really hard surrounded by so many traitors! don t you feel alone poor boys!
let s praise you for you seem to be the only true lebanese patriots! hurrah!
just bomb half lebanon then and you ll be among only true patriots!!!
aboulabed, I am not M8, I just prefer them over you and m14. They are no good, but thing is they are still better then you.