الحريري في ذكرى اغتيال جبران تويني: قضية جبران تسجل انتصارات في الوطن العربي

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أكد رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أن "قضية الحرية التي ناضل الشهيد جبران تويني من أجلها، ودفع حياته ثمنا للدفاع عنها، تسجل انتصارات غير مسبوقة في الوطن العربي، وتفتح أفاقا جديدة من العمل السياسي".

وقال الحريري في بيان صادر عن مكتبه الاعلامي اليوم الأحد، "نراهن على القضية التي دافع عنها جبران مع كل المؤمنين بالمسار الديمقراطي، وباليقظة الشعبية التي تشهدها سوريا خصوصا، وتحمل معها بشائر مرحلة تنهي زمنا طويلا من الهيمنة والفساد، وتؤسس لنظام مدني تعددي في مستوى طموحات الشعب السوري وتضحياته".

وجاء البيان في "الذكرى السادسة لاغتيال النائب الشهيد جبران تويني، وصوته ما زال يدوي في وجدان اللبنانيين الذين اجتمعوا في ساحة الحرية، وأطلقوا الشرارة الأولى للحراك الشعبي العربي في وجه سياسات التسلط والاستبداد".

واعتبر الحريري أن "القسم الذي أطلقه جبران في جموع اللبنانيين، ما زال يتردد صداه في كل مناسبة تحضر فيها قضية الحرية والعدالة، وقد شكل في حينه صرخة مدوية رددتها حناجر مئات الألوف، ردا على دعوات الانقسام والتجزئة ومحاولات الالتفاف على انتفاضة الاستقلال وشعاراتها".

وأقيم اليوم قداس احتفالي في كنيسة مار جاورجيوس في ساحة النجمة لمناسبة الذكرى السادسة لاغتيال جبران تويني، ترأسه متروبوليت بيروت وتوابعها للروم الارثوذكس المطران الياس عوده.

وقضى تويني في تفجير استهدف سيارته وهو في طريقه إلى مكتبه في جريدة "النهار"، في منطقة المكلس في 12 كانون الأول 2005.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon caligary (ضيف) 16:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 11

@ Elie.K, what a shame!, first your statement is twisted and does not make any sense, have some respect to his LIFE and what he died for, A CAUSE that will take you centuries to understand, one day you will realize your orange color will turn to more red and red Petty and Shame on you and all the people that have your ideology................

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (ضيف) 17:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 11

@Elie K: The leader that changes his words, agenda and motivation day in and day out like Aoun and Fadllalah have one single goal and dream: power due to self insecurity and they are tagged as liars and untrusted in the history books.
Dying as martyrs in the name of freedom is no shame and you would not understand it because your preacher is fake and enjoys living under the Syrian boots to survive without dignity.
God Bless All Lebanese Martyrs that passed away in the name of Truth and Freedom to defy the foreign enemy (Syria and Israel)

Default-user-icon Bashar did not listen now he will pay (ضيف) 19:16 ,2011 كانون الأول 11

Gibran Tueni: Open Letter to Bashar Assad

23 March 2000

Please forgive me for addressing you so frankly at this delicate and decisive time in the history of our region -- a moment that necessitates the utmost straightforwardness and candor. You have visited Lebanon several times and met with many politicians who have perhaps told you what you want to hear, not what you should hear about the opinions of many Lebanese regarding Syrian policy in Lebanon.
Many of these politicians speak more out of fear of Syria than love. However, we believe that fear can never help in uncovering the truth and in creating the kind of relationship we want. You must realize that many Lebanese are not at ease either with Syrian policy in Lebanon and or with the presence of Syrian troops in our country. This does not mean that these people are traitors or collaborators with Israel, as some have said...


Default-user-icon Murderous Bashar still wouldn't listen (ضيف) 19:23 ,2011 كانون الأول 11

Gebran Tueni to Assad and Lahoud: A Historic Appeal for a Historic Stand
Beirut, 03 Sep 04
Dear President Lahoud, we hope that you would reconsider your candidacy and take a courageous step so that you would go down in history as a hero who retracted and saved his country from a dangerous situation!

Dear President Assad,
We hope you would believe that all that has been said frankly and openly reflect the real situation and express the people's feelings. Since we know that Syria has the last word in these critical circumstances, we hope that you would reconsider what is happening especially that the Lebanese-Syrian relations, a major element of the strategic issues which you gave the utmost priority in your choices concerning the presidential election in Lebanon, are at their worst because of the bad political performance and the false reports...


Thumb arzz 22:53 ,2011 كانون الأول 11

Feedom of what and from whom? Being buddies with the west who are supporting the occupation in palestine and wanting to remove the lebanese resistance does not stand for freedom.

Sorry to say but M14 are pawns for the west to be used on their war on any form of resistance against israel.

Default-user-icon Caligary (ضيف) 10:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 12

@ Arzz, so you would rather follow Iran and Syria then...... we do not want any influence or interference in Lebanon from any party, country, group, etc.... Leave us alone let us work for Lebanon

Thumb arzz 06:25 ,2011 كانون الأول 13

Bashar is no good; But so is becoming allies with foreigners in order to destroy your countrymen in the south. So if you must oppose Syria even though they left then fine but do not help in the killings of other Lebanese. Killing is not only 1-way and direct as the assasinations; But also inclusive of political ties and activities that serves your brethern's enemies. So just as you accuse the others of assasinations, you also are guilty of involving foreigners and asking for the aid to get rid of other Lebanese.

Christian Lebanese American with a free mind