دمشق تتهم قناة آي.بي.سي الأميركية بتشويه تصريحات الأسد
Read this story in English
إتهمت سوريا الجمعة قناة اي.بي.سي الاميركية بتشويه تصريحات الرئيس بشار الاسد "عمدا"، خلال بثها مقابلة اجريت معه هذا الاسبوع.
وقال المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية السورية جهاد مقدسي في مؤتمر صحافي ان قناة اي.بي.سي "قامت بتشويه مضمون المقابلة التي أجرتها مع الرئيس الاسد من خلال عمليات مونتاج".
واضاف المتحدث ان القناة الاميركية "اقتطعت اجزاء من المقابلة بما يشكل حالة من التماهي بين ما بثته القناة وبين تصريحات المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الاميركية قبل بث المقابلة والتي عملت الخارجية السورية على تصويبها سابقا".
واوضح المتحدث السوري في المؤتمر الصحافي الذي عقده في مقر الوزارة "اعتقدنا أن القناة ستبث المقابلة بالطريقة المثلى التى تعكس ما قاله الرئيس الاسد ولكن ما جرى من تشويه لم يكن مفاجئا".
واضاف مقدسي "من حق كل قناة أن تقوم بمونتاج ولكن بما لا يؤدي الى تشويه المضمون وخاصة مع رئيس دولة وفي بلد مثل سوريا".
وكانت سوريا اعربت الاربعاء عن استهجانها من تصريحات المتحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية الاميركية متهمة اياه ب "تشويه" تصريحات الاسد.
وفي مقابلة مع اي.بي.سي نيوز وبثت الاربعاء، نفى الرئيس الاسد اي مسؤولية عن مقتل الاف المتظاهرين في سوريا، مؤكدا ان "مجنونا" هو من يصدر امرا باطلاق النار على شعبه.
ولئن اقر الرئيس الاسد ان عناصر من القوات المسلحة قد تكون مضت بعيدا في القمع، ففانه ناى بنفسه عن المسؤولية في ذلك ، وقال "انا رئيس، ولست املك البلاد. وهذه ليست قواتي" الخاصة. واضاف "هناك فارق بين قمع سياسي متعمد وبعض الاخطاء التي يرتكبها بعض المسؤولين".

You voluntarily gave an interview in english, and now your own words are being twisted? Now you pretend that weapons flowing into the country are the only reason for problems?

The end is near and the Assad family will pay dearly for their murderous regime.

Wow so ABC edits the interview with Asad to make him look evil, yet Syrian is supposed to allow "free access" to all the "free and independent" media? It's a good thing our Syrian government isn't so stupid! There is no such thing as free and independent media. NO SUCH THING!!!

Don't shoot the messenger..
ABC's Barbara Walters - Assad interview did not pay the dividend Assad was expecting. Assad appeared out of touch from reality, as if in Alice Wonderland.
The Assad propaganda machine is trying to downplay the negative publicity by attacking a veteran journalist and calling foul, describing Assad as 'Appalled and Saddened', seeking mercy.
Like his sire, Assad is ruthless and bloodthirsty; however, the table have turned and the hunter has become hunted...

The Honorable exit is the acquisition of a nice villa in the suburbs of Teheran, for an early retirement, with plenty of books on ophthalmology to read.

Ibnaljabal, im not defending Bachar as i dont like him at all , but i dont think he is the one pulling the strings, everybody says that his brother in-law Assef Shawkat and his cousin i think Maher el Assad are the strongest men in the country, stronger than Bachar, and he cannot do anything anyway because it got out of his hands and he is not the one in control, what he said to cnn was true, that he isnt responsible for what is happening for his people, because its Assef and Maher leading the killings, he is trying to buy himself in exit like you said, but for himself only , and thats why when Cnn aired what assad said, it would have upset of course Assef and Shawkat, seeing that Bachar is saying he is not responsible, already preparing an exit only for himself if he is caught one day by Interpol or other. Soon enough you are going to see that big heads in the syrian authority will fall , all of them need someone to blame. remember Ghazi Kanaan.

Israel will exit its current crisis, and the Jewish population which it represents will find security for person, property, and heritage, by placing its criminals on trial for genocide and associated crimes, such as the prolonged attempt to drive Palestinians insane by systematic mistreatment like this Gingrich comment.
It is necessary for the endurance of Jewishness as a culture and Judaism as a religion that these criminals be judged humanely. There is nothing Jewish about genocide. Judaism is not the religion that mocks the dignity of reason expressing itself in law. Israel as a whole is thus a sin and a crime.
Let this be made clear so that international legal institutions can then turn to the "collateral criminals". If you put Assad on trial, maybe the entire Christian leadership of Lebanon should be put on trial for selling out Arab interests to France, and what about Saudi Hariri? Which is the biggest criminal? Start there. Don't economize on truth.