ريفي ينتقد "العراضة العسكرية" لحزب الله في الضاحية: ما حصل برسم عون والحكومة

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انتقد وزير العدل السابق اللواء أشرف ريفي "العراضة المسلحة" التي نفذها حزب الله في الضاحية الجنوبية أمس الجمعة، معتبرا أن هذا المشهد يؤكد "استقالة الدولة لمصلحة الدويلة".

وقال ريفي في بيان صدر عنه السبت "بدلاً من أن تتولى القوى الأمنية وهي قادرة على ذلك، إجتثاث مروِّجي آفة المخدرات والممنوعات، شاهدنا أمس مظهراً يؤكد على إستقالة الدولة لمصلحة الدويلة، في الأمن والسيادة وتطبيق القانون، من خلال العراضة المسلحة التي نفَّذها حزب الله في الضاحية الجنوبية والتي دلَّت للمرة الألف على التناقض الذي يعبِّر عنه هذا الحزب مع الدولة ومؤسساتها".

عليه، وجه ريفي سؤالا الى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون الذي ترأس أمس إجتماعاً امنياً في القصر الجمهوري لضبط الوضع الامني.

وسأل "هل ما قاله عن عدم قدرة الجيش اللبناني على الدفاع عن لبنان ، بات ينطبق أيضاً على القوى الأمنية، وهل هي غير قادرة أيضاً، تِبعاً لنفس المنطق، على حماية الأمن الإجتماعي للبنانيين".

وأضاف "السؤال نفسه برسم الحكومة مجتمعة، وبرسم وزيرَي الداخلية والدفاع تحديداً".

وخلص ريفي الى القول "ينتظر اللبنانيون من المسؤولين إجاباتٍ واضحة حول ما حصل، وسنتابع هذا الموضوع حتى النهاية".

وتداول ناشطون عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مجموعة من الصورة لعناصر بزي أسود ومقنعين، قالوا انهم عناصر من "حزب الله" انتشروا مساء اليوم في برج البراجنة بهدف مكافحة عصابات مروجي المخدرات والمخلين بالأمن.

التعليقات 38
Thumb ex-fpm 15:15 ,2017 نيسان 01

it must be the complimentary plan to Nuhad Al Mashnouq's 20th security plan for dahieh;)

Thumb mahdi-firuz-berhouz 18:00 ,2017 نيسان 01


simply genius, simply legendary!

the way you present arguments leave them dizzy and bewildered.

In other words, you are some sing anazar flamesrower!

Thumb justin 15:19 ,2017 نيسان 01

the irony,... uprooting drug dealers and they are the drug dealers themselves. This has nothing to do with drug dealers and everything to do with undermining the state.

Bless you Aoun, Bless you Hariri and all the ruling corrupt class.

Missing patriot10 15:24 ,2017 نيسان 01

They are uprooting the rivals

Thumb Mystic 17:04 ,2017 نيسان 01

Jews and Gulf Arabs best friends.


Missing peace 17:32 ,2017 نيسان 01

your point? you boast that iran still has jews living there so your remark applies to them too , no? LOL

Thumb Mystic 18:20 ,2017 نيسان 01

Those jews are visiting Bahrain from Israel, they are not natives of Bahrain saudi peace.

Thumb justin 18:43 ,2017 نيسان 01

Israeli leaders meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in NYC

Thumb Mystic 19:04 ,2017 نيسان 01

If they are Israeli leaders, then why so they carry Palestinian Flag badges on their chest?

Some Jews are actually anti Israel you see.

Missing peace 19:11 ,2017 نيسان 01

'Those jews are visiting Bahrain from Israel, they are not natives of Bahrain saudi peace."

oh? really? it says in the article that you have not read it seems = "The Muslim monarchy of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa held a candle lighting ceremony on Saturday night attended by the local Jewish community"

"local community", not visiting bahrain...you did not read that? poor miss tic always caught in his propaganda....

Thumb ashtah 19:45 ,2017 نيسان 01

mystic was born with lies in his mouth; a lousy propagandist.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 23:54 ,2017 نيسان 01

Mystic throwing in an irrelevant topic so people do not talk about the usurpation of power by Hizbollah state

Thumb Kalzyturks 03:48 ,2017 نيسان 02

I don't usually comment much but That Mystic was A Fail.

Thumb thepatriot 05:45 ,2017 نيسان 02

You're an Idiot Mystic!

Thumb liberty 05:48 ,2017 نيسان 02

the article is about an iranian terrorist murdering militia parading its criminals right under the nose of the Lebanese state and its security agencies and the devil worshiper from iran quotes an article about jews meeting in Bahrain !


Thumb Mystic 14:17 ,2017 نيسان 02

Cry with Rifi guys, that's all you people are good for.

Thumb EagleDawn 15:21 ,2017 نيسان 01

but when asked why the terrorist iranian party does not arrest the criminals and drug dealers in the Bekaa, @mowateh answered :

It's not their job. The resistance is not the police"

Missing patriot10 15:24 ,2017 نيسان 01

Where are the drones when we néed them the most?

Thumb galaxy 15:27 ,2017 نيسان 01

Ashraf Rifi God Bless you
Down with the iranian hezbollah

Thumb Mystic 16:24 ,2017 نيسان 01

Rifi is ISIS, and we are all well aware of that.

Missing peace 16:41 ,2017 نيسان 01

we are all aware that all against hezbis are isis or zionists for you... so who cares what you bark?

Thumb galaxy 16:47 ,2017 نيسان 01

looool @ 'we" as in heretics

Thumb Mystic 16:48 ,2017 نيسان 01

Heretics are ISIS, and you people support ISIS. You both follow the same wahabism sect.

So it make sense, you are the ones barking about weapons, but in reality we all know without the Resistance weapons, you would've opened Lebanon up for ISIS and Israel.

Thumb Mystic 16:48 ,2017 نيسان 01

Saudi dogs are good barkers.

Thumb Mystic 17:05 ,2017 نيسان 01

So what else are You? Of course you are one of the things, just be honest.

Missing peace 17:27 ,2017 نيسان 01

once again you just prove my point, your binary mind just bugged again....

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 18:03 ,2017 نيسان 01

the article is about hizballah in dahieh not raqqa ya troll:))))

lulz @flame the muffin man

Missing peace 18:54 ,2017 نيسان 01

@ muffinman:

SO? your point? what do i have to do with arabdemocrat? your brain bugs too it seems...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 00:48 ,2017 نيسان 02

Dishonest muffinbrain, I dare you to show the link so people can see the context. And no I do not support ISIS and think that they are a despicable organization. And yes, under ISIS Raqqa was one of the safest cities because ISIS and the regime had a deal

Thumb thepatriot 05:48 ,2017 نيسان 02

lool oompa!

Thumb i.report 15:43 ,2017 نيسان 01

It's all about opportunism. Rome collapsed , islam took its place in the Middle East and North Africa.. Byzance collapsed, again Islam took its place. More recently Germany collapsed, the USSR took it place, when the USSR collapsed, NATO took its place in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. On a smaller scale, the Lebanese state collapsed because of the civil war, and Hezbola took its place. If anyone needs proof, they run a parallel economy, telecom, military, but they are cursed because they remain a minority in terms of demographics. For those who dream of a united country, wake up, Iran will never allow it and we will have to fight Iran and Hezbalaflouz if we really want it .

Missing peace007 18:19 ,2017 نيسان 01

Rifi is a secterian troublemaker.

Thumb justin 18:39 ,2017 نيسان 01

anybody who criticizes your iranian militia is a sectarian trouble maker

Thumb marcus 18:45 ,2017 نيسان 01

Rifi Criticizes 'Hizbullah's Armed Appearance' in Dahiyeh

and that makes him sectarian ya heretic???

Thumb ashtah 19:46 ,2017 نيسان 01

to a shia from iran, yes :)

Thumb EagleDawn 21:03 ,2017 نيسان 01

peace007 Yesterday
That type of language gets us nowhere. Time to work together for the sake of the ordinary citizen.

Thumb barrymore 21:41 ,2017 نيسان 01


Thumb shab 23:53 ,2017 نيسان 01

And there you have it, picture of a filthy murdering militia. They know it, and therefore hide their face.