باريس: الأسد لن يفلت من العدالة وتصريحاته تتناقض مع استمرار العنف
Read this story in Englishاعلنت وزارة الخارجية الفرنسية الخميس ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الذي نفى في مقابلة تلفزيونية الاربعاء اي مسؤولية في قتل الاف المتظاهرين في سوريا "لن يفلت من العدالة".
وصرح وزير الخارجية الفرنسي برنار فاليرو خلال لقاء صحافي ان "فرنسا لا تعطي اي مصادقية للتصريحات التحريضية لبشار الاسد" والتي "تتناقض بشكل كامل مع استمرار اعمال القمع والعنف ضد الشعب السوري".
واضاف ان "شعبه والاسرة الدولية حاكماه وككل المسؤولين عن القمع، يجب محاسبته على الجرائم المرتكبة في سوريا منذ اشهر"، منددا برفض دمشق الرد على مطالب الجامعة العربية والاسرة الدولية.
وكان الاسد اكد في المقابلة مع قناة ايه بي سي نيوز الاربعاء "نحن لا نقتل شعبنا. ليس من حكومة في العالم تقتل شعبها، الا اذا كانت تحت قيادة شخص مجنون".
وادت اعمال القمع بحسب الامم المتحدة الى وقوع اكثر من اربعة الاف قتيل وعشرات الاف الجرحى والمفقودين او المعتقلين.
After I heard Assad on ABC news and his reasoning along with his 2 times laughing I really changed my mind as to whether he's guilty of killing his people. Earlier I said that he might have been unaware of the killing and that the military were holding him hostage to their end which appears to be rather unfoiunded. Assad was totally unconvincing in the interview and his reasonings were very weak, save at all credible. If Assad trhinks that he still could govern Syria even if he was able to exterminate all those who revolt against him, he is very mistaken. Syria will never be the same after all these killings. What amazes me is the fact that this guy whom I considered educated and rational has not learnt anything from the situation in Lebanon. What desturbs me though is the fact that he doesn't have any exit which means that he will fight to the end which will entail many more innocent lives being shed by the Syrian people for attaining freedom.
God bless the Syrian people.
Bashar Assad, during his interview with Barbra Walters, finally exposed himself as the habitual liar he is and always been. He blamed the "government" for killing the Syrians which in effect saying that his brother, his brother-in-law and the Alawite generals are doing the killing. The level of cowardness he showed in remarkable. Perhaps knowing that his end in near, he is blaming his "government" for murdering the Syrian nationals. He should change his name the Bashar the poodle.
Gadhafi, Mubarak, Saddam, Saleh, and others LOL'd themselves to oblivion. So, will the butcher of Damascus. He will face justice, or justice will be "inserted" in him.
The justice for the murdered is who's justice he will not escape. By the way why did he choose to follow the path of Saddam and Qaddafi and do an interview with the west just before their fall? Why did he allow a Zionist to question him? If he is so innocent why doesn't he allow the world media in to see how innocent he is?
Inchallah I can tie the rope his giraffe neck gets put in.
after what they did in lebanon, justice is already working, but it's just the beginning.. another ten years minimum and around 150/ 200 thousand casualties.....assad or no assad the regime of antan is finished, the syrians are already experiencing their own medicine.
France playing and talking tough but cannot do anything without US. Nice to see that you prefer musilm brotherhood and salafis over Assad. I hope they come to haunt you next.
The only reason of the US/France reluctance IDIOTS is israel, that is the truth. If Assad was such a threat to the US they can take him down in 24 hours idiots. Some idiots here amaze me.. they talk of Assad like he is the USSR or something when he has a piece of shit army only good to kill civilans. The real reason idiots behind the change in the US position is the SYRIAN PEOPLE who are not gona back off and the US and the WORLD can not ignore the massacres in 2011 because yes the people of the west and civilized world do not tolerate such atrocities. The delay in ousting Assad is to ensure a favorable outcome thats all.. in other words he is finished.. what you really ought to do is ask israel to protect him.
@realist : i guess you are right. you see in this case that israel is only a pretext for those extermist to justify their existence.
as you pointed out, assad is the best protector of the peace with israel, as a "resistant" he never shot a bullet to free the golan heights! he prefers to preserve his country and let lebanon support all the consequences!