الحريري: ألف خطاب كخطاب نصرالله لن يلغي اعتراف الدولة بالمحكمة

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رأى رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أن "ألف خطاب من مثل خطاب الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، لن يلغي اعتراف الدولة بالمحكمة ومسارها".

وعلق الحريري في بيان صادر عن مكتبه الاعلامي الجمعة، على خطاب نصرالله في ذكرى عاشوراء والذي خصصه للشأن السياسي أمس الخميس، "خطاب نصرالله عبر عن انزعاجه الشديد من تمويل المحمكة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان"، مضيفا أن "التمويل حصل وهو ساهم في حصوله".

وسأل "كيف تغطي قيادة الحزب وأمينه العام ومجلس الشورى فيه تمويل محكمة يقولون أنها اسرائيلية؟ أليس من المنطق أن يقال بعد ذلك أن تمويل محكمة يرددون أنها اسرائيلية هو خيانة وطنية تقتضي إحالة من يغطيها إلى القضاء اللبناني واتهام من يقبل بالبقاء في حكومة تمولها بأنه شاهد زور؟".

وأضاف في البيان أن نصرالله "عبر عن انزعاجه من الحجم السياسي للرئيس الحريري".

وأشار إلى أن نصرالله "طالب رئيس الحكومة بمقايضة تمويل المحكمة بدفتر شروط سياسي وإداري له وللتيار الوطني الحر. وهو دفتر شروط يضع البلاد من جديد في مناخ الاحتقان السياسي الذي يدعي صاحب الخطاب التبرؤ منه، فيما هو يستدرج البلاد إليه بكل كلمة ينطق بها".

وقال الحريري في البيان أن "أي هبة تحصل عليها الدولة تتطلب موافقة مجلس الوزراء وتصبح بالتالي جزءا لا يتجزأ من المال العام الذي هو مال الشعب اللبناني".

وكان نصرالله قد صرح أن "التمويل يجب أن يتحقق من أموال الهبات العربية وغير العربية وليس من جيوب اللبنانيين"، واعتبر الحريري أن هذا "مجرد كلام لا معنى له ولا قيمة قانونية أو دستورية له".

وكان قد أعلن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي صباح الأربعاء أنه "حول حصة لبنان من تمويل المحكمة" إلى لاهاي، وذلك دون اللجوء إلى طرح الملف في مجلس الوزراء.

ومن جهته، نفى نصرالله أمس قبول "حزب الله" بتمويل المحكمة وجدد رفضه إياها معتبرا أنها "ما زالت محكمة اسرائيلية – أميركية حتى إثبات العكس"، إلا أنه استدرك بالقول أنه "لن نخلق مشكلة في البلد".

التعليقات 10
Thumb charbel 15:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

Nasrallah needed to save face when confronted with the STL funding. Refusing to fund it would have had a lot of repercussions, specially on the economic level, which would have had the worst possible effect on Hizbullah and mostly Aoun and Miqati's perspectives in the next elections in Lebanon. The Lebanese people would not tolerate leaders that bring poverty, and in the same time injustice. Hizballah is fighting on so many different fronts, they have their inner statelet to defend, they are building an infrastructure since decades to use in case of any future civil war in Lebanon, they are being criticized for all the illegal practices and the bypassing of the law. They are a hardline islamist entity but at the same time preaching against islamists in Syria (not in Egypt). The worse of all, the funding coming from Iran is vastly reduced, and the support they had from the Syrian dictator not only vanished, but they are now trying to support Bashar rather.

Missing peace 15:44 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

funny how the M8 seem now to approve the STL funding!
last week they were fiercly against it threatening of a civil war or of resigning...

now that bashar told them to finance it they are claiming for victory!!

the irony is that they claim that hariri was ready to abandon the STL but they refused that and funded the STL which they say is an american israeli plot!!!

they are so illogical and so low in front of their master bashar...just cowards!

Thumb geha 16:00 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

hizbushaitan is building its infrastructure in preparation for its canton. they care less about the country.
clearly, yesterday in his speech, nasrallah was upset with one thing only: his inability to divide the sunnis like he divided the christians. hizbushaitan interest strategy is divide and conquer. a strong sunni coalition is not what he wants, and this is why they are providing support to miqati.
all this to say, they are preparing their canton which will be surrounded by areas where they have some presence through their allies.

Default-user-icon Someone (ضيف) 20:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

Hariri is a joke, enough said! LOL!

Thumb shab 20:48 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

Was it a cowardly televised speech from a rat hole?

Missing people-power 21:30 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

Sweating Demon...... interesting reasoning..... you must be a debate champion at the propaganda school.

First of all, your comments rely on the opinion of a known liar, this information is one-sided and not accurate.

Secondly the sewer dweller did not say that Saad agreed to sign a paper that ends the STL's work on the Rafik Hariri file. Here's what he said:

"certain countries were willing to sponsor an agreement to end (Lebanon’s) cooperation with the tribunal"

Other country's "sponsorship" of this proposal does not mean Saad Hariri agreed to it.

Furthermore, ending Lebanon's cooperation with the STL does not cancel the STL. The STL would still continue with or without Lebanon's cooperation.

And most importantly, where did you get the reasoning that something "must be true" if one person makes a statement and the other person doesn't refute it?

If someone makes a false claim, and if that claim is not refuted, it doesn't mean that false claim is true. Get real

Missing peace 21:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

logic of hezbollah: we want hariri out, we want no STL.

hariri is out by the force of their arms, but still they financed the STL which they qualify as an israeli plot when as a governing party they could have cancelled!!!
so they are financing the israeli plot against themselves! so funny!
keep on clowns you make lebanon and the whole world laugh at you!

ah yes it s like when they say that bashar is a resistant against israel but never fired a single shot towards them! i got the logic now!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 22:29 ,2011 كانون الأول 02

the devil in bilad el arz has two faces:
the wahaby salafist represented by saado.. and the faqihi farsis represented by hassoun

Missing just_think 01:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 03

Call it what you will, at the end of the day the Hizb controlled government made a strategic decision to fund the STL. Nasrallah can come out and say that he didn't support this, but we know it would not have happened without his approval.
The PM already said he would resign if he didn't get approval for STL, and that never happened. So to claim that Miqati did this all on his own is silly.

Nasrallah continues to insult our intelligence by telling us stories and thinking that we are silly enough to believe him.

Missing peace 17:07 ,2011 كانون الأول 03

@sweating boy = bla bla bla....