عون امام وفد نسائي سوري:على الشعب السوري المطالبة بالحوار وليس بالعنف
Read this story in Englishدعا رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون الشعب السوري الى "المطالبة بالحوار وليس بالعنف".
وقال خلال امام وفد نسائي سوري في الرابية "لسنا بحاجة لا في سوريا ولا في لبنان الى صناديق الرصاص بل نحتاج الى صناديق الاقتراع"، محذراً "الشعب السوري من تكرار تجربتنا في السبعينات".
وشدد عون على أن "الحوار مطلوب وعندما نتنازل عن شيء يريدون أكثر وهدف العدو رأس النظام، وليس المطلوب فقط الاصلاح"، متسائلاً "لماذا العنف واللجوء الى الخارج؟ في حين أن الخارج يحقق أهداف هي ليست أهدافنا؟".
وتابع: "نحن وإياكم من جذور واحدة وثقافتنا واحدة ومن هنا نساهم بتنوير الرأي العام كي لا يقع فريسة الارهاب والخوف من الدول العظمى التي تحاول تغيير خريطة المنطقة"ز
وسأل عون "كيف أصدق المجتمع الدولي أنه يريد حقوق الانسان ويدعم الحركة العنفية في سوريا، مشيراً الى أن العنف ليس لمصلحة المواطن السوري".
وختم بالاشارة الى اشياء ثلاث يجب الحفاظ عليها للعيش مطمئنين، وهي حرية المعتقد الديني والسياسي، وحرية التعبير بحرية ضمن سقف الحقيقة لا ضمن الدعاية والكذب، وحق الاختلاف بيننا".
"No the Lebanese people can not forget that Syria has occupied their country for almost thirty years, destroyed its institutions, stole its fortunes, forced its youth to emigration, messed with its delicate demographic balance, enslaved, persecuted, kidnapped, imprisoned and killed thousands and thousands of innocent civilians. "
Michel Aoun 1998
"How can Lebanese people forget that Hezbollah, Lebanon's major threat, was and still is, nurtured, sponsored and used by Syria and Iran?
Michel Aoun 1998
"On the issue of the Shebaa Farms, the Syrian regime created a pretext not to disarm its allied militias, which it has used to maintain tensions at the Lebanese southern borders and terrorize those Lebanese citizens demanding the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanese soil. "
Michel Aoun 1998
And Finally, the cherry on the cake:
"I am personally convinced that the return of free democracy to Lebanon is also the return of the true image of the United Sates of America. This will pay genuine homage to the memory of the fallen Americans who gave their lives for the defense of freedom and democracy in Lebanon. They came to Lebanon for peace and real peace must be achieved; God bless their souls."
Michel Aoun 1998
Can someone explain to that cretin that the idea is for the Syrian to fight in order for them to be allowed to have ballot boxes? This guy is Marie-Antoinette: Qu'ils mangent des Barazi'!
أخيراً، لم يعد لدى السوريين من رجال في النظام حتى ارسلوا نساء للقاء عووو ن.
وعرفوا انه هذا هو مستواه مع كل احترامي للنساء
Aoun uses the same cliches of the totalitarian regimes that he subjugated himself to. " ...terror and fear, imposed by major powers..." !? then he pretend to be democratic by asking the Syrian people to be "... using ballots not bullets... "!?
Again, the problem is not as much in him being an opportunist with no ethics or principles as in those who follow him and repeat his fallacies!
General... You ruined Lebanon once, and are ruining it again... Please go to syria, maybe you'll help ruining it faster
Ballot boxes?? What are they fighting for then Mon General? Go tell that to your master, maybe he'll listen to you, and let him try some of your meds.
By the way, thought the Syrian crisis was over? Ah, now we know, you just don't know what you're saying when you miss them (the meds) for one day.
are you serious mate.. they were right when they said that you need a mental hospital... PJ coward
why dont you ask hizballah to surrender their arms to the lebanese army?who are you to talk to the syrian people? they are getting bombed by the syrian regime that destroyed lebanon. you know exactly how the syrian people feel .
You want your boss to stay in power so you can stay . thats the only reason you are talking . you do not care about the lebanese now you tell me you care about the syrian people? what an IDIOT.
Too late
You just woke up with statement which was basic reality in the whole modern today's world.
The Syrian inherited Elite lost their vision and can not see the world in today's face
Leave them alopne design their own fuiture....ballots, Bullets, round table...it is their issue and their problem.
the original cable of a meeting between Aoun and Deputy Chief of Mission of the US embassy in France.
I though that he said that the whole conflict in Syria would end sometime las week, and now proposing parties to resort to dialogue... This guy always bets on the looser. He is one.
“No man can serve two masters: he will either hate the first and love the second, or be attached to the first and despise the second” ...
Your Master is Syria.....Go there w 7ill 3anna....
How the hell do you resort to the ballot box when there are no free elections and only one party to vote for? Idiot.
Aoun's days are numbered. His gang consisting of his immediate family will become like the son of Lahood who became an MP once and later disappeared. Aoun will be in a similar position struggling for air. I guess he was stupid to change sides all the time. I guess I never liked him as he is full of himself.
Stupid guys always fall and their fall is destructive.